
  • 网络Seeker;THE SEARCHER;Finder
  1. 搜索者不会一页接一页地点击SERP中的链接;而是很可能输入第二个搜索词,或者干脆换个搜索词。

    A searcher doesn 't want to click through page after page of SERPs ; instead , he or she will probably type in a second word or change the term entirely .

  2. 如果对于您认为最适合描述自己页面的关键词,SERP中会出现数以千计的页面,那么需要考虑搜索者会如何处理这种情况。

    If thousands of pages surface in the SERPs for the keyword that you think describes your page the best , you need to think of how the searcher might deal with this situation .

  3. Google推出的新音乐功能可以让搜索者一键点击就可以收听完整长度的歌曲。这个简捷的设计可以将多达四首歌曲添加到搜索结果的顶端。

    Google music feature to allow one-click listening-Telegraph The simple design brings up to four songs to the top of search results .

  4. 据奥多比系统公司(AdobeSystemsInc.)旗下的研究公司说,相比常规的文字广告,搜索者对这类产品广告的点击量要高出34%。

    Searchers click on product ads 34 % more frequently than regular text ads , according to Adobe Systems Inc. 's research arm .

  5. 下面图片展示是以色列飞机工业公司(IAI)的EL/M的“搜索者”(Searcher)II战术-操作多任务无人机(UAV)系统-2055SAR/MTI无人机(UAV)侦察负载。

    Shown is the SEARCHER II Tactical-Operational Multi-Role UAV system with IAI 's EL / M-2055 SAR / MTI UAV reconnaissance payload .

  6. 詹姆斯说,产品列表广告表现非常好,尤其是当搜索者知道自己想要什么的时候,比如他的公司在谷歌打了广告的AriatRambler牛仔靴。

    The product-listing ads ' perform very well , ' he says , particularly when searchers know what they are seeking , like the Ariat Rambler Cowboy Boots his company advertises on Google . '

  7. 搜索者不会搜索那些描述解决方案的单词。

    Searchers won 't search for words that describe the solution .

  8. 如果他先出搜索者,相应的你要用粉碎者对抗。

    If he has early Seekers , counter accordingly with Disintegrators .

  9. 希望你可以用搜索者骚扰他的矿车。

    Hopefully you can harass his Harvesters with Seekers , though .

  10. 在对页面进行优化时,一定要像搜索者那样思考问题。

    To optimize your pages , remember to think like a searcher .

  11. 每一单独的段落将会伴有描述标签,来引导潜在图书搜索者;

    Individual paragraphs will be accompanied by descriptive tags to orient potential searchers ;

  12. 搜索者救出了在山中迷失的男孩子们。

    Searchers rescued the boys lost in the mountains .

  13. 同时,试着用一些搜索者偷袭过去骚扰他的矿车。

    Also , try and sneak some Seekers past and harass his Harvesters .

  14. 整体思想是在你能造吞食者之前暴搜索者。

    The whole idea is to start Seeker spamming until you are able to build Devourer Tanks .

  15. 撰写目录时考虑其他搜索者可能用到的词汇:如何在网路上找信息?

    Write Your Content with Searchers in Mind : How do you find information on the Internet ?

  16. 不过被搜索者哪怕是道德上应当受到谴责的被搜索者的基本人格权也应当被尊重。

    Even those who are searching should be condemned morally their basic moral rights should be respected .

  17. 是欲望使我成为一个侦探,一个不懈的线索搜索者。一个浪漫的偏执狂,要从一切事物中解读出意义来。

    Desire had turned me into a relentless hunter for clues , a romantic paranoiac , reading meaning into everything .

  18. 未经培训的搜索者可以很快熟悉并能够轻松使用分面导航,这些特性都提供了巨大的优势。

    The familiarity of faceted navigation , as well as its ease of use by untrained searchers , are significant advantages .

  19. 每天,他那些变化多样的徽标都给众多因特网搜索者以赏心悦目之感,也使得谷歌这搜索巨人的主页变得更具吸引力。

    A daily pleasure for many Internet searchers , his ever-changing logos give the search giant 's homepage even more appeal .

  20. 你可以在服务中设置一项性能,来监控网络搜索者的行为,及其所搜索的结果。

    You can turn on a feature in the service to monitor the web searches you undertake and which results you select .

  21. 它们将会迫使你的对手转向制造摩托和四驱车,而这两者都很容易被支援的搜索者干掉。

    They will force your opponent to switch over to Bikes and Buggies , which are easy to kill with some Seeker support .

  22. 搜索者在萨尔瓦多附近发现了两具军官的尸体,警察组在那里被绑架,蒙雷尔说。

    Searchers found the bodies of two officers near El Revelado , the community where the police group was kidnapped , Monreal said .

  23. 三个搜索者同时被治疗,尽管腐蚀者们只集中在一个搜索者身上。

    All 3 of those Seekers are being healed at the same time , even though the Corruptors are only focused on 1 Seeker .

  24. 整体思想是是暴搜索者,直到你可以造吞食者坦克,因为它们对抗捕食者更有优势。

    The whole idea is to go with Seeker spamming until you are able to build Devourer Tanks since they fair better against Predator Tanks .

  25. 这些结果应该在下任何结论前被认真检查,因为很多陷阱在等待相似性搜索者:旁系同源物、多结构域蛋白质、假基因等。

    These results should be carefully examined before coming to any conclusion , as many traps await the similarity seeker : paralogues , multidomain proteins , pseudogenes , etc.

  26. 强制公司根据一个不相关的长期的结果的顶部是一个没有去是非常无益的搜索者和广告商。

    Forcing a company to the top of the results under a non relevant term is a no-go and is very unhelpful to both the searcher and the advertiser .

  27. 对于那些知道自己想要什么的搜索者,谷歌所谓的“产品列表广告”可以减少用户抵达“购买”按钮之前的点击次数。

    By directly helping searchers who know what they want , Google 's ' product-listing ads , ' as they are called , reduce the number of clicks before users get to the ' buy ' button .

  28. 一本正经的边境和海关官员仔细检查文件,在车厢里搜索偷渡者和走私货物

    Officious immigration and customs officers scrutinised documents and searched cabins for stowaways or illicit goods .

  29. 一项最新调查显示,美国近一半的雇主会上Facebook、MySpace或LinkedIn这样的社交网站搜索应聘者的在线资料。

    Nearly half of US employers research the online profiles of job candidates on social networks such as Facebook , MySpace or LinkedIn , according to a new survey .

  30. 不要像撒一张大网一样,在Monster.com上搜索求职者,你可以浏览“Joel谈软件”网站上的求职讨论区,将搜索范围缩小到那些阅读我的网站的聪明人。

    Instead of casting a wide net with a job search on Monster . com , use the Joel on Software job board and limit your search to the smart people that read this site .