
  1. 材料与方法:整理本院2003年1月至2004年12月65例颈腰椎附件骨折的病例,回顾性分析颈腰椎附件骨折X线平片及CT诊断。

    Materials and Methods : Collecting 65 cases of vertebrae cervicales and lumber appurtenance fracture of our own hospital . Retrospective analyze the X-ray and CT diagnosis of vertebrae cervicales and lumber appurtenance fracture .

  2. 在整理本评论的时候,我足够幸运地享受到了一周非常难得的在家工作时间。

    While putting this commentary together , I was fortunate enough to be enjoying a rare work-at-home week .

  3. 方法:收集整理了本实验室近1年来30d喂养试验320只SD大鼠的相关数据,用PEMS软件统计了体重、进食量、食物利用率和脏器系数等的均值和95%的上下限值。

    Methods : The data of thirty days feeding study in SD rats was collected from our laboratory and processed statistically with PEM medical statistics software .

  4. 今天放学后买了笔记本,准备开始做笔记,整理错题本,整理数学概念,英语时态,过去式等等。

    After school today bought notebook , ready to take notes , sorting out the wrong topic this , finishing mathematical concepts , English tenses , the past type , etc.

  5. 在笔者看来,文化创意产业的研究是一个新的领域,当前大量的研究文献还都处于较为分散的状态,如何对这些理论文献进行比较和整理是本论文面临的第一个问题。

    In the opinion of the author , it is a new field for the study of creative industry . The documents and materials for the research are now decentralized , therefore , it is of first significance to arrange and compare these theoretical references .

  6. 你会创建一个由有偿专家和各类编辑组成的庞大组织,创作受到版权和商标保护的鸿篇巨制,还是等待爱好者、科学家和自告奋勇的百科全书编纂者来创作、由搜索引擎来整理一本信息大全呢?

    Would you create a massive organisation of paid experts with layers of editors producing tomes that are controlled by copyright and trademark ? Or would you wait for hobbyists , scientists and volunteer encyclopedists to produce , and search engines to organise , a cornucopia of information ?

  7. 索恩整理着一些本无须整理的文件,沉默还在延续。

    The silence lengthened as Thorne unnecessarily shuffled some papers .

  8. 总结全篇内容,并简要地整理概括了本研究的结论。

    Throughout this content , and briefly summarized summarizes reorganize the conclusion of this study .

  9. 文章整理出适合本装置的最小喷动速度关联式,作为进一步研究的参考。

    This article comes up with a correlate equation of the minimum spouted velocity which suitable to the apparatus as a reference for further research .

  10. 对第二、第三部分中的分析做一个系统的整理,得出本次研究的结论。

    To make a systematic analysis of the second chapter and third chapter of the scattered results , come to the conclusions of this study .

  11. 通过对存在问题的整理分析,本研究得出以下结论:1.教育经费投入还是相对不足,基础设施建设不完善。

    Through the analysis of existing problems , this study gives the following conclusions : 1 . Education funds are relatively insufficient still , and the infrastructure construction is imperfect .

  12. 根据总结出的经验教训和分析成果,整理出了本平台的特有需求,并根据这一点对平台做了架构设计和部分详细设计,最后完成了对部分重要基础功能模块的实现。

    Therefore , for these efforts we made , we write the special requirements of this platform and base on these requirements we design the model of platform and some particular details about design .

  13. 特别是江苏省泰州市法院已经整理总结出本辖区内的风俗习惯,常识常情,用来指导判案,收到了很好的效果。

    In particular , the Court of JiangSu Province , JiangSu Province has already organized and summarized the customs , common sense , be used to guide judgments , has received very good results .

  14. 通过资料查询与整理,结合本研究结果,归纳总结了几种预防消极挫折心理的方法:思想教育法、迁移法、创设障碍法、宣泄疏导法、转移注意法。

    Sorting through data query and , with the results of this study , summarizes several methods to prevent the negative psychological setbacks : ideological education , migration law , creating obstacles , catharsis leading method , transferring method .

  15. 索伊夫小姐把她的笔记整理成为一本书,在这本书中,她使人身临其境般地感受到开罗胜利广场的氛围、在尼罗桥上与警察的对持、闯进满是受伤的年轻人的临时医院。

    Ms Soueif has collected her notes in a book that above all conveys what it felt like to be in Tahrir Square , to face the police on the Nile bridges , to stumble into makeshift hospitals filled with bloodied youths .

  16. 最后,对本文研究结论和成果进行了整理,从延续本研究的角度,提出了进一步的研究方向。

    Finally , study conclusion and production is cleared up and further study direction is presented from visual angle of continuing the dissertation .

  17. 通过对川西南地区常规钻井井斜资料的统计和整理,探索出本地区倾斜地层中钻井的地层自然造斜规律。

    With the help of statistically arranging the well deflection data from conventional drilling in Southwest Sichuan , the natural deflecting rule of drilling inclined stratum in this district has been stud - ied .

  18. 在样本的整理过程中,本文力所能及地考虑了样本的完整性,样本范围涵盖了沪深两市市值90%以上的股权分置改革公司。

    In the process of collecting these samples , the integrity of the samples has been taken into consideration , and the samples cover the companies undergoing non-tradable shares reform with more than 90 % of the market value in two Stock Exchanges .