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xiān bǐ
  • deceased mother
先妣 [xiān bǐ]
  • (1) [deceased mother] 先祖之母;亡母

  • 先妣尝一至。--明. 归有光《项脊轩志》

  • (2) 又

  • 先妣抚之。

  1. 然而,在悲剧死后,一种新的艺术繁盛起来,它奉悲剧为先妣,为主母。人们诧异地觉察到她酷肖她母亲的容貌,可是那是她长久在垂死挣扎中的愁容。

    When after all a new genre sprang into being which honored tragedy as its parent , the child was seen with dismay to bear indeed the features of its mother , but of its mother during her long death struggle .