
  • 网络search result page;serp;SERPS
  1. 这是因为,除非广告与所显示的搜索结果页内容相关,否则Google不允许在我们的搜索结果页上展示任何广告。

    That 's because Google does not allow ads to be displayed on our results pages unless they 're relevant to the results page on which they 're shown .

  2. 迪勒表示,谷歌把触角伸到旅游等新领域后,将在搜索结果页中把自营服务列在expedia等网站前面。

    Extending its reach into new areas such as travel would lead to Google promoting its own services above those of sites such as Expedia , Mr Diller said .

  3. 什么横幅广告出现在搜索结果页?

    What banner ad appeared on the result page ?

  4. 不过,他们自己卖自己的搜索结果页上的赞助文本链接。

    However they themselves sell sponsored text links on their own search results pages .

  5. 该图标在中东代表在搜索结果页和表上显示的权利人访问的网页后立即在搜索结果页。

    The icon in the middle represents the search results page and the table on the right shows the pages people visited immediately after the Search Results page .

  6. 他补充称,谷歌必须重新考虑的问题包括,它是否能够在搜索结果页中优先列出自营服务,例如迪勒在上述抱怨中提到的那些服务。

    Among the issues it might have to reconsider , he adds , is whether it can give preferential treatment in search results to its own services , such as those complained of by Mr Diller .

  7. 这些用户行为包括了用户在搜索引擎结果页上的点击行为和用户在浏览着陆页的行为等。

    Those user behaviors include click behaviors on the result page and behaviors on the landing page .

  8. 想象一下,他们承受着焦躁和困扰,疯狂地从搜索结果的第一页跳来跳去。

    Imagine them with a burning pain or question , frantically clicking back and forth on the first page of Google results that came up .

  9. 搜索结果的开头100页都是说她这个故事的--没有任何其他关于她的信息。

    this story covers the first 100 pages of Google results -- there is nothing else about her .

  10. 成功地把原来的故事挤出了谷歌搜索结果的前几页,不过好景不长。

    managed to get the story off the first couple pages of Google results , but it didn 't last long .

  11. 一些用户抱怨百度搜索结果中的推广太多,有的搜索结果第一页全部是推广。

    Some users complain that Baidu carries so many paid items that the first page of results for some searches is entirely promotions .

  12. 这种方法优点是能查看一个搜索词和它对应的每个结果之间的相关质量;缺点是只能查看每个词之间的关系,不能查看每个搜索结果页之间的相关性。

    Advantages of this method are able to view a search word and it corresponds to each of the results quality ; disadvantage is the only view the relationship between each word , not view each search results pages ' correlation .