
ɡōnɡ huì lián hé huì
  • federation of trade unions;trade union federation
  1. 巴勒斯坦工会联合会

    Palestine Trade Union Federation

  2. 妇女事务会〔香港工会联合会〕

    Women Affairs Committee [ Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions ]

  3. 国际基督教印刷和造纸工业工会联合会

    International Federation of Christian Trade Unions of Graphical and Paper Industries

  4. 联合国探矿标准特设专家组玻利维亚矿工工会联合会

    Ad Hoc Group of Experts on United Nations Criteria for Mineral Exploration

  5. 联合国难民和无国籍人地位全权代表会议全国冶金工会联合会

    United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons

  6. 世界能源、化学和杂货工业工会联合会;

    World Federation of trade unions for energy , chemical and miscellaneous industries ;

  7. 职业安全健康委员会〔香港工会联合会〕

    Occupational Safety and Health Committee [ Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions ]

  8. 国际自由工会联合会(自由工联)

    International confederation of Free Trade Union ( ICFTU )

  9. 香港工会联合会〔工联会〕中华全国工商业联合会

    Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions FTU All China National Industry and Commerce Association

  10. 南非自由工会联合会

    Federation of Free Trade Unions of South Africa

  11. 国际食品及有关行业工会联合会

    International Union of Food and Allied Workers Associations

  12. 国际运输工人工会联合会

    International Federation of Trade Unions of Transport Workers

  13. 国际自由教师工会联合会

    International Federation of Free Teachers ' Unions

  14. 此次组建餐饮行业工会联合会的,正是这些非公经济单位。

    The catering trade unions formed the Federation , it is these non-public economic units .

  15. 世界产业工人工会联合会

    World Federation of Industrial Workers ' Unions

  16. 香港公务员工会联合会

    Hong Kong Federation of Civil Service Unions

  17. 中华全国工商业联合会南非自由工会联合会

    All China National Industry and Commerce Association Federation of Free Trade Unions of South Africa

  18. 工会联合会准备调动所有的力量以挫败这一议案。

    The trade union congress is prepared to mobilize the whole movement to defeat the bill .

  19. 国际基督教工会联合会

    International Confederation of Christian Trade Unions

  20. 塞浦路斯土族工会联合会

    Cyprus Turkish Trade Unions Federation

  21. 欧洲工会联合会-青年

    European Trade Union Confederation-Youth

  22. 全国冶金工会联合会全部基金综合平衡表

    All fund-combined balance sheet

  23. 美国商会正在游说各议员通过该法案,明天美国劳工联合会产业工会联合会将公布推进法案通过的计划。

    US chamber of commerce is lobbying law makers to pass the measure and tomorrow the AFLCIO will announce its plans to push the passage .

  24. 德国工会联合会会长麦可•索摩尔在接受《柏林日报》采访时表示,欣然接纳雇主承诺包容的决定。

    Hundt 's counterpart at the German Federation of Trade Unions , Michael Sommer , welcomed the employers'pledge of tolerance when asked by the Berliner Zeitung .

  25. 在初选中,贝尔萨尼与一个比他更左的小党结盟,而且迎合大型工会联合会。

    In the primaries , Mr Bersani made an ally of a small party to his left and cosied up to the big trade union federations .

  26. 但是,尽管布朗热情澎湃,英国工会联合会也呼吁从实际出发,但你能真的自信满满的在办公室里穿短裤吗?

    But , for all Browne 's passion and the TUC 's call for practicality , can shorts really be worn with confidence in the office ?

  27. 然而,美国变革谋胜利工会联合会代表团昨日表示,中华全国总工会已开始发生转变,开始摆脱过去在国有企业中的被动角色,积极在外资和民营企业中组建工会。

    The change to win delegation said , however , that the ACFTU was beginning to shift from its passive role at state enterprises to organising in-house unions at foreign and private companies .

  28. 中美洲工会组织联合会

    Central American Confederation of Trade Union Organizations

  29. 这是由20个地区工会组成的联合会。

    It is a federation of20 regional unions .

  30. 工会代表和联合会代表继续开会,争取找到解决纠纷的方法。

    Union and Federation representatives continue meeting in an attempt to find a resolution to the dispute .