
  1. 先秦寓言的特征及其民族文化意蕴

    The Characteristic and Race Cultural Meaning of the First Qin 's Parables

  2. 神话传说先秦寓言与微篇小说

    Fable , Parables in the Pre-Qin Period and Short-short Stories

  3. 先秦寓言对小说的启示:虚构

    Fabrication : The Original Formation of Novels Deriving from Fables in Pre-Qin Dynasty

  4. 论先秦寓言的成就

    On the Accomplishments of Pre - Qin Fables

  5. 第一部分:先秦寓言概述。

    The first chapter is the summary .

  6. 论先秦寓言的朦胧美

    On the Dim Beauty of Pre-Qin Fables

  7. 通过对先秦寓言出现之前的几种修辞手法的分析,探讨寓言产生的基础。

    The paper is to seek the foundation of fables before Qin Dynasty by analyzing the rhetoric means before the origination of fables .

  8. 动荡的社会转型期,不仅为先秦寓言的产生、繁荣提供了社会历史条件,同时也造就了先秦寓言的创造者-士人。

    Such social background provided the historical condition for the development of allegory , and also brought up the creators of pre-Qin allegory ' Shi ' .

  9. 第二部分:先秦寓言的思想及文化意蕴。主要从三方面进行论述:(一)哲理的诗篇;

    The second chapter discusses the thought and the cultural meaning of the First Qin 's Parables from the three aspects : the Psalter of the philosophy ;

  10. 本文以《韩非子》寓言作为研究主体,探索先秦寓言这种文学体裁在春秋战国时期所呈现的特点。

    In this paper , " Hanfeizi " fable as a research subject of this fable to explore the pre-Qin literature presented in the Spring and Autumn Period features .

  11. 论述寓言的本质特征、先秦寓言的起源、兴盛原因及其发展的轮廓,并将其与西方《伊索寓言》进行简单比较。

    Discusses the essence characteristic of the parables , the origins of the First Qin 's Parables , the reason of the prosperous of the First Qin 's Parables and the outline that it develop , and compares it with 《 the Aesop parable 》 .

  12. 在此六道轮回观念支配下,动物才在观念与形象世界里,超越了先秦寓言哲理性比况寓托借用功能,切实被赋予了与人同等的地位。

    Owing to the effect of the idea of life transmigration , the animals appear in people 's concept and images , and exceed parable , philosophical , metaphor , and borrowing function , which have been indeed assigned the same status as human beings .

  13. 先秦诸子寓言的一面旗帜&庄子寓言与其他诸子寓言的异同

    A Banner of Early Qin Fables

  14. 唐代柳宗元创作寓言,使先秦以来寓言依附于史学、哲学的情况发生变化,成为独立的文体。

    Fables by Liu Zongyuan in Tan Dynasty , had become a style independent of history and philosophy since the Pre-Qin Dynasty .

  15. 先秦诸子寓言一般是为给各自观点及哲学思想做佐注,但就其讽刺现实这一客观效果来看是一致的,具有积极的批判意义。

    Generally , all the early Qin fables are explanatory notes to their own viewpoints and philosophical thoughts , but they have positive critical significance in terms of satirizing reality .

  16. 先秦两汉时期的寓言诗贯穿反伤害的生命意识,同时又渗透浓郁的家园情结和骨肉亲情,反映出中国古代农业文明和血缘纽带强有力的特征。

    The parable poem of this period not only run through the consciousness of resistance injury but also permeated strong home-emotion and the blood relationship , which reflected the powerful characteristic of the Chinese ancient agriculture civilization and blood relationship .