
  • 网络emperor wen;Emperor Wen of Han
  1. 汉文帝将注意力更多放在了农业与经济上。

    The emperor Wen attached much importance to agriculture and economy .

  2. 论汉文帝

    On Emperor Wen of the Han

  3. 例如,汉文帝为母亲尝汤药的故事告诉我们西汉文帝的孝道。

    For example , the story of " Taste Liquid Medicine for Mother " tells us the filial virtue of Emperor Wen of the Western Han dynasty .

  4. 试析汉文帝优容诸侯王的真正原因

    An Analysis of the Reasons for Emperor HAN wen-di 's tolerance over Feudal Princes

  5. 。他自称汉文帝,即“有学问的汉朝皇帝”。

    He earned the name Han Wendi , " The Learned Emperor of Han . "

  6. 汉文帝以后,这种察举的办法渐成制度。

    Since the Han Wen Emperor , this method had been turned into a political system gradually .

  7. 孝子汉文帝,虽已逝去,人们仍然敬仰汉文帝善良,无私孝顺母亲的行为。

    The Learned Emperor 's name , Han Wendi , has passed down through a thousand ages to the present -- people still admire his model of virtuous , selfless conduct .

  8. 汉文帝的这种报恩思想也赋予了他因循守旧和固守刘邦政治原则的形象,形成了他人格上的二重性。

    Wen Emperor 's such thought of paying a debt of gratitude made him a image of conservatively sticking to Liu Bang 's political principles , thus he showed his dual personality .

  9. 汉文帝与代臣&兼论昌邑王刘贺与昌邑臣昌邑市农民专业合作社发展对策研究

    Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty and the Ministers of the State of Dai : with Reference to Prince Changyi and His Ministers ; The Countermeasure Research of Farmers Cooperative Professional Development in Changyi City

  10. 母亲一次严重的疾病,汉文帝放下公事,立刻离开朝廷回到母亲身边照顾母亲。

    Once the matron suffered a serious illness and Han Wendi , as soon as he had completed the various governmental matters , would immediately leave the state chambers and return to his mother 's bedside to nurse her with tender concern .

  11. 汉文帝照顾母亲非常细心,在母亲床边,目不交睫,以至于常常忘记换衣服。

    He never grumbled or resented the toil and tedium . The Emperor 's care of his mother was thorough to the last detail . He would wait by her bedside without closing his eyes , often forgetting to change his robes for long Periodst afraid that he might be remiss in his nursing care .

  12. 汉文帝与汉景帝执政时,相较于高祖,他们采取了更加温和与人性化的政策。历史记录显示,当他们当政时,汉朝(公元前206年至公元220年)繁荣发展。

    When the emperors Wen and Jing in the Western Han Dynasty ( 206B . C. ---- 8 A.D. ) came into power , they went on with more moderate and humane policies carried by Emperor Gaozu . Historical records show that during their reigns the Han Dynasty ( 206B . C. ---- 220A . D. ) prospered .

  13. 汉初至文帝、景帝的60多年内,社会经济逐渐恢复发展。

    From the early Han down to the reign of emperors Wendi and Jingdi , the social e-conomy rehabilitated gradually in sixty years or more .

  14. 史学家通常将这一时期分为三个阶段:汉高祖、文帝、景帝实行的“修养生息”的巩固期;汉武帝加强中央集权的鼎盛时期;外戚王氏篡权的后期。

    It is usually divided into three stages by historians : the time of consolidation by Emperors Han Gaozu , Wendi and Jingdi ; the zenith period of centralizing power by King Wu of Han , and the late period of replacement of the imperial power by the mighty consort clan of the Wang .

  15. 贾谊生于汉高祖刘邦七年(前200),卒于汉文帝前元十二年(前168),处于先秦《诗》学向汉代《诗》学发展的重要时期。

    Jia Yi was born seven years , the Han emperor Liu Bang ( 200BC ), died of Han Wen Yuan years ago ( 168BC ), in Pre-Qin Poetry to the Han Dynasty Poetry important period of development .