
  1. 朱明国表示,一部分被侵占的土地将在5月1日前归还乌坎村。

    Mr Zhu said part of the land seized would be returned to communal ownership by May 1 .

  2. 知情人士透露称,这起调查与广东省前政协主席朱明国有关。

    A source close to the matter said the probe was related to the case of Zhu Mingguo former top political advisor of Guangdong .

  3. 知情人士透露称,廖锋与朱明国关系密切,在广东省纪委和社会工作委员会,朱一直是廖的上级。

    The source said Liao was close to Zhu , who was Liao 's superior for many years in the anti-corruption authority and the social work committee system .