
  • 网络Meng Huo;moukaku;egypt
  1. 通过对孟获的七擒七放,终于感化了孟获。

    Through the 7 times catches and 7 times releases , Meng Huo was finally influenced .

  2. 孟获赶紧逃走,可是他刚逃出山谷就被抓了起来。

    Meng Huo tried to flee , but was caught just when he ran out of the valley .

  3. 动画故事告诉小朋友一个道理:诸葛亮正是用诚信感动了孟获,从而收复了蜀国失地和人心。

    This story tells the children such a truth that Zhu Geliang influenced Meng Huo and reoccupied the lost territory of the Country of Shu and the people 's heart just by faithfulness and honesty .

  4. 孟获:可去甲A或甲B当足球队教练,屡战屡败,还死不改悔,不过失败七次后就要下课了。

    The Meng get : Can go to AN AN or A B to be football team coach , repeatedly fought and lost , also the dead don 't change regrets , however failure seven empress will class dismissed .

  5. 在平定了南方少数民族孟获的叛乱之后,他们成为蜀汉的臣民,但仍由其首领继续管理内部事务,这有利于蜀汉政权的稳定。

    After Zhuge Liang destroyed the non-Chinese alliance led by Meng Huo , he left the people under continuing control by their native leaders , and confirmed that power with seals and other emblems of authority although in formal terms , they were subjects of Shu-Han . All these practices facilitate the tranquility of Shu-Han .