
  • 网络work programme;work program;program of work;working formulation
  1. 这份报告说,另一个情境即《内罗毕工作方案》(NWP)着眼于帮助各国做出关于可行的适应(特别是可行的技术)的知情决策。

    In a separate setting , the report says , the Nairobi Work Programme ( NWP ) aims to help countries make informed decisions on practical adaptation & and technology in particular .

  2. 改变生产和消费形态国际工作方案

    International work programme on changing production and consumption patterns

  3. 近日,国家卫健委和生态环境部等部委联合印发的医疗机构废弃物综合治理工作方案提出,到2020年底,全国每个地级市都要至少建一个规范的医疗废物处置设施。

    A recent official plan requires each prefecture-level city to build at least one standardized medical waste disposal facility by the end of this year . The work plan about comprehensive treatment of waste from medical institutions was released by authorities including the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment .

  4. 介绍了电子设计自动化(EDA)技术的主要特点和功能,并对将EDA技术引入到教学应用中的工作方案进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the functions and main features of EDA are introduced , and a discussion is made about the working scheme applying EDA in teaching activities .

  5. 发动机最佳工作方案的选择

    On working the selection of the optimum engine operating scheme

  6. 隔行提供更聪明的工作方案和隔行握拉。

    Provides smarter deinterlacing and more workflow options for interlacing and pulldown .

  7. 反对种族隔离特别委员会的工作方案;

    Programme of work of the special committee against apartheid ;

  8. 所提要求同核定工作方案的关系

    Relationship of proposed requests to approved programme of work

  9. 两年期人口领域工作方案

    Programme of work in the field of population for the biennium 1988-1989 1988-1989

  10. 工作方案和优先问题委员会

    Committee on the Programme of Word and Priorities

  11. 他一到办公室,就开始制定工作方案。

    On arriving at the office , he set about working on the project .

  12. 拟议工作方案和时间表;

    Proposed programme of work and timetable ;

  13. 关于在易县建立林业综合改革试验县的工作方案

    Working scheme for the establishment of experimental county for Synthetical Reform of forestry in Yixian County

  14. 监控实时的服务水平,并可在战略计划下适时安排员工工作方案。

    Monitor real-time service level and work with strategic planning to determine the optimum staffing plan .

  15. 编制审计业务工作方案。

    Prepare engagement work program .

  16. 数字化地籍测量的工作方案

    Working Scheme of Digitization Cadastration

  17. 审查联合国在预防犯罪和刑事司法方面的职能和工作方案

    Review of the functioning and programme of work of the United Nations in crime Prevention and criminal justice

  18. 最后介绍了变密度体重力异常反演的技术,提出了进一步解释工作方案的建议。

    Finally , an inversion processing algorithm and some pieces of suggestion for the further study are presented .

  19. 介绍了感应式IC卡在收费系统中的应用,并给出了两种工作方案。

    Introduces an application of inductive IC card on charging system , and presents two different working principles .

  20. 关于加强知识产权行政执法开展专项执法行动的工作方案;

    Work program on strengthening enforcement of the laws on intellectual property rights and launching a special law enforcement campaign ;

  21. 一旦你的在家工作方案写好了,准备呈交给老板,要仔细地多看几遍。

    Once your work from home proposal is ready to be submitted to the boss , read and re-read it carefully .

  22. 负责保证生产方面各种文件、工作方案的及时性、有效性、完整性和可操作性。

    Be responsible for ensuring the timeliness , validity , integrity and operability of various documents and time schemes on production .

  23. 我们指定一名独立法官接手破产和腐败法庭,同样,当启动穷人支持计划中的“付现工作方案”的时候,我们请来了社会团体来推行这项方案。

    Likewise , when we started cash-for-work programs as part of our pro-poor agenda , we asked communities to run these initiatives .

  24. 禁化武组织2014年工作方案和预算对未来履约具有重要影响。

    Thirdly , the 2014 OPCW Program and Budget will be of a great significance for the future implementation of the Convention .

  25. 地方工会和劳工委员会应通过决议,要求丰富和企业负责本地和国家的工作方案征税。

    Local unions and labor councils should pass resolutions demanding that the rich and corporations be taxed for local and national jobs programs .

  26. 并根据排水系统工作方案和要求设计了系统和接口硬件电路,完成了系统运行程序代码的编写。

    According to the work and request , it designed the system and the hardware interface circuit , and achieved the program code .

  27. 信息的缺失直接影响、制约着抢险救灾工作方案制定的正确性与有效性。

    Information missing directly affects and constrains the correctness and the validity about the scheme of emergency rescues and the disaster relief work .

  28. 有一些简易的工作方案和流程图,提出了诊断方面的指导程序,也描述了心理干预措施,这包括供照护者使用的干预措施。

    There are simple protocols and flowcharts , providing a guidance process for diagnosis and descriptions of psychosocial interventions including those for caregivers .

  29. 本文对晋南牛开发实施方案、经济杂交方案及基因库工作方案的内容给予了肯定的评价,并对三个方案提出了意见和建议。

    Three protocols including Jinnan cattle development , economic crossbreeding and gene bank construction was evaluated , and recommendations on three protocols was proposed .

  30. 男性包皮环切,男用和女用避孕套,预防母婴传播,针对高危人群的工作方案,以及行为改变教育。

    Examples include male circumcision , male and female condoms , PMTCT , targeted programmes for high-risk groups , and education for behaviour change .