
  1. 杨义的《中国新文学图志》具有开创性意义。

    Diagrams and Explanations in Chinese New Literature by Yang Yi has its own creative value .

  2. 杨义作为当下最具影响的学者之一,自上世纪90年代以来就有人开始对其进行研究。

    Yang Yi , as the present one of the most influential scholars , people began to study him since the 90 years of the last century .

  3. 杨义在学术研究中不仅注重对具体文学、文化现象的深入探研,更强调对中华文明的总体把握,以还原其应有的深度、广度与厚度。

    When Yang Yi research in academic , he focused on research in-depth not just specific literary and cultural phenomenon , moreover , he stresses on overall grasp of the Chinese civilization , so that restore its proper depth , breadth and thickness .

  4. 杨义学术在文学理论建构方面有着很深的建树,不仅引领了创造与建设并重的人文学,还构建了中国特色的叙事学理论,对文学史写作模式和学术品格也有着深刻的影响。

    Construction in literary theory with Yang has a profound contribution not only leaded the " both creating and constructing " humanities , but also constructed narrative theory of Chinese characteristics , and has a profound impact on writing mode of literary history and academic character .