
  • 网络avant-garde movements
  1. 我们将中国古典建筑的立面特点和现代主义的先锋运动荷兰风格派运动影响下的现代建筑立面进行比较,可以看到二者立面的许多处理手法都是一致的。

    We can analyse the different facade features ( between ) Chinese classical architecture and modern architecture influenced by de Stijl of Holland .

  2. 让·维果(JeanVigo,1905.04.28&1934.04.25),法国著名的电影大师,先锋电影运动后期和诗意现实主义电影早期的杰出代表,观点记录电影创始人。

    Jean Vigo ( Jean Vigo , 1905.04.28-1934 . 04.25 ), the famous French Film Master , the outstanding representative in the later Vanguard Cinema and earlier poetic realism cinema , the founder of Film Record opinion .

  3. 20世纪80年代中后期,由马原、格非、孙甘露等人的叙事革命所引发的先锋小说运动,实际上是从形式的角度探索了现代小说的发展道路。

    Vanguard novels explored the development of modern novels on the basis of their forms .

  4. 世纪70年代在英国和美国先锋派运动是一支有强大破坏力的力量。

    In Britain and the USA in the1970s the underground was a powerful subversive force .

  5. 中国大陆当代的先锋诗运动始于年代末年代初的朦胧诗。

    The Vanguard Poetry Movement in China has begun from Obscure Poetry in the end of 1970s and the beginning of 1980s .

  6. 卡苏出生在西班牙的毕尔巴鄂,父亲来自法国的贝阿恩,母亲来自西班牙的安达卢西亚。在二战前,他把法语引入了西班牙先锋派运动。

    Born in Bilbao to a father from B é arn and a mother from Andalusia , he introduced the French to the Spanish avant - garde before the war .

  7. 本文主要探讨西方20世纪先锋派运动的轨迹,特别考察了一些典型的先锋派群体的形成与个人才华之间的关系。

    This essay examines the trajectory of Western avant-garde movements in the 20th century , especially the relationship of group formation , typical of these avant-gardes , to the individual talent .

  8. 卡苏曾积极投身于上世纪二三十年代的先锋文学及绘画运动。尽管如此,他坚持认为,理想和原则要在现实生活中才能实现。

    He was deeply involved in the avant-garde literary and painting movements of the 1920s and 1930s . He was nonetheless adamant that ideals and principles be implemented in real life .

  9. 巴西政府准备请国家足球明星罗纳尔多在新的扫盲运动中担当先锋,此次扫盲运动针对的是两千万不能读写的巴西成年人。

    BRASILIA ( Reuters ) - Brazil 's government is turning to national soccer star Ronaldo to spearhead a new literacy campaign aimed at the20 million Brazilian adults who cannot read or write .

  10. 这种关系在新文学与新美术之间的交叉地带体现得尤为突出;一批活跃于此间的先锋人物和社团,既是这种复杂互动关系的主要承担者,亦为现代先锋文艺运动进程的重要推动人。

    Formed a complicated relationship of interaction between new literature and new fine arts , which was especially evident in their overlapping fields . This kind of relationship in the overlapping fields was carried out by the involved personages and organizations facilitating the modern avant-garde movement of art .