
  1. 今年八月,在Myspace被广告技术公司SpecificMedia收购后,我卸任CEO一职。

    In August , after specific media acquired MySpace , I stepped down as CEO .

  2. 除非你对复杂难懂的广告技术非常感兴趣,否则,Facebook的盈利模式听起来相当无趣。

    Unless your exceedingly interested in the intricacies of advertising technology , there 's almost nothing interesting about how Facebook makes money .

  3. 广告技术公司phorm与英国电信和韩国电信(koreatelecom)进行了合作,设计出了一套不保留任何个人数据的目标式广告系统。

    Phorm , the advertising technology company that is working with BT and Korea Telecom , has devised a system of targeting ads without retaining any personal data .

  4. 一旦完成该系统的建设,更紧密地连接内容管理和广告技术会使广告客户更迅速和准确地理解怎样最大程度地利用AOL。

    Once this is achieved , linking content management and advertising technology more closely will give advertisers a quicker and more precise understanding of how best to use AOL .

  5. 威瑞森电信和AOL没有瞄准台式电脑,而是打算将内容及新的广告技术用于当今最普遍的计算装置&手机中。

    Instead of aiming at desktop computers , Verizon and AOL want to put content and new advertising technology on today 's most ubiquitous computing device , the cellphone .

  6. 自阿罗拉加入软银以来,该公司已经进行了9次投资,包括最近出资1亿美元投资美国定位广告技术公司Banjo。

    Since he joined the company SoftBank has made nine investments , including the recently announced $ 100-million stake the U.S. geolocation advertising technology company Banjo .

  7. 一些公司正在使用无人机进行航拍,用于商业推广,而且无人机拍摄的费用要远低于其他拍摄方式,比如说Patron的龙舌兰酒采用两种最前卫的广告技术,将无人机拍摄的素材应用于虚拟现实的竞争。

    Some companies are using drones to capture high quality aerial video for use in commercials that would have otherwise been prohibitively expensive ; some , like Tequila maker Patron , have even integrated such footage into successful virtual reality campaigns , combining two cutting edge advertising techniques .

  8. 有线网络公司运营的保障&数字电视广告技术

    Safeguard of the Cable Operators-Technique of Digital TV Advertising

  9. 计算机彩色喷墨制作广告技术

    Computerized Jet Ink Printing Technology for Posters Advertisements

  10. 微软和雅虎是仅有的两家拥有自己的网络广告技术的公司。

    Microsoft and Yahoo are the only two companies who have their own ad-serving .

  11. 广告技术是一个蓬勃发展的行业。

    Ad tech is a booming industry .

  12. 默多克一直关注的一个创新领域是网络流媒体和广告技术。

    One area of innovation where Mr. Murdoch has focused is online streaming and advertising technologies .

  13. 我相信,这将使移动互联网和广告技术领域的并购数量在2014年大幅上升。

    I believe this will result in a spike in more mobile and Adtech M & A in 2014 .

  14. 广告技术公司和网络公司表示,他们也在努力提高自己系统的安全性。

    Ad technology companies and Internet companies say they , too , are making efforts to boost the security of their systems .

  15. 网络广告技术主要采用B/S模式,通过横幅、电子邮件、页面出租和聊天室等方式实施。

    Internet advertising technology mainly uses B / S model , through banners , e-mail , pages and chat rooms rented manner in implementation .

  16. 烟草公司利用包装和其它广告技术使烟草有吸引力,同时使消费者忽视烟草如何破坏健康的严酷现实。

    Tobacco companies use packaging and other advertising techniques to make tobacco appealing , while distracting consumers from the harsh reality of how tobacco destroys health .

  17. 据推测雅虎认为广告技术和搜索技术是互联网时代竞争优势的源泉,所以他们才竭尽全力去达到这些目标。

    Presumably Yahoo ! has been exerting itself so because it believes that the advertising technology is , along with search , the source of competitive advantage in the internet era .

