
  • 网络pruning
  1. 本文从一年养护管理工作的划分、浇水、施肥、整形修剪、病虫害防治、中耕除草、防寒等多方面进行了论述。

    This article discussed the division of conservation management , watering , fertilizing , pruning , pest control , cultivation , weed , anti-cold and other aspects .

  2. 油桃保护地栽培整形修剪方式研究

    Study on the Training System and Pruning of Nectarine in Protected Cultivation

  3. 研究了高、中柱式、矮台式整形修剪方法对不同年龄(2~10a生)日本落叶松采穗母株生长、产穗量、插穗生根(无激素处理)及2a生扦插苗生长的影响。

    Effects of Larix kaempferi pruned in different types on growth and cutting production of ortets , cutting rooting ability and growth of 2-year-old rooted cuttings were compared at different ages ( from 2-year-old to 10-year-old ) of ortets .

  4. 山地板栗整形修剪技术及其经济效果研究

    Trimming Techniques for Castanea mollissima in Mountain Land and Their Economic Benefits

  5. 枇杷整形修剪技术研究

    Studies of Shaping and Pruning Technique on Eriobotrya japonica

  6. 整形修剪措施对幼龄桂花树生长的影响研究初报

    Preliminary Report on Effect of Trimming Method for Growth of Young Osmanthus Fragrans Lour

  7. 旱坡地枣园枣树整形修剪试验

    Experiment of Jujube Pruning in Arid Hill Orchard

  8. 板栗整形修剪对栗实早期产量的影响格里菲斯与中国早期电影

    Effects of form pruning on yield at early stage in Chinese chestnut D.W.Griffith and Early

  9. 常绿果树整形修剪效应及机理研究(续)

    Studies on Effect and Mechanism of Training and Pruning on Evergreen Fruit Trees ( Extend );

  10. 匍匐石榴双层双扇形整形修剪试验

    Experiment of Reshaping and Pruning by the Technique of Double-layer Twin Fans Shaping on Creeping Pomegranate

  11. 日本落叶松整形修剪对母株生长、产穗量、插穗生根和扦插苗生长的影响

    Effects of pruning in different types on growth and cutting production of ortets and rooting and growth of cuttings

  12. 整形修剪需根据冬枣的修剪习性确定树型、修剪方法和修剪时期;

    The shaping of a tree - the pruning method and pruning period should be fixed based on its pruning habit ;

  13. 新疆石榴广泛采用匍匐方式栽培,采用双层双扇形整形修剪后,匍匐石榴产量大幅度上升,果实品质明显提高。

    The yield and quality of creep pomegranate were significantly improved after the pomegranate was reshaped and pruned by the double-layer twin fans shaping technique .

  14. 整形修剪方式不同,对母株生长(地径)、产穗量和插穗生根率等的影响不同。

    Ortets pruned in different types resulted in different growth ( diameter above ground ), cutting production and rooting percentage of cuttings collected from them .

  15. 作者讨论了油松树冠受光环境与雌雄球花空间分布的关系,提出了油松种子园无性系整形修剪的初步设想。

    In addition , the relationship between strobilus spatial distribution and lighting is discussed and some initial suggestions about pruning ard thinning in the seed orchard are presented .

  16. 研究认为7种处理中,自然圆头形和柱形是节水丰产的树形,整形修剪时可作为参考树形。

    Studies suggest that treatment of 7 , the natural round shape and Cylindrical shape are high yield and water conservation , as a reference when pruning a tree .

  17. 本文阐述了主要栽培技术,包括土肥水管理、整形修剪、花果管理和病虫害防治。

    Principles of growth technique including management of soil , water and fertilizer , pruning , flower and fruit management and disease and pest control were also outlined in the paper .

  18. 从环境选择、土肥水管理、病虫害防治、整形修剪等方面,总结了永康方山柿无公害标准化生产的综合培育技术要点。

    Presentation was made on non pollution Diospyros kaki production techniques in Yongkang , Zhejiang province such as site selection , soil , fertilizer and water management , pest control and pruning .

