
  • 网络Shunde Polytechnic
  1. 顺德职业技术学院以人为本办学理念与实践的意义

    School-running Conception of Human-based and Implementation at Shunde Polytechnic

  2. 高职院校教学督导工作职能定位与实践&以顺德职业技术学院为例

    Function Orientation of Teaching Supervision in Higher Vocational Colleges : An Example from Shunde Polytechnic

  3. 深化高职院校文化素质教育的探索&以顺德职业技术学院为例

    Exploration of deepening cultural quality education of higher vocational education & Take Shunde Polytechnic as an example

  4. 顺德职业技术学院图书馆自动化系统现状及调研

    The Present Situation of the Automation System of the Library of Shunde Vocational and Technical College and the Investigation

  5. 对高职学生实施哲学素质教育的实践与探索&以顺德职业技术学院为例

    Practice and Exploration on the Application of Philosophic Education for All-round Development to the Vocational College Students : An Example from Shunde Polytechnic

  6. 提高认识,强化管理,全面提升教育教学质量&顺德职业技术学院教学质量管理探索与实践

    Sharpen Awareness , Strengthen Management , Improve Teaching Quality Completely & Probe into and practice of the management of teaching quality in Shunde Polytechnic

  7. 第二种以顺德职业技术学院为代表的以技能应用型为导向,注重培养技能应用专业人才为核心的课程设置模式。

    The second kind of vocational technical college in shunde represented by skills of applied as the guidance , pays attention to the cultivation of professional talents as the core abilities of curriculum mode .

  8. 依据顺德职业技术学院的重点专业、特色专业以及佛山市顺德区地方产业特色,论述了顺德职业技术学院图书馆特色馆藏建设的必要性、内容及意义。

    According to emphases subject , characteristic specialty and district industry in Shunde district , this article discussed the necessity , content and significance of special collection construction in the library of Shunde Polytechnic Institute .