
  • 网络Unity;the sense of wholeness;associative perception;Integritas;holistic impression
  1. 从建筑的整体感、真实感、丰富感、新颖感几个方面分析了建筑艺术的审美特征。

    In the thesis the aesthetic exploration of architectural art is discussed from the point of unity .

  2. 虽然某些实验表明,随着一个物体变得熟悉起来,其内心再现图像亦更具整体感,辨认过程相应地更趋于平行,但证据的砝码似乎在支持序列假设(serialhypothesis),至少是对于那些不甚简单、不甚熟悉的物体来说。

    Although some experiments show that , as an object becomes familiar , its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel , the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis , at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar .

  3. 伍尔夫意识流小说整体感的艺术性建构

    The construction of wholeness in Virginia Woolf 's stream-of-consciousness novels

  4. 它使我们成为完整的人,给予我们一种整体感,使我们得以平安度过一生。

    It completes us , giving us the wholeness we need to navigate safely through life .

  5. 有的乐曲初听时象混乱的片断,再听两遍也许会有清晰的整体感。

    What seems confusing or fragmented at first might well become clear and organic a third time .

  6. 拘于某人某派的小说理论清理,而未有关系结构研究及由此而来的整体感和历史感等等。

    And therefore , we see no " relation structure " study with a wholeness anda historical sense .

  7. 整体感和爱的缺失使别格从孤独的生匆匆走向孤独的死。

    The lack of wholeness and love drives Bigger from life to death in haste all along with loneliness .

  8. 要有整体感,装饰及家具的风格要统一,颜色要协调。

    Have to there is whole feeling , decorate and the style of furniture want unity , the color wants cooperativeness .

  9. 首先,《墨花系列》在构图上强调整体感,及整体的气势和张力。

    First of all . the ink flower stressed the composition of the overall sense , and the overall momentum and tension .

  10. 口感美味、滑腻、余味长,整体感强,酒体醇厚,酸度适宜,协调性好,味觉方面具有清爽的熟果香。

    It is very pleasant and smooth in mouth with long finish , well-structured and with proper acidity , it is clean and ripe fruity in nose .

  11. 能使造型看上去更加的丰满,画面更加的丰富,整体感上得到加强,从而使作品更加的完满和充实。

    Can make modelling look more fullness , the picture is more abundant , integral feeling is enhanced , so that in the fulfillment of the work more and full .

  12. 他在小画幅中表达精巧传神的小场景,效果单纯、明快,强调画面的整体感。

    In the small frame , he shows the delicate and vivid small scenes , laying emphasis on the pure , bright effect and the overall sense of the screen .

  13. 作者认为,要完成现代媒体传播先进文化的历史使命,必须以精英文化、先进文化对其加以引导,重建文化的整体感;

    The thesis further points out that it is essential to guide it with advanced culture and reconstruct the cultural integration so as to fulfill the historical role of modern mass media .

  14. 过去30年的传统观点认为,更高的国内生产总值(gdp)通常不会转化为更强的整体幸福感。

    Conventional wisdom of the past three decades held that higher national gross domestic product often did not translate into a greater overall sense of wellbeing .

  15. 你可能会对某种形式的整体治疗感兴趣。

    You could become interested in some form of holistic healing .

  16. 水疗可能改善症状、功能和整体健康感。

    Water therapy may improve symptoms , function and overall sense of health .

  17. 整体幸福感最强的国家是丹麦,而新西兰则是积极享受生活的情绪最为高涨的国家。

    The No.1 spot for overall well-being went to Denmark , and New Zealand landed the No.1 slot for positive feelings .

  18. 前者强调生活质量,而后者则注重整体幸福感,包括人生目标和成就。

    The former refers to the quality of living , whereas the latter is about overall happiness , including life goals and achievements .

  19. 事实上,一个月只需多挣132英镑,就能让一个普通人收支相抵,并能显著地提升他们的整体幸福感。

    In fact , it would take just £ 132 extra a month for the average person to make ends meet and dramatically improve their overall happiness .

  20. 美国的人均国内生产总值居世界前列,但整体幸福感和积极享受生活的情绪却分别排在了世界第16和第26位。

    The United States , which had the highest gross domestic product per capita , came in at No.16 for overall well-being and No.26 for enjoyment , referred to as positive feelings .

  21. 虽然很多人认为自拍只是提升自我、满足自恋需求的一种方式,但是加利福尼亚大学最近的一项研究表明,自拍能增强人们的整体幸福感。

    Although many believe snapping selfies is a way to boost your ego or feed your narcissistic needs , a recent study from the University of California found it may be enhancing people 's overall well-being .

  22. 如果你每天没有足够的睡眠,你的身体就会开始产生“睡眠债”,你也会感觉到筋疲力尽。这会影响你的整体幸福感和健康。

    If you don 't get enough sleep each night , your body will begin to develop ' sleep debt ' and you 'll feel exhausted , which can have an affect on your overall well-being and health .

  23. 经综合人体舒适性实验,说明置换通风微热环境能提供居住者整体舒适感,而在肢体下部风感不满意率小于15%。

    A combined test shows that displacement ventilation can offer satisfactory comfort conditions for the whole body of occupants and the PPD value due to feeling draft at the lower part of human body is less than 15 per cent .

  24. 结果发现:(1)中学生在七个学校生活质量维度的均值排列顺序由高到低依次为:师生关系、机会、社群关系、整体满足感、经历、成就感、负面情感;

    The results show that : ( 1 ) The rank ( from high to low ) of the seven belief domains of QSLS is teacher - student relationship , opportunity , social integration , general satisfaction , experience , sense of success and negative emotions ;

  25. Ⅲ重庆市知识型员工的整体主观幸福感处于中上水平。

    ⅲ In Chongqing , knowledge workers ' overall subjective well-being are in the upper level .

  26. 外界因素无论成功还是失败与我们整体的幸福感几乎没有什么关系。

    External factors - whether feats or failures - have little to do with our overall happiness .

  27. 通过老年人组织化能够显著提升该群体的整体主观福利感,使他们的晚年生活更加幸福和有意义。

    Organizing the elderly can enhance welfare of the whole community remarkably , and make their later years happier and more significance .

  28. 本文主要采用理论(增长极理论、产业经济学理论、经济地理、城市经济学等)指导实践的方式,由轻到重的笔法,横向和纵向比较的观点,使文章整体具有可读感、新鲜感。

    This paper is guided by theories of growth pole theory , industry economics theory , economic geography and city economics , etc.

  29. 既然我们成人生活的三分之一时间都在工作,那么做我们想做的事对我们的整体辛福感就有很大的影响。

    Since we spend over one-third of our adult life working , loving what we do has a huge impact on our overall happiness .

  30. 在进行青少年学生体像教育时,要注意体像烦恼对整体自我价值感的负面影响。

    Negative effects of body image depression on overall self-regard should be paid attention to when the education of body image is conducted in teenagers .