
  • developed capitalist countries
  1. 西方发达资本主义国家凭借发育完善的市场,对价值评估的理论和方法进行了大量研究。

    In the developed capitalist countries the theory and methods were studied .

  2. 当前发达资本主义国家经济的重大变化

    Present Great Changes in the Economy of Developed Capitalist Countries

  3. 欧美发达资本主义国家的MPA教育为我国发展MPA教育提供了可资借鉴的经验。

    The MPA education in the advanced capitalist countries in Europe and America serves as useful experience for our reference in China 's MPA educational development .

  4. 发达资本主义国家管理贸易的挑战。

    And the challenges of administrative trade among the developed countries .

  5. 战后以来出现了发达资本主义国家国民经济的宏观调控。

    Centralized guidance appeared in capitalistic countries in postwar period .

  6. 消费主义已不再是发达资本主义国家的专利。

    Consumerism is no longer a patent of the developed capitalist countries .

  7. 西方发达资本主义国家的竞技体育实行的都是职业体育体制,他们的职业体育已成为了一项重要的产业。

    The competitive sport system of western capitalism country is professional system .

  8. 90年代发达资本主义国家跨国兼并的新浪潮

    A New Wave of Transnational Annexation in Developed Capitalist Countries in the '90s

  9. 西方发达资本主义国家主要阶级的变化及其意识分析

    The Analysis on Main Classes and Their Ideology in West Developed Capitalism Countries

  10. 试论当代发达资本主义国家的财政政策及其作用

    Financial Policies and Their Role in Developed Capitalist Countries

  11. 如何看待当代发达资本主义国家的发达

    How to Regard the Development of Capitalistic Countries

  12. 发达资本主义国家的后现代化

    The Post - modernization in the Developed Countries

  13. 当代发达资本主义国家阶级结构与收入分配关系分析

    An Analysis of Class Structure and Income Distribution Relationship of Contemporary Developed Capitalist Countries

  14. 发达资本主义国家的崛起史就是一部控制外部世界资源,尤其是控制海洋的历史。

    Rise of developed countries is a history of controlling external resources , especially oceans .

  15. 战后发达资本主义国家相互关系的重大变化

    New Changes of the Relationship Between the Developed Capitalist Countries Since the Second World War

  16. 发达资本主义国家税收

    Tax revenue in developed capitalist countries

  17. 西方发达资本主义国家率先从生产社会进入到消费社会,消费文化应运而生。

    The western developed capitalist country from the producing society into consuming society , consumer culture emerged .

  18. 实现现代社会主义的理论思考&以最发达资本主义国家作实证分析

    Theoretical Thoughts on Modern Socialism

  19. 自上世纪中叶开始,西方发达资本主义国家普遍实行福利国家制度。

    Since the middle of last century , western developed capitalist country executesgenerally " welfare state " system .

  20. 马克思、恩格斯在创立科学社会主义理论时曾预言,社会主义是建立在发达资本主义国家基础之上的。

    Marx and Engles once predicted that socialism would be built on the basis of developed capitalist countries .

  21. 西欧曾经是发达资本主义国家推行国有化的典型地区。

    Western Europe used to be the typical areas among Capitalism countries to push for the nationalization process .

  22. 同时,由于我国律师制度起步较晚,与发达资本主义国家律师业相比较,存在明显的缺陷和差距。

    Meanwhile , Clear faults and differences exist in the law of our CountryCompared with developed Capitalist Countries .

  23. 纵观世界保险业,许多发达资本主义国家的保险公司破产都是由偿付能力危机引发的。

    Throughout the insurance industry in the world , many insurance companies bankrupt due to a solvency crisis .

  24. 从20世纪80年代中期开始,以英国为首的发达资本主义国家开始对电力工业进行市场化改革。

    Since mid-1980s , the British-led capitalist countries began to carry out market-oriented reform of the power industry .

  25. 虽然在全球化的3个发展阶段中,其主导力量主要是发达资本主义国家。

    The leading force is mainly the developed countries of capitalism among the three stages of the globalization .

  26. 北爱问题是西欧发达资本主义国家中一个典型的民族与宗教问题。

    The issue of Northern Ireland is a typical national and religious issue in western European developed capitalist countries .

  27. 社会主义革命已经使我国大大缩短了同发达资本主义国家在经济发展方面的差距。

    The socialist revolution has greatly narrowed the gap in economic development between China and the advanced capitalist countries .

  28. 它是社会生产力的客观发展与发达资本主义国家和西方跨国公司主动推动的结果。

    It is the result that society fertility impersonality development , capitalism developed country and western MNC initiative impulse .

  29. 这种研究转向是与西方发达资本主义国家探索其革命道路密切相关的。

    The purpose of this change is relation to the exploration of revolutionary road by the western capitalist countries .

  30. 发达资本主义国家在银行法理论和实践方面逐渐形成一套完善的体系。

    As to the banking legislation theory and practice , developed countries are evolving a series of mature system .