
  1. 然而,上海市教委(shanghaieducationcommission)发表的声明说,“孟母堂”没有经过政府批准,属违法办学。

    However , a statement released by the Shanghai Education Commission said the school had not been approved by the government and was teaching an illegal curriculum .

  2. 孟母向人借了一架机杼,靠织布维持生计。

    C.Meng 's mother borrowed a loom and began to weave for a living .

  3. 教育权之争&孟母堂事件的法理学思考

    The Argument of Educative Right & Thinking about the Affair " Mengmutang " in Jurisprudence

  4. 孟母说:“这个地方真的可以让我的儿子住下来了。”

    The mother said , " This is the right place for a child . "

  5. 孟母在孟子的一生中扮演一个伟大的角色。

    Mencius 's mother played a great part in his life and in his ultimate success .

  6. 孟母堂引发争议之处,在于其以中国传统文化为基础设置的课程。

    The controversial aspect of Meng Mu Hall has been a curriculum based on traditional Chinese culture .

  7. 孟母又说:“这里也不是我们可以居住教子的地方。”

    Again the mother said " It 's not good for a child to live here . "

  8. 孟母说:这里不是教养我儿子的地方。

    Mother Meng said , This is not the place I would like to raise my son .

  9. 一次孟子逃学,孟母就割断织机的布来教子。

    Mencius once played truant , and she cut the cloth she was weaving to show her seriousness .

  10. 邹国孟轲的母亲很了不起.人称孟母。

    Meng Ke 's mother , also known as Mencius , mother , is a great mother of Zou State .

  11. 孟母堂坐落于上海南郊,结合了新时代感性因素和对中国古代传统的尊重。

    Based in Shanghai 's southern suburbs , Meng Mu Hall combines a new-age sensibility with reverence for ancient Chinese traditions .

  12. 孟母说:“这里不是我们可以居住教子的地方。”

    His mother said , " It 's not good for a child to live in this kind of place . "

  13. 教育专家屡屡批评孟母堂重新采用他们认为落后的读经教育。

    Education experts have heaped criticism on Meng Mu Hall for bringing back what they believe is the backward practice of recitation of texts .