  18. 如今的消费者掌握上网技能,面对着多种媒体资源,拥有很多信息来源,需求口味变化迅速,而且要求颇高,许多传统广告技术已不再起作用。

    The web-enabled , multimedia consumer has so many sources of information , and such fast-moving and demanding tastes , that many of the traditional advertising techniques are not going to work any more .

  19. 许多最好的公司最初都掌握了某个特定领域的专有知识,如广告技术、保险、供应链管理、信息安全等。

    Many of the best companies are started by founds with proprietary knowledge in a specific field , like ad technology , insurance , supply chain management , information security , or many others .

  20. 在分析新型广告技术伦理与传统伦理学的关系的基础上,详述了新型广告技术伦理应该遵循的四大原则,即正义原则、无害原则、尊重原则和自律原则。

    Based on the analysis of relationship between new advertising technology ethics and traditional ethics , four principles for new ethics have been illustrated , which include justice , harmlessness , respect , and self-discipline .

  21. 他的战略举动和他对投资者说的话表明,数字流媒体、新的广告技术,以及对国际市场的持续关注,很可能会继续处于优先地位,他会用新的措施来大力推动这些方面的发展。

    His strategic moves and his remarks to investors suggest that digital streaming , new ad technologies and a continued international focus are likely to take priority and that he will press forward aggressively with new initiatives .

  22. 据了解情况的人士说,她对同事们说,她有兴趣通过收购获得新的人才和产品,并可能投资在雅虎的广告技术上进行投资。

    She has told colleagues she is interested in hiring or acquiring new talent and products through acquisitions , among other things , and possibly investing in Yahoo 's advertising technology , according to people briefed on the matter .

  23. 威瑞森执行总裁约翰斯特拉顿在周二上午的杰富瑞投资者大会上表示:毫无疑问,订阅业务和内容业务非常值得关注。我们主要关心广告技术平台。

    Certainly the subscription business and the content businesses are very noteworthy . For us , the principal interest was around the ad tech platform , said Verizons president of operations , John Stratton , at a Jefferies investor conference early Tuesday .

  24. twitter发布了一项新型“自动广告”技术,有望藉此技术挖掘这家微博网站的赚钱潜能。

    Twitter unveiled a new automated advertising technology that promises to unlock the moneymaking potential of the microblogging site .

  25. Oriel的首席执行官艾丹•乔伊斯(AidanJoyce)说:“广告拦截技术十分粗暴,基于默认,它对劣质和优质的广告不加区分。多数广告拦截软件的使用者并不会反对阅览适当的广告来换取免费高质量内容。”

    Aidan Joyce , chief executive of Oriel , says : " Ad-blocking technology is a blunt instrument which , by default , makes no differentiation between poor and quality advertising . Most ad-blocking users do not object to a reasonable advertising experience in return for quality free content . "

  26. 对广告专业技术资格评定的一点看法

    A Few Opinions on the Estimation of Advertising Specialty 's Qualification

  27. 通过使用广告牌技术避免了树木的精细建模,从而极大的节约了内存资源。

    Using billboards technology prevents the fine modeling , thus trees greatly saves memory resources .

  28. 事实上,尽管这项广告创新技术意味着广告客户能更好地追踪客户,但它却缺乏可靠的公共数据。

    Turns out , the advertising innovation promising better tracking actually suffers from a dearth of reliable public data .

  29. 终极的跳越广告的技术-电冰箱、波和浴室-已经邀请一个同样不优美的反作用。

    The ultimate ad-skipping technologies – the refrigerator , the microwave and the bathroom – have invited a similarly ungraceful backlash .

  30. 其他许多全球性媒体也准备采取相同措施,以保护其在线收入不受迅猛崛起的广告拦截技术的危害。

    Dozens of other global media companies are preparing to do the same to protect their online revenues from the rapid and unrelenting rise of ad blocking .