
  1. 浅谈广东轻工职业技术学院南海校区设计常州轻工职业技术学院

    Design of Nanhai school area of Guangdong light industry professional college

  2. 广东陶瓷职业技术学院规划概述及思考

    Summarization and Thinking of the Planning of Guangdong Chinaware Professional Technology College

  3. 高职专业实习组织管理调查分析与研究&对广东农工商职业技术学院学生实习组织管理问题的调研思考

    An Investigation and Analysis of Practice Organizational Management of Higher Vocational Speciality

  4. 解读建筑漫游动画&以广东轻工职业技术学院为例

    Unscramble the Architectural Vagile Cartoon-Take Guangdong Industry Technical College As an Example

  5. 基于层次分析法的多校区高校管理决策研究&以广东农工商职业技术学院为例

    Study of Multi-campus College Management Decision-making Based on AHP

  6. 协同发展观念下的广东高等职业技术学院校园规划设计研究

    The Study on Synergetics Development and Design of Guangdong Vocational and Technical College

  7. 浅谈广东农工商职业技术学院增城校区校园网建设

    Briefing on the Construction of Guangdong Agriculture Industry Business Polytechnic College Campus Network

  8. 广东轻工职业技术学院南海校区景观文化设计浅议

    Study on the Landscape Cultural of the Nanhai Campus of Guangdong Industry Technical College

  9. 实践先进文化代表扎实提高教育质量&兼谈广东农工商职业技术学院练好内功,严格管理,以质取胜的办学方针

    Practice Representative of Advanced Culture Improve Education Quality

  10. 试论高职院校毕业生的就业期望值&以广东轻工职业技术学院为例

    On Undergraduates ' Employment Expectations from Higher Vocational College & Addressing the Case of Guangdong Industry Technical College

  11. 随着校园网中提供的应用服务越来越多,分散验证给用户管理和操作带来许多不便,本文针对这一现状,根据广东轻工职业技术学院的实际网络环境,提出了统一身份认证系统的解决方案。

    Distributed authentication brings some inconvenience on user management by the increasing application services provided by the campus network .

  12. 通过广东女子职业技术学院文秘专业在实践教学方面采取的措施,探讨了如何构建培养文秘人才的实践教学体系。

    This article wants to construct a practical teaching system by discussing the secretary specialty teaching practice in Guangdong Women 's Polytechnic College .

  13. 根据笔者多年金工实训教学实践,文中论述了广东交通职业技术学院从中专学校升为高职高专院校后对金工实训教学方法进行的改革性探索与实践。

    In the educational metalworking trainings process after many years , the new reformed educational methods from technical secondary school to Polytechnic are put forward in this paper .

  14. 以广东交通职业技术学院图书馆为例,调查了高职院教师文献信息需求和使用情况,提出了满足教师文献信息需求的对策。

    Investigation and analysis are given to the use and demands of polytechnic teachers for documents information . Some countermeasures meeting for teachers ' documents information demands are put forward .

  15. 该文结合广东农工商职业技术学院产学合作的实践经验,归纳出产学合作2+0.5+0.5模式、运作机制以及实践教学效果。

    This paper , based on the practical experience of Guangdong AIB Polytechnic College , proposes a " 2 + 0.5 + 0.5 " model in combining learning with industry .

  16. 文中以广东交通职业技术学院为例,通过对金融海啸下高职毕业生就业现状的分析和研究,提出了促进高职毕业生就业的长效机制和应急措施。

    Based on the analysis of talents structure , and the employment situation of college graduates at present , this paper proposes that the location of college graduates is mainly in service industry .

  17. 该文从金融企业的用人机制、广东农工商职业技术学院金融专业的办学实际出发,探究在我校金融专业实施订单培养教育模式的可行性。

    This article tries to expound the feasibility of implementing " order-education " mode in international finance major , by analyzing the reality of Guangdong AIB polytechnic college in managing financial major and financial institutions .

  18. 本文以广东纺织职业技术学院校园网络为例,分析网络遭受雷击的主要途径,提出了电源防雷、信号防雷及等电位连接设计实施方案。

    Taking the campus network of Guangdong Textile Polytechnic Institute for example , this paper analyzes the main ways of how the network is hit by thunderstrike and puts forward the enforcing schemes of power lightning protection , signal lightning protection and the designing of equipotential connection .

  19. 广东水利电力职业技术学院从化校区校园规划

    Conghua Campus Planning of Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering

  20. 广东省轻工职业技术学院实训中心大楼设计随笔

    The essay of the design of the training center in Guangdong light - Industry Technical Institute

  21. 实现我国高职院校毕业生充分就业的路径选择以广东省为例示范性高职院校校企结合的本土化探索以广东轻工职业技术学院为例

    The Approach Choice to Realize Full Employment of Higher Vocational University Graduates & Taking Guangdong Province as an Example ; Discussion on localization of higher vocational school cooperating with enterprise