  19. 从建园,加强土肥水管理,整形修剪,花果管理,病虫害综合防治,适时采收等方面较完整地摸索出酥梨的无公害管理栽培技术。

    This article introduced comprehensive pollution cultivation techniques of crisp pear from orchard establishment , land-water-manure management , shaping and pruning , management of flower and fruit , integrated pest and disease control and timely harvest .

  20. 报导了南方柿树建园的园地选择和造林方法,并提出了南方柿园的土肥管理和整形修剪、保花保果、病虫害防治等相应技术。

    The site selection of persimmon orchard and silviculture measures in southern China were reported , and techniques namely management of soil and fertilizer , form pruning , flower and fruit retention and pest control were proposed .

  21. 对动物的毛或灌木整形修剪或打扮使其形状有装饰效果。通过修剪和整形,我们得以建成一个高产优质便于管理的理想树形。

    A garden having shrubs clipped or trimmed into decorative shapes especially of animals . We prune and train to achieve and maintain a form of tree which is desirable for easy maintenance , high yields and good fruit quality .

  22. 对匍匐石榴进行了双层双扇形整形修剪试验,并调查花器官发育情况、花期、座果率、产量和品质。

    Experiment of double layer twin fans shaping and reshaping and pruning of creeping pomegranate was carried out , and investigation was conducted on development of floral organs , blooming period , fruit set percentage , yield and fruit quality .

  23. 适当密植、幼树整形修剪、合理配植授粉树、加强肥水管理、人工辅助授粉及适时除雄是日本栗获得早实丰产的关健技术措施。

    Using key techniques which included rational dense planting , proper shaping and pruning of seedling , disposing male tree , reinforcing management of manure and water , artificial pollination , picking up stamens on time can get early fruit and high yield .

  24. 总结了桃日光温室的建造标准、栽培品种选择、栽植形式与密度、温室升温的时间及升温后的温湿度控制、花果管理、病虫害防治,以及整形修剪方面的技术要点。

    In this paper , the key techniques for peach cultivation in greenhouse like greenhouse build-up , choice of peach variety , planting , temperature regulation , flower and fruit management , disease and insect control , tree shaping , etc , are introduced .

  25. 针对目前我国温室葡萄整形修剪中存在的突出问题,作者经过多年的生产调查和周密的科学试验,提出了一种高光效整枝模式&FI树形。

    The authors put forward a kind of new pattern of high photoeffect training - " FI tree form ", after many years of investigation into production and scientific experiments , aiming to solve the current problems that lie in training and pruning of greenhouse grape .

  26. 大扁杏在丰产栽培技术方面的研究取得了许多成功的经验,主要集中在苗木培育、果园建立、整形修剪、病虫害防治、保花保果、肥水管理等方面。

    The research get a lot of successful experiences in high yield cultivable technology , especially in breeding nursery stock 、 building archival 、 trimming 、 prevention and control of diseases and pests 、 protecting flower and fruit 、 managing fertile and water and so on .

  27. 其综合技术措施是选用良种嫁接苗、适当密植、配置雄株、整形修剪、合理施肥、防治病虫害及促花早实等。

    In the experiment , comprehensive techniques were used , by means of selecting fine graft seedlings , rational closely planting , disposing male trees , proper pruning and manuring , preventing and controling of diseases and pests , promoting blossom , early fruit , and so on .

  28. 作者根据教学和生产实践经验,通过对整形修剪理论教学的改革和技能训练方法的探索,形成了一个高效、快捷、易行、实用的修剪技能训练新方法。

    Based on experience from teaching and production practice and through innovation of theoretical teaching and skill-training methods of reshaping and pruning in trees , the author set up a new , highly efficient , swift , ease-to-use and practical training methodology in reshaping and pruning of trees .

  29. 所论述的整形和修剪,或多或少仍倾向于大冠树。

    The discussion of tree training and pruning is still more or less slanted toward the large trees .

  30. 树木整形和修剪不仅是去除死枝,帮助它们长出健康新枝。

    Tree trimming or pruning is not just getting rid of dead limbs and help the tree grow new healthy branches .