
  • 网络hairline;receding hairline;Hair Line
  1. 乔安妮的发际线旁有个小小的深色胎记。

    Joanne had a small dark birthmark near her hairline

  2. 如果你为发际线后退而烦恼而你又住在城市里,你可能要考虑搬家了,因为科学家发现,重度污染的环境也许和脱发有关。

    If you ’ re worried about your receding1 hairline and you live in a city , you might want to consider moving , as scientists have found exposure to high levels of air pollution may be linked to hair loss .

  3. 为了挽救后退的发际线,很多人选择做植发手术。

    To save the receding hairlines , many people have turned to hair transplant surgery .

  4. (例如指发际线)慢慢的向后运动。

    ( of a hairline e.g. ) moving slowly back .

  5. 感谢上帝我还没有发际线后移。

    Thank God I don 't have a receding hairline - yet .

  6. 你们的发际线都很高。

    I see you both got the Sheehan hairline .

  7. ——此时这个小孩想象着一个大帐篷,并张开了他的双手——“发际线。”

    here the kid spreads his hands as if imagining a marquee   -

  8. 他的发际线每天都在升高。

    Every day , his hair-line looked higher .

  9. 而毛囊最容易缩小的部位就是头顶和前额发际线。

    The areas most often affected by miniaturization are the crown and frontal hairline .

  10. 他还把卡瑞尔的发际线往后刮了一点,留出更多额头。

    He also shaved his hairline back and gave him more of a forehead .

  11. 当他的发际线向后退去时

    And when his hair began to recede ,

  12. 你有任何额外工具计划更新修复发际线的问题吗?

    Do you have any additional tooling plan updates to fix the hair line issue ?

  13. 莫娜:但这张草图显示了一个很突出的前额及后退的发际线。

    Mona : But this sketch shows a really prominent forehead and a receding hairline .

  14. 我的发际线:为什么我才十岁就非得有个寡妇尖?

    My hairline : Why did I have to have a widow 's peak , at 10 ?

  15. 首先,民调显示,对同性恋的憎恶感几乎就像荷马-辛普森的发际线一样不断减退。

    First , opinion polls show that homophobia has receded almost as far as Homer Simpson 's hairline .

  16. 好莱坞一直以来都充斥着整过的牙齿、隆过的胸部、难辨真假的发际线和缩小的腰围。

    Hollywood has long been the land of fixed teeth and busts , blurred hairlines and effaced waistlines .

  17. 一般来说,男性型脱发会从两侧太阳穴上方开始,直到出现典型的M形发际线。

    Typically , loss begins above both temples , receding until a characteristic " M " pattern emerges .

  18. 其需要的因素包括嘴唇的厚度,鼻子的长度和宽度,以及发际线。

    It takes into account factors including the thickness of the lips , nose length and width , and hairline .

  19. 有趣的是,逐渐后退的发际线和头顶部分以外的脱发和心脏病没多大关系。

    Interestingly , a receding hairline and hair-loss away from the top of the head was not associated with heart disease .

  20. 专家还相信,眼睛到嘴巴之间的相对距离应该刚好超过发际线到下巴距离的1/3。

    Experts also believe the relative distance between eyes and mouth should be just over a third of the measurement from hairline to chin .

  21. 是男性掉头发的最普遍的现象,其特点是发际线后移且头顶上的头发稀稀疏疏。

    For those so follicularly challenged that they have little hair to move around in this way , however , there is now hope .

  22. 并不是说女人们完全不能扎马尾,但是如果扎马尾过于频繁,而且每次都扎在同一个位置,将会逐渐对发际线构成损害。

    It does not mean that women should not wear any pony tail at all but wearing it frequently and putting it on the same position will damage the hairline gradually .

  23. 男性型秃发是最常见的秃发类型,这种类型的秃发有明确的界限,通常先从两鬓开始,最终形成特征性的M形发际线。

    Male pattern baldness is the most common form of baldness , where hair is lost in a well-defined pattern beginning above both temples , and results in a distinctive M-shaped hairline .

  24. 卷福明确表示反对英国脱欧,此次饰演游说组织战略运动首领卡明斯,后移发际线帮了他不少忙。

    Cumberbatch , who 's been vocal in his opposition to Brexit , has transformed himself into Cummings , the leading strategist and campaign director of Vote Leave , with the help of a receding hairline .

  25. 首先,将一种中性色腮红涂在脸颊笑肌部位,晕染到发际线,然后再向下晕染以打造出更加柔和的妆容,最后将一种颜色比较亮的腮红只涂在脸颊笑肌部位即可。

    First , apply a neutral shade on the apples of cheeks , blending up into the hairline , then downward for a softer look . Then apply a brighter shade just on the apples of the cheeks .

  26. 方法:湿润的头发更容易梳理出整齐的发型,选用尖底梳,从发际线开始,沿着头中心直线缓慢向两侧梳理。

    HOW TO DO IT : It 's easiest to get a clean parting on damp hair . Take the sharp end of a tail comb and , starting at your hairline , guide the point of the comb straight through the centre of your head , using the teeth to smooth down the sides as you go .

  27. 现今45岁的萨曼莎明智地没再使用浅发色,而是选取更自然、有风情的发色。不过她49岁的丈夫却无法掩饰那越攀越高的发际线,又或是脸上增的肉。

    Samantha , 45 , has wisely ditched the highlights for a more natural , flattering hair colour , but her 49-year-old husband can 't disguise that receding hairline - or the extra weight on his face .