
  • 网络breeding base
  1. 水蛭及其养殖基地农药与重金属残留分析

    Residues analysis of pesticides and heavy metals in Whitmania pigra and its breeding base

  2. 现在这个养殖基地已经被列为国家的863计划了。

    At present , this breeding base has been listed as part of the nation's863 Program .

  3. Norddeich海豹养殖基地的五只小海豹将会重归大自然。

    Five baby seals , which have been raised in the seal-breeding station in Norddeich , will be returned to the wild .

  4. 使整个养殖基地无任何废物排放。

    The whole place of the Base has not any wastes .

  5. 农村高效、生态型奶牛养殖基地建设的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of Constructing the Rural Effective and Ecological Dairy Base

  6. 完成了数据库的建立;种鹅养殖基地建设经济效益分析

    The Analysis of the Economic Efficiency of a Abase Construction for Breeding Goose Raising

  7. 本场是集饲养、繁育、调拨于一体的大型养殖基地。

    This field is a feeding , breeding , allocated in one large-scale breeding base .

  8. 据中央电视台报道说大熊猫养殖基地处于距离震中大约40公里的地方。

    CCTV reported that the panda facility is about 40 kilometers away from the epicenter .

  9. 海豹养殖基地本季总共喂养了71只被遗弃的普通小海豹。

    A total of71 abandoned young common seals were reared at the seal station this season .

  10. 研究了不同养殖基地的水体和鱼体的菌相。

    Bacteria flora of culture water and freshly caught fish from different breeding bases were studied .

  11. 象山港地区近年来海水养殖业得到快速发展,已成为浙江省最大的海水养殖基地。随着港内养殖数量的逐年增加,水体富营养化程度日趋加剧,赤潮发生频率逐年上升,给养殖业带来巨大损失。

    Xiangshan Bay is the biggest marine aquaculture base in Zhejiang province , after years of fast development .

  12. 政府表示,有关250家肉和家禽养殖基地的改革,会引起对大肠(杆)菌的和其它食品方面疾病的重视。

    The government says changes at250 meat and poultry plants will address concerns about E.coli and other food-borne illnesses .

  13. 养殖基地位于安徽省舒城县东南方向舒三路七里工业园区。

    Breeding base in Anhui Province is located in a south-easterly direction Shucheng Shu three Qiligang Industrial Park Road .

  14. 结果研究基地平均孵化期为105天,养殖基地孵化期为92天,养殖基地孵化期比研究基地孵化短。

    Results The result indicated that the average hatch phase of laboratory ground and field ground is105 and92 days respectively .

  15. 研究结果表明养殖基地不同其水体和鱼体上的菌相存在差异。

    The results showed that bacteria flora of culture water and freshly caught fish had difference in different breeding bases .

  16. 养殖基地的产业定位和发展模式代表了国家新型农业的未来发展方向。

    The Breeding Base 's industry position and strategies represent the future of the nation 's " New Agriculture " movement .

  17. 去年,中国各熊猫养殖基地经由自然或人工授精方法繁殖出了19只熊猫幼仔,其中16只得以存活。

    Last year , 19 baby pandas were born by natural or artificial insemination in China 's breeding bases and16 of them survived .

  18. 湖南是全国猪肉产业大省,也是最重要的外销生猪养殖基地。

    Hunan province is one of the developed area of pork industry in the country , and the most important export pig breeding base .

  19. 到2006年铜仁市已建成120万只四川白鹅养殖基地、印江县80万只莱茵鹅基地。

    Tongren City in 2006 to have been completed and 1,200,000 breeding base in Sichuan White , Indian River County , 800,000 geese Rhine base .

  20. 我们在太湖地区拥有千亩水塘的珍珠养殖基地,为开拓市场,已在北京、上海等地设立批发与零售点。

    We have one thousand mu for cultivation of pearls , in lake Taihu , and we have marketing office in Beijing , ShangHai , etc.

  21. 在长春浩月等肉牛养殖基地获取肉牛采食量的资料和温、湿度对肉牛生长情况的相关影响。

    Obtain the base information of beef cattle in appetite and the influence by temperature and humidity in the cowshed receive the practical data . 2 .

  22. 在青海省乐都县养殖基地选择了有代表性的两种日光暖棚羊舍,对其主要内环境指标进行了对比。

    Two kinds of sunlight sheep 's house were chosen in the breeding base of the Qinghai Ledu county , and made a comparison on its inner-environment indexes .

  23. 江苏盱眙是国内最大的淡水龙虾养殖基地,实现高效现代化设施农业改造,采用精细化养殖是提高经济效益的必由之路。

    Jiangsu Xuyi is the largest freshwater lobster breeding base , modern facilities for efficient transformation of agriculture , and fining breed is the way to increase economic efficiency .

  24. 因我们这是农业大省,我处设有种植,养殖基地,常年大量养殖鹅,鸭。

    Because our is agricultural big province , our place is equipped with the planter , breeds the base , year to year massively breeds the goose , the duck .

  25. 也可以去海洋村看看那里的人们如何因地制宜,建起了一座科技环保的北方滩涂贝类养殖基地。

    You can also visit Haiyang Village to see how villagers there take advantage of their local conditions in building a high-tech and environment-friendly shellfish breeding base along the northern beach .

  26. 摘要东洞庭湖区是国内主要商品粮基地之一,也是国内重要的牲猪、芦苇、苎麻商品基地和举足轻重的淡水品养殖基地。

    The western area of Dongting Lake is one of the main marketable grain base in our country , and an important marketable base for pork , reed hemp and the freshwater aquiculture .

  27. 本文采用前锋线比较法对项目的进度进行动态控制,是这一方法在生态养殖基地项目中首次应用。

    This thesis has applied the vanguard line comparison in the dynamic process control of the project . This is the first time for this method to be used in eco-breeding base projects .

  28. 要利用低洼地、采煤塌陷区等非耕地资源,建设一批高产、优质、高效水产养殖基地,大力发展名特优稀水产品生产。

    The non-cultivated land such as low-lying land , mining subsidence and others would be fully developed to build a number of high-yield , good-quality , high-efficiency base for aquaculture for famous , special , good-quality and output of meat aquatic products .

  29. 东太湖是太湖水资源生态系统的组成部分,是重要的城市供水水源地和太湖洪水的主要排泄通道,也是重要的水产养殖基地。

    The Eastern Taihu Lake ( ETL ) is a part of aquatic ecological system of the Taihu Lake , a key source of urban water supply , a main drainage byway of flood from the Lake and an important base of aquaculture .

  30. 主要结论有:(1)安县应着力发展现代家禽养殖业,使之成为川西北重要的现代化家禽养殖基地和产业化示范基地,打造四川家禽第一县。

    The main conclusions are : ( 1 ) Anxian should conduct the development of modern poultry industry , build an important modern poultry breeding base and industrialization demonstration base in Northwest , and try to be the first county in Sichuan poultry .