
  • 网络cool down;cooling down;warm down;clean down;cool-down exercise
  1. 我们不妨设想一下,假如用户要补上个人在Facebook诞生之前数十年间的生活片段,他们将要花多少时间上传照片,整理活动记录。

    Imagine the hours users may log uploading photos and labeling events from the lost decades B.F. ( before Facebook ) .

  2. 在余下的4周时间里,实验组的被试在训练后的下午进行身体整理活动之后,进行25min的呼吸冥想训练;

    During the following weeks , 25 minutes of breathing meditation were given to the experimental group after the physical warm down during the afternoon post workout session .

  3. 整理活动对预防运动疲劳的探索性研究

    An Exploratory Study on Preventing Exercise Fatigue by Scientific Relaxing Activity

  4. 对延迟性肌肉酸痛与整理活动的探讨

    A Probe into Delayed Muscle Pain and Arranged Activities

  5. 中长跑教学放松整理活动的效果

    Effect of Relaxation after Medium and Long Distance Run

  6. 整理活动的生理效应

    The Physiological Effect of the Relaxing

  7. 整理活动的生理效应磁化水对小麦、小白菜生长和生理效应的初步研究

    A preliminary study of magnetic water of effects of growth and physiological activities on wheat and pakchoi

  8. 两球队运动员的力量训练与技战术训练的搭配较为合理,而以投篮练习作为训练课结束后的整理活动,需要运动员注意养成正确的投篮习惯。

    Finishing as the end of the training classes , shooting practice need the athletes to pay attention to develop correct shooting habits .

  9. 等等。根据本轮的探究范围和自己的问题,同学们制作出了本轮的探究计划,并进行了相关资料的搜集整理活动。

    Based on both the lines of inquiry and their own questions , kids already made the plan for research and started to collect relative data .

  10. 对运动组进行为期6个月的中等强度体育舞蹈锻炼,运动处方包括3部分:准备活动阶段、正式运动阶段和整理活动阶段。

    The 6-month dancesport of moderate intensity were given in the exercise group , and the exercise prescription consisted of three parts : warming-up , formal exercise and warming-down phases .

  11. 然而,对于干旱半干旱地区来说,现实土地整理活动却由于未能充分考虑干旱半干旱地区特殊的自然地理气候状况而存在整理的成本外溢现象,即外部负效应,从而未能达到帕累托最优。

    However , for lack of thinking about the natural conditions , land consolidation in drought and semi-drought area encounters the problem of cost extension , not achieving Pareto Optimum .

  12. 阐述摔跤、举重、散手等重竞技项目运动员慢性控重的原理、方法,即确定理想体重、适当控制饮食、加大运动量、充分的整理活动、确定减重的时间及速度;

    It expounded the principles and methods of chronic weight control of athletes going in for the sports graded by body weight , such as wrestling , weight-lifting , Sanshou etc.

  13. 第一部分首先分析了目前我国土地整理活动开展的状况以及存在问题,明确了土地适宜性评价和土地整理项目设计研究的必要性,并对国内外土地整理研究进行了回顾和展望;

    In the first part , the author analyzed the level and illustrated the necessity of land consolidation in our country at present , at the same time , had a review and outlook to the study of land consolidation domestic and international ;

  14. 听力理解指的是大脑对所听到的信息进行有意识的加工整理的活动,其本身就是一个互动过程。

    Listening comprehension refers to the activities of human brain processing the information heard consciously and actively , which is in fact an interactive process .

  15. 五四时期两种整理国故活动的比较试论整理国故运动对中国传统学术的传承

    A Comparative Study of the Two Schools of National Cultural Heritage Sorting in the May 4th Movement Period ; Systematizing National Cultural Heritage And the Passing-down of Traditional Chinese Learning

  16. 整理放松活动在体育教学中具有非常重要的作用,通过实验对照,对放松活动产生的效果进行分析,使之有助于教学效果的提高。

    Relaxation activities are important in sports class . An experiment being analyzed will show that the relaxation activities have a good effect on the teaching result in a sports class .

  17. 去年,沃尔玛削减了许多商品,作为整理其商店活动的一部分。

    Last year , it cut back on too many products as part of its campaign to de-clutter its stores .

  18. 第三部分主要通过个案分析对北师大版《品德与生活》一年级教材中的整理书包主题活动利用榜样示范法进行教学设计的思考与分析。

    The third section , mainly through case studies , used method of model demonstration to reflect and analyze the instructional design for the theme of " Package School Bags " .

  19. 本研究依据榜样示范的方法,对北师大版《品德与生活》教材中的整理书包主题活动进行了分析设计实践反思的过程。

    Based on method of model demonstration , I carried on a research process of " Analysis-Design-Practice-Reflections " for the theme of " Package School Bags " which is in the textbook of Beijing Normal University Publishing Press Edition .

  20. 我们编辑整理各大高校活动相关稿件。

    We redact and pack up the contributions from kinds of universities .

  21. 然而其实施过程中土地利用结构、布局的调整及整理复垦开发等活动不可避免地会对环境产生一定的负面影响。

    However , its implementation process inevitably has some impact on the environment by adjusting the land use structure and arrangement and reclamation development activities .

  22. 竞争情报的搜集与整理是竞争情报活动的基础,直接关系着整个竞争情报研究的决策。

    Competitive intelligence activity is based on the collection and collation of competitive intelligence because it relates to the whole decision of competitive intelligence research .

  23. 通过梳理再现了科学发展形态历史变迁的脉络,尤其整理了科学研究活动在当代建制化情况。

    Through an analysis , the historical changes the scientific development patterns were reproduced , in particular , the establishment of scientific research activities in the contemporary situation was carded .

  24. 该论文试图解释明清档案的整理细节,探讨这一整理活动的作用和重要性。该文包括六部分。

    This thesis wants to expound the process and details of the arrangement , and explore the effect and significance of the activity , and the content of this article is divided into six parts .

  25. 土地整理的景观效益表现为土地整理活动对农村景观的影响;而土地整理的综合效益为土地整理经济效益、生态环境效益、社会效益与景观效益的综合。

    The landscape benefits of land consolidation is the effect of the practice upon the rural landscape .

  26. 土地整理的社会效益表现为土地整理活动对农村社会环境、社会经济与自然资源合理利用的贡献与影响;

    The social benefits of land consolidation are the effect of the practice upon the rural environment , and social economy , as well as the reasonable use of natural resources .

  27. 进行土地整理效益评价研究,对促进土地整理成熟理论体系的形成,规范与指导土地整理的实践活动有重要现实意义。

    Study on evaluation of Land Consolidation benefit has important practical significance for promoting the formation of theoretical system , regulating and guiding the practice of land consolidation .

  28. 在土地整理实践中往往偏重土地整理的经济效益,片面追求耕地数量和产出,而对土地整理活动对耕地及其所在区域造成的环境影响尚未引起足够认识。

    Land arrangement in practice are often biased towards the economic benefits of land arrangement , pursuit the number and output of cultivated land , but have not yet enough recognition on its impacts to cultivated land and environment .

  29. 确立土地整理项目效益分析指标体系,运用层次分析法(AHP),提出土地整理项目效益分析综合判断模型,以期丰富土地整理的理论,规范与指导土地整理的实践活动。

    This paper puts forward the index system to analyze the benefit of land consolidation project , points out the comprehensive judgment model by using the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) method , which can enrich the theory on land consolidation and standardize and guide the practical activities .