
yǎng shēng
  • health preservation;regimen;keep in good health;preserve one's health;nourishing of life
养生 [yǎng shēng]
  • [preserve one's health;keep in good health] 保养身体

  • 养生之道

  • 得养生焉。--《庄子.养生主》

养生[yǎng shēng]
  1. 中国养生文化的起源

    Preserve one 's health Culture of China

  2. 古代传统文化思想对中医养生思想的产生也起到了不可忽视的作用。

    The effect of the ancient traditional culture on the production of the preserve one 's health idea of TCM can not be ignored .

  3. 不管制订的是什么样的养生计划,都要严格遵守。

    Whatever regimen has been prescribed should be rigorously followed .

  4. 那么你知道一些养生方式的英文该如何表达吗?我们一起来了解一下吧~1泡脚footbath俗话说,脚是人体的“第二心脏”,热水泡脚,胜吃补药。

    As the saying goes , feet are the body 's " second heart " , hot foot bath , win tonic1 .

  5. 最重要的一点是,坚持你的维生素养生法则,保证摄入足量的维生素C!

    Most importantly , stick to your vitamin regimen and make sure to get plenty of vitamin c !

  6. 要不是这样的话,那就怪以全食超市(wholefoods)为代表的提倡健康和本土化饮食的养生食品运动吧。

    If not that , then blame the Whole Foods-fueled movement toward healthy and local eating .

  7. HACCP在苦荞养生茶中的应用研究

    Application of HACCP on Tartary Buckwheat Healthful Tea

  8. 包括亚洲最大的SPA、医学美容、抗衰老综合治疗、体检、调理养生等。

    It includes SPA , medical cosmetology , anti-ageing therapy , body check and preserves one 's health etc.

  9. Stephanie是个很注重养生的人,他不吃有饱和脂肪,糖分高,人工香料的食物。

    Tony : Stephanie is a health nut , and doesn 't eat anything with saturated fat , added sugar , or artificial flavors .

  10. 铺筑质量研究是指对7d养生结束后基层的平整度、裂缝以及芯样进行分析研究。

    Construction quality study refers to end of 7d curing the roughness of the end of the base , cracks , and core samples were analyzed .

  11. Wu表示:公司希望将疗养度假村与当地村庄和山区融合在一起,由此来保护自然环境;我们的顾客可以在树林中享受养生疗法,这种做法可以平复人的心灵。

    ' We want to preserve the natural environment by merging our resort with the local village and mountain . Our customers can have therapy [ sessions ] in the forest which can help calm people 's minds , ' said Wu .

  12. 可以询问医生,看看是否可以服用立普妥(Lipitor)或其它的他汀类药物,或经常服用小剂量阿斯匹林来养生,这有助于人们控制身体的炎症。

    Ask your physician if you should be on Lipitor or other statins and a regimen of baby aspirin , which help curb your body 's inflammation .

  13. 结论:本试验所制定的内视练习方法能够有效的增加S3、S4,提高深睡眠比例,改善睡眠结构,说明中国传统养生方法对促进睡眠,提高睡眠质量是有其可靠的积极意义的。

    Conclusion This study was developed by practicing endoscopic method can effectively increase the S3 , S4 , improve the proportion of deep sleep , improving sleep architecture , shows that the Chinese traditional methods of health promotion of sleep , improve sleep quality are reliable has its positive meaning .

  14. 养生产业从北京向世界延伸&访第四届世界养生大会组委会秘书长郑志坚

    To the world HEALTH Health Preservation Industry is Extending to World

  15. 论蒙医学中的人与自然协调养生观

    The Keeping Health of Harmony the Relation between People and Nature

  16. 齐文化养生思想探析

    Approach and Analysis of Thought of Keeping Fit of Qi Culture

  17. 《道德经》中有着丰富的贵生、养生思想。

    There were very rich thoughts of health preserving in Daodejing .

  18. 忽然之间,之前她践行的中文谚语和养生观念就变样了。

    Suddenly , the above-mentioned Chinese saying and perception will change 。

  19. 沥青封闭养生技术在路面养护维修中的应用研究

    The Application of Bitumen Seal Curing Technology to Pavement Maintenance Repair

  20. 他们从事斋醮活动,从事道教养生实践。

    They engaged in the Taoist sacrificial rites and regimen practices .

  21. 传统养生与延缓衰老的现代研究

    The Modern Study of Traditional Health Preservation and Rehabilitation Medicine

  22. 论孔子的养生思想及其现代价值

    Confucius ' thoughts of healthy-keeping and the modern value of the thoughts

  23. 中国古代养生学中的体育思想

    Physical Thinking About Keeping in Good Health In Ancient China

  24. 孙氏修道养生观是对自组织理论的自觉运用。

    The Tao regimen is a self-using to self-organization theory .

  25. 论传统体育养生文化的机理

    On Theory of Traditional Health - keeping Culture in Sports

  26. 沙漠公路中水泥稳定土路面养生技术研究

    Study on curing method of cement stabilized soil pavement in desert highway

  27. 试论老年体质和运动养生的关系

    A Study on the Relation of Physical Exercise and the Elderly Fitness

  28. 中国传统体育养生的哲学基础及其独特的风格

    Philosophy Basis and Unique Style of the Traditional Chinese Sportive Physical Therapy

  29. 论中国传统武术养生文化的现代社会效用

    On Modern Effectiveness of Traditional Health-keeping Culture of Chinese Wushu

  30. 美女养生另类体验我国西瓜特异种质资源研究利用进展

    Progress in Studies and Utilization of Special Watermelon Germplasm Resources in China