
gōng shì
  • fortifications;work;defense works;shelter
工事 [gōng shì]
  • (1) [work]

  • (2) 关于土木及其他工作的事物

  • 五曰工事竞于刻镂,女事繁于文章,国之贫也。--《管子.立政》

  • (3) 特指蚕桑织绣之事

  • 处女操工事者几何人?--《管子.问》

  • (4) [fortifications;defence works]∶军中所构筑的掩体、碉堡、障碍等

  • 山上山下,都要作战的工事。--周立波《娘子关前》

工事[gōng shì]
  1. 为了凑齐一套行头,你可以往左走,来到这条街陡坡的最高处,穿过最后一扇中世纪的“石门”卡米尼塔·弗拉塔(KamenitaVrata),它来自曾经环绕格拉代茨(Gradec)的工事。

    To complete your ensemble , make a left at the top of the street 's incline and pass through Kamenita Vrata , the last medieval " stone gate " remaining from the fortifications that once surrounded Gradec .

  2. 首先,要抓紧把工事检查一下。

    First of all , we should quickly check up on our fortifications .

  3. 政府已经开始沿东部边境修筑防御工事。

    The government has started building fortifications along its eastern border .

  4. 该防御工事能抵御当时所使用的各种进攻手段。

    The fortress was proof against the techniques of attack then in use

  5. 欧洲石器时期最大的土木防御工事位于威尔特郡的西尔布利山。

    Europe 's biggest Stone Age earthworks are at Silbury Hill in Wiltshire .

  6. 这些防御工事用于阻止坦克等车辆前进。

    The defences are intended to obstruct any advance by tanks and other vehicles .

  7. 政府在这一地区构筑防御工事抵御进攻。

    The government fortified the area against attack .

  8. 人防工事中低浓度CO2对人脑生物电流的影响

    The influence of low density co_2 to bioelectricity of human brain in civil air defense works

  9. 本文结合玻璃钢的特点,着重介绍了FRP在军事野战工程中的一些应用及工事设计。

    This paper mainly introduces some applications of FRP on field works and the design of defense works .

  10. v.设立防御工事士兵们在山上这地点大兴泥土工程及设立木墙,以设立防御工事。

    fortify The soldiers fortified the position on the hill by building earthworks and erecting log walls .

  11. 本文报导32例健康青年学生于地面(作为对照组),以及在不同CO2浓度(1‰~3‰)人防工事中现场描记脑电图。

    This paper reported EEG of healthy young students were recorded in the scene of ground ( control group ) and civil air defense works with different density CO2 ( 1 % ~ 3 % ) .

  12. 从白四方广场(PlaceduQuartierBlanc)出发,可到达中世纪的石头尖塔和沃邦大坝(BarrageVauban)。沃邦大坝是座17世纪的防御工事,看起来像一座覆有顶棚的石桥。

    Place du Quartier Blanc leads to medieval stone towers and Barrage Vauban , a 17th-century defensive fortification resembling a covered stone bridge .

  13. 近年来,一座名为Kuhikugu的城市在亚马逊雨林中被发现,它有着复杂的防御工事和建筑工程,这些证据让许多人猜想这可能是Z城传说的源头。

    In recent years , a city known as Kuhikugu was discovered in the Amazon Rainforest that showed evidence of sophisticated fortifications and engineering , leading many to speculate that it may be the source of the Z legend .

  14. 如barrie先生所指明,这样一长串清单表明,要确认许多工事并寻找目标。

    As Mr Barrie points out , such a long list means a lot of work to identify and find targets .

  15. 坦克歼击车105毫米主炮能够打击轻装甲车辆和防御工事,但是不能摧毁一辆全装甲主战坦克(MBT)。

    The105mm main gun of the tank destroyer is capable of engaging lightly armoured vehicles and fortifications , but is unable to destroy a heavily armed main battle tanks ( MBT ) .

  16. 我军扫除了敌人的防御工事向南推进。

    Our army brushed aside the enemy defences and advanced south .

  17. 防御工事已筑好,准备对付敌人进攻。

    The defences are kept in readiness for any enemy attack .

  18. 这里所有的人到镇礼堂的工事去。

    Everyone over here can go to the town hall shelter .

  19. 是一种保护自己不受敌人攻击的防御工事。

    The arrangement of defensive fortifications to protect against enemy fire .

  20. 设防御工事,设防以防御公事加强或防护(战略位置)

    To strengthen and secure ( a position ) with fortifications .

  21. 我们和敌人都不断加强防御工事。

    Both our forces and the adversary continued fortifying their positions .

  22. 于北大屿山郊野公园内进行土木工事及建筑工程。

    Earthworks and building works in the Lantau North Country Park .

  23. 这道防御工事是为了保护村民不受袭击而造的。

    The defense is built to protect the villagers from attack .

  24. 用于野战工事的新型多功能无机复合材料的性能研究

    A Study of a New Multifunctional Composites Used in Field Work

  25. 防御工事内、外爆炸冲击波测试方法的研究

    Research of the blast waves on testing methods inside or outside

  26. 一个坚固的城堡;防御工事使得边境不可侵犯。

    An impregnable fortress ; fortifications that made the frontier inviolable .

  27. 他能先把沿海的防御工事一举彻底摧毁。

    He could level the beach defenses first with one force .

  28. 该团在等待放人进攻之时加强了阵地工事。

    The regiment secured its position while awaiting the enemy attack .

  29. 所有的海滩现在都布满了各式各样的防御工事。

    All the beaches now bristled with defences of various kinds .

  30. 海防工事本身的状况就很糟糕。

    The sea defences themselves are in a very sorry state .