
  • 网络bombay stock exchange;BSe
  1. 根据Dealogic的数据,自2008年始,基建公司已从孟买证券交易所(BombayStockExchange)募集到约63亿美元的资金。

    Infrastructure companies have raised about $ 6.3 billion since the beginning of 2008 on the Bombay Stock Exchange , according to Dealogic .

  2. SKS八月份开始在孟买证券交易所出售股票。

    SKS began selling stock on the Bombay Stock Exchange in August .

  3. 上世纪90年代末,由于牵涉到一宗重大内幕交易案,阿加瓦尔的公司被孟买证券交易所封杀,于是他将公司从本国搬到了伦敦。

    He moved his company from India to London in the late 1990s , after it was banned from the Mumbai stock exchange for involvement in a prominent insider trading case .

  4. 但是在1月,由于美国可能出现的衰退引发全球经济下滑的担忧,孟买证券交易所同亚洲其他股市一样出现大幅度的下跌。

    But in January , the Mumbai stock index , the Sensex , plunged along with other Asian markets , amid fears of a global economic downturn sparked by a possible recession in the United States .