
  1. 因而,媒体资产管理(MediaAssetManagement,MAM)是当前广播电视行业所面临的一个重要问题。

    So , MAM ( Media Asset Management ) become the first problem must be resolved of the broadcast and TV industry .

  2. 国内广播电视行业尤其是各级专业电视台对于新的制播体系结构的探索已有多年,对于应用SOA架构的实践也有一些实践。

    Domestic radio and television industries , especially for professional TV Station , based on broadcast architecture exploration for many years , the practice of SOA architecture for the application there are some practices .

  3. HD-SDI作为广播电视行业高清信号的主要传输接口,用来传输无压缩高清晰数字视频。

    HD-SDI is the main transport interface of HD signals in radio and television industry , used for transmitting uncompressed high definition digital video .

  4. 利奇是一家为广播电视行业的高性能视频系统的全球领导者。

    Leitch is a global leader in providing high-performance video systems for the television broadcast industry .

  5. 而在中国广播电视行业中,湖南卫视的品牌经营却可以说是一个奇迹。

    In Chinese broadcast TV industry the brand management of Hunan Satellite Television Station is a miracle .

  6. 本文对广播电视行业综合业务管理系统主要的模式类和控制器类进行了详细的设计。

    The complete design of both Model classes and Controller classes were given in detail in this paper .

  7. 近几年,虚拟广告系统在全球广播电视行业中得到广泛的应用。

    The virtual advertisement systems have been used in the field of broadcast and television in the world .

  8. 但是,以什么样的标准来选拔和培养人才是广播电视行业关注的一个问题。

    But to what kind of standard to selection and training of talents is attention for radio and TV industry .

  9. 随着广播电视行业的发展,广播电视管理和维修部门对电视信号场强测量仪器也提出了很多新的要求。

    With the developing of televise , some new functions of TV level measurer are in more and more need .

  10. 媒体资产管理是当前广播电视行业所面临的一个重要问题,其核心是媒体资产的存储体系。

    Media Asset Management is an important problem which broadcast and television industry have to face currently , the keystone is the storage system .

  11. 广播电视行业作为三网融合的主体之一,在三网融合的进程中,与电信之间充满了竞争与合作。

    As one of the main body of the Triple Play , Radio and Television industry has the competition and cooperation with Telecommunication in the process of the Triple Play .

  12. 本文介绍了计算机局域网和相关的数据通讯标准的概念,指出了广播电视行业对其应用中应注意的一些问题。

    This paper introduces the concepts of computer LAN and related data communication standards , and points out some problems that should be paid attention to in application to radio and TV industry .

  13. 伴随着三网融合的演进,广播电视行业也开始涉足宽带行业,与电信行业的竞争日渐白热化。

    With the evolution of triple play , radio and television industry also began to get involved in the broadband industry . At same time , there is increasingly intense competition in the telecommunications industry .

  14. 聚焦年度关键词把脉广电新发展&2006年度中国广播电视行业十大科技关键词评选结果揭晓

    Focusing on Key Words of the Year and Feeling Pulse of Radio and TV New Development & Result of " Selecting Ten Major Key Scientific and Technological Words in China Radio and TV Industry for 2006 "

  15. 互动电视作为一种全新的节目形式,成为广播电视行业的发展方向之一,而互动电视接收机顶盒也成为近年来研究的热点。

    Interactive television ( ITV ) as a new form of TV programs has become a direction of broadcast trade development , at the same time the study of the interactive set-top-box has become the focus recently .

  16. 收益销管理起源于二十世纪70年代的航空客运业,其研究和应用已经扩展到了酒店、租车、广播电视等众多行业,并取得了显著的效果。

    In the 1970s , the study and application of revenue management originated from aircraft industry has stretched its branches into the field of hospitality industry , Railway transport of passengers , car rental industry , broadcasting , etc , and received remarkable benefits .

  17. 50年来,为全国广播电视系统及相关行业培养输送毕业生6万多人,培训在职人员34万多人次。

    CUC has trained around 60000 graduates and about 340000 trainees over the past fifty years .

  18. 首先,各种各样的发明是的印刷,通讯,图片,广播以及电视等不同行业有很大的发展;

    Firstly , inventiveness has led to advances in printing , telecommunications , photography , radio and television .

  19. 下一代广播电视网(NGB)是广播电视行业实施三网融合战略的切入点。

    Next Generation Broadcasting ( NGB ) is as a strategy entry point for radio and television industry to implement convergence .

  20. 2005年,《广播与电视技术》成功主办首届中国广播电视行业十大技术关键词评选活动,在业界引起很大反响。

    In 2005 . out Journey was a success in the first study of " Selecting Ten Major Key Scientific and Technological Words in China radio and TV Industry " .

  21. 研究结果可应用到广播电视记者的选拔、培训与绩效考核等管理过程中,为广播电视行业的记者人才的开发管理提供依据与参考。

    The result could be applied to radio and television journalists selection , training and performance evaluation of management process , provide basis and reference for the development and management of the journalists talent in radio and TV industry .