
  • 网络integrated marketing;Integrated Marketing Communication;IMC;sem
  1. 整合营销传播旨在影响消费者/潜在消费者的购买行为。

    The purpose of IMC is to influence the purchase behaviors of consumers .

  2. 整合营销传播是企业对环境变化适应的结果,它强调消费者的核心地位。

    IMC is the result of enterprise fitting in with envion-ment change , it emphzsize consumer 's vitals position .

  3. R公司基于整合营销的品牌建设研究

    A Study on the IM-based Brand Building of R Company

  4. CT公司的营销策略突出客户化定制的品牌形象,以新兴的中小型商业银行和外资银行作为目标市场,进行整合营销传播。

    The target market of ATMs of CT Company is small medium commercial banks and foreign banks .

  5. 整合营销的战略思想就集中在创造品牌价值上,出版社的品牌建设可以从两方面考虑,一是出版社CI建设;

    Strategic concept of marketing integration concentrates on the creation of brand value .

  6. 为此,西方学者提出了一种新的营销理论,即整合营销传播理论(IntegratedMarketingCommunication简称为IMC)。

    Therefore , some scholars in western countries have come up with a new theory called Integrated Marketing Communication ( IMC ) .

  7. 整合营销传播(简称IMC&integratedmarketingcommunications)是美国唐·舒尔茨(DoneSchultz)教授于二十世纪九十年代提出,并被实践证明为行之有效的一种营销理论。

    The theory of Integrated Marketing Communications is raised by professor Done Schultz in 1990s , and proved is a theory of effective .

  8. 整合营销传播在SG胶囊市场推广中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of IMC in the Marketing of SG Capsule

  9. 整合营销传播(IMC)的内核:聚焦于消费者

    The Cornerstone of Integrated Marketing Communication ( IMC ): Focus on Consumers

  10. 整合营销中的CCTV

    CCTV in integration of marketing

  11. 足球、整合营销传播与广告传播&浅议整合营销传播理论(IMC)观照下的广告传播

    Football , Integrated Marketing Communication and Ads Communication

  12. 本文对中国电信进军3G市场所要采取的营销战略进行了初步探讨,并提出了实施该整合营销的具体措施。

    This paper discusses the China Telecom 's marketing strategies in entering the 3G telecommunication market and the practical measures to realize it .

  13. 整合营销4C理论与电视广告营销

    Integrate 4C of Marketing Theory with Marketing of TV Ads

  14. 整合营销4C理论下服装定制营销策略初探

    Preliminary Study of Custom-Made Market Strategy for Integrated Marketing 4Cs

  15. 总体而言,整合营销传播对于中国是适用的,但不是每个中国企业都必须马上实施IMC规划。

    In whole , the IMC is applicable in China but not for every Chinese enterprise .

  16. 战略贸易理论评析从IMC到整合营销的分析及发展逻辑

    The Comment and Analysis of Theory of Strategical Trade Strategical Logic : From IMC to Integrated Marketing Theory

  17. 在本月初举办的《财富》(Fortune)“最具影响力女性峰会”上,我采访了可口可乐整合营销沟通与能力高级副总裁温蒂•克拉克。

    At the fortune most powerful women summit earlier this month , I interviewed Wendy Clark , SVP of integrated marketing communications and capabilities at Coca-Cola ( KO ) .

  18. 深刻分析了X分行中间业务存在的问题,并侧重从整合营销传播的角度提出了进一步发展中间业务的创新思路和整合营销策略。

    Depth analysis of the X branch of the problems among the business and focus on integrated marketing communication from the perspective of a further development of innovative ideas among the business and integrated marketing strategy .

  19. 整合营销传播(简称IMC),其核心思想是将与企业市场营销有关的一切传播活动一元化。

    Integrated Marketing Communication acronym IMC , its core idea is to marketing and corporate communication activities related to the unification of all .

  20. SX邮政公司速递业务整合营销策略研究

    SX Post EMS Integrated Marketing Strategy Study

  21. 在分析基于顾客感知价值的整合营销传播系统的复杂适应性基础上,构建多Agent模型,对单要素传播、多要素传播以及系统的优化进行计算机仿真,结果运行良好,支持了前文的研究结论。

    By an analysis of complex adaptive of IMC system based on CPV , this dissertation establishes multi-agent model and simulate the interaction of one-factor and multi-factor communication and the optimization of system . The outcome proves the conclusion of this dissertation .

  22. 整合营销传播(IMC)理论正是在这种营销管理理念不断更新的过程中逐渐形成和发展起来的。

    During the continuous renewing of marketing management theories , integrated marketing communications as a new concept or theory system has been put forward and developed rapidly .

  23. 在保持自身优势的基础上,进行媒介资源的重组,与传统媒体的交互合作不仅是媒介资源产业化整合营销的要求,也是现代市场生存的需要和中国加入WTO的必然结果。

    On the basis of keeping it 's own advantages , reforming media resource , cooperating mutually with traditional media is not only the requirement of " combining marketing " about media industrialization , but the inevitable outcome of modern market and WTO .

  24. 提出运用整合营销4C观念对旅游产业结构和产品结构进行调整,走可持续发展道路来发展旅游业;

    The author puts forward the 4C conception of integrated marketing should be used to adjust the structure of industry and product with the guideline of sustained development .

  25. 基于AISAS模式的网络整合营销传播模型建构与个案研究

    Electronic Integrated Marketing Communication Model Construction and Case Study Based on AISAS Pattern

  26. 自从杰瑞·麦卡锡于1960年首次提出营销的4P理论后,许多专家学者陆续在此基础上提出了4C理论、4R理论、整合营销理论等大量营销理论。

    After Jerry ? Mcarthy first proposed the 4P theory in 1960 , many experts scholars proposed the 4C theory , the 4R theory and the joint marketing theory etc.

  27. 本文采用理论研究和案例分析相结合的方法,应用整合营销传播理论,对商务印书馆这一著名出版社进行案例研究,探讨用IMC战略重构商务印书馆营销传播体系的必要性和可行性。

    This thesis will conduct a case study of the famous Chinese publisher-the Commercial Press and explore the necessity and feasibility of restructuring its marketing communication system with IMC ( Integrated Marketing Communication ) strategies .

  28. 本文以ABC公司为分析对象,以解决实际问题为本文出发点,综合运用整合营销的相关理论进行分析,提出了自己的解决方法,希望能够对ABC公司的经营起到一定的有益作用。

    The paper , Based on the ABC Company for the analysis , aiming at solving the practical problems , using relative integrated marketing theory , put forward the solutions . And hopes the solutions could help the ABC Company operate smoothly .

  29. 以4C理论为基础的整合营销理论,强调企业高度一致化,讲求系统化管理,强调企业营销活动的协调性。

    Based on 4C-theory , the theory of integrated marketing emphasizes high standardization in the line of industry , stresses on systematic management , and strives for the coordination of enterprise marketing activities .

  30. 文章第五部分创新营销理论4C组合&网络整合营销理论结合网络市场营销的特点,介绍和总结了以舒尔兹教授为代表的一批营销学者从顾客需求的角度出发,提出的4C组合市场营销理论。

    Combination the characters of Cyber-marketing , the fifth part of this article " Innovative Marketing Theory 4C Combination - Integrated Cyber-marketing " introduces and summarizes " 4C Combination " brought forward by some marketing scholars .