
yǎnɡ fù mǔ
  • foster parent
  1. 作为好的父母亲不管你是同性恋或是异性恋,养父母或是祖父母都是不易的。

    Being a good parent whether youre gay or straight ; a foster parent or a grandparent isnt easy .

  2. 他由养父母在伦敦抚养长大。

    He was brought up by adoptive parents in London .

  3. 充分考虑之后决定将他送到养父母那儿生活。

    After due consideration it was decided to send him away to live with foster parents

  4. 小杰克和养父母住在一起。

    Little Jack was placed with foster parents

  5. 希尔由养父母带大,从小,她的音乐爱好就受到了鼓励

    Raised by adoptive parents , Hill received early encouragement in her musical proclivities .

  6. 对于这样一个英雄人物影片中有很多看点:这个生活在美国中西部的年轻人(凯文•科斯特纳(KevinCostner)和戴安•莱恩(DianeLane)饰演他的养父母)在意会到那些力量时心生困惑;

    And there 's plenty to enjoy in the drama of the hero coming to grips with those powers as a confused youngster in the heartland ( Kevin Costner and Diane Lane are his adoptive parents ) ;

  7. 伦理道义的存在论基础与子女孝养父母的道德本分

    The Ontological Foundation of Ethos and Filial Obligation as Moral Duty

  8. 但我并不责怪我的养父母。

    But I don 't blame my foster parents for that .

  9. 我的养父母不知道她是什么人。

    My adoptive parents didn 't even know who she was .

  10. 最后,那对养父母还是把女儿送还给了山姆。

    And the foster parents gave his daughter back to him finally .

  11. 你的养父母都是混球,对吧?

    Your foster parents are kind of dicks , huh ?

  12. 你们不能一直告诉我养父母我有缺陷。

    You can 't keep telling my foster parents I 'm defective .

  13. 就是那种养父母漠不关心的养子

    The kind of kids adoptive parents wanted nothing to do with --

  14. 孩子们被安排与养父母一起住宿。

    The children were boarded out with foster parents .

  15. 这东西是你养父母买来做投资的。

    Those scum you thought were your parents bought this as an investment .

  16. 乔戈斯先后被托付给几对养父母抚养。

    Georgos was assigned to successive sets of foster-parents .

  17. 我父母都是我的养父母。

    And my parents now are my adoptive parents .

  18. 她已喜欢上她的养父母了。

    She had become attached to her substitute parents .

  19. 我看见过所有这些养父母。

    I look at all these foster parents .

  20. 养父母国际计划(国际计划)

    Foster Parents Plan International ( Plan International )

  21. 只有法院传令才能终止养父母的权利。

    Only the orders to terminate parental rights .

  22. 受照管的孩子中几乎有一半被送去养父母家中寄宿。

    Almost half of all children in care were boarded out with foster parents .

  23. 为那些有特殊需求的孩子寻找养父母在全世界范围都是一件难事。

    Finding adoptive parents for children with special needs is difficult around the world .

  24. 而他的养父母均被谋杀。

    That the foster parents have been murdered .

  25. 国际养父母协会联合委员会

    International Joint Committee of Association of Adoptive Parents

  26. 埃德.奥斯本和芭芭拉.奥斯本是我的养父母

    Ed and Barbara Osbourne were my parents .

  27. 他小时候和好多个养父母一起生活过。

    As a child , he had lived with a succession of foster parents .

  28. 所有可能的养父母都将经过仔细甄别。

    All potential foster parents are carefully screened .

  29. 那么你的其他养父母在干什么?

    What happened to your other foster parents ?

  30. 他们是我的养父母。

    They are my adoptive parents .