
  • 网络marketing mix;Market portfolio;portfolio
  1. 探讨CAPM中风险资产市场组合的替代品选择问题。

    The problem of choosing a substitute for the market portfolio of risk assets in CAPM is discussed .

  2. 我们在均衡市场组合方面取得良好进展。

    We have made very good progress in achieving a balanced market portfolio .

  3. 是市场组合中所有资产组合的,rm,is,the,expected,return,on,the,market,portfolio,预期收益率。

    Rm which is the portfolio of all assets .

  4. 通过对策DEA模型对投资基金业绩进行评估,无需对市场组合进行选择,因而克服了因市场组合选择不同而带来的评估结果失真的问题。

    The evaluation of investment funds via game-DEA models does not need to select market combinations , so it makes the results of evaluation more reliable .

  5. 本文选取不同期限的境内外人民币远期市场组合,采用ECM和BEKK模型分析了人民币远期市场的定价权归属及其稳定性问题。

    This article selects different RMB forward market combination with the same maturity , adopts ECM and BEKK models to analyze the pricing power allocation and its stability of RMB forward markets .

  6. 在EMH框架下,运用协整、标准差等方法对所选取个股样本以及模拟的市场组合进行了检验,包括方差边界及现值模型的成立与否。

    In the framework of the EMH , using the methods of co-integration and the poor standard test the selected samples and the simulation of stock market combination , including whether or not the establishment of the border of variance and the present value model .

  7. 通过应用回归分析的方法,我们比较了上证指数,上证180指数和上证A股指数作为备选的市场组合的各种情况。

    The candidates are Shanghai composite index , 180 index and A-index .

  8. 金融市场组合风险的相关性研究

    Research on the Correlation of Portfolio Value at Risk in Financial Markets

  9. 现代资产组合理论的一个拓展:出口市场组合模型&关于我国出口市场多元化的理论思考

    An Extension to Modern Theory of Portfolios : Model of Export Markets Combinations

  10. 一只股票风险指标β系数直接反应出,The,β,市场组合变动与投资收益的相关性。

    Of a stock is how much it reacts to movements in the market portfolio .

  11. 期货市场组合保险策略及其实证研究

    Portfolio Insurance in Future Market

  12. 生产要素在大区域范围内的市场组合碰到诸多法理和经济上的困难。从而城镇对产业的聚集效应难以得到充分发挥。

    The marketing arrangement of productive factors in large region meets a lot of obstacles from laws and economy .

  13. 在定价策略上,注重价格与市场组合相一致,根据不同的市场,进行差异化定价策略。

    Second , in pricing strategy , price should be determined by various markets , and in accordance with market mix .

  14. 本文发现,无论是否存在无风险资产,都不能否定用以代表市场组合的市场综合指数的均值&方差有效性。

    Utilizing several methods , we find that the market portfolio represented by the index is effective whether there is riskless asset or no.

  15. 通过构建不同的分组组合,本文发现,高量组合可以战胜市场组合和低量组合,获取超额收益。

    By constructing the grouping of different combinations , this article found that high quantity combination can beat the market and low quantity combination .

  16. 该模型可以用来解释不同资产评价收益的差异,也可以作为衡量单个股票相对于市场组合或者市场指数的风险的工具。

    The model can explain differences between earnings of assets and can also be used as a measure of individual stocks risk relative to market portfolio or market index .

  17. 当β值等于2时,If,β,表明若市场组合增值,股票价值就增长了20%,以此类推。

    Is two , 10 % it means that if the market goes up10 % in value , the stock tends to go up20 % in value and so on .

  18. 然而,目前中小投资者不能通过分散投资于构成市场组合的所有股票,所以持有证券投资基金仍是他们的最佳选择。

    Nevertheless , at present middle and small investors cannot disperse risk through investing all the shares that construct the composite market index . So they had better hold securities investment funds .

  19. 随着发达国家经济脚步的停滞,不少评论人士认为中国、印度、巴西和韩国这些快速增长的新兴市场组合将成为经济继续增长的生力军。

    With much of the developed world stalling , many commentators see the usual basket of fast-growing emerging markets like China , India , Brazil and South Korea as avenues for continued growth .

  20. P-旅游产品,它是主题开发的结晶,必须以旅游资源&市场组合规划理论为指导,有效地规划好供需体系,并追求主题产品的组合效益最大化。

    It is the crystal of tourism theme development . It can use the combination planning theory of the theme tourism resources and tourism marketing to plan the system of supply & demand .

  21. 对期货市场组合套期保值策略和保值风险进行了分析,给出组合套期保值率的最小二乘估计和保值风险的估计。

    In this paper , by the analyses about the strategy of the combination hedge in futures markets and its risk , we get least squares estimation of the hedge ratio and its risk .

  22. 结果表明,低成交量组合中存在着显著的中期动量,并且持有低成交量赢者组合,明显能够战胜市场组合。

    Test results show that there are statistically significant profits for medium-term momentum strategy in the low volume portfolio , furthermore , buying and holding the low volume winner portfolio can significantly outperform the market portfolio .

  23. 研究发现,随着基金管理费率不对称程度的增加,基金经理所选择的投资组合偏离基准组合(在本文即指市场组合)的程度将增加。

    Our study show that the optimal portfolio which the fund manager choose will deviate more from the benchmark portfolio , namely market portfolio , when the degree of the asymmetry of the structure of management fee rate increase .

  24. 综合考虑风险和收益因素后,开放式基金各收益指标大都明显地优于市场组合,整体上体现了利用投资组合来分散风险,稳定收益水平的优势。

    Considering the risks and benefits factors , Open-end fund return rates are significantly better than the market portfolio , generally reflect the use of portfolios to diversify risk , and show the advantages of earning stable return rate .

  25. 依据这一检验结果,Fama&French将规模因素与账面市值比因素加以分离,极为精巧地引入了规模因子、账面市值比因子,与市场组合因子一起构建了三因子模型。

    Based on this test results , Fama & French separate the size of the market value and the book market value factors with an extremely clever introduction of the scale factor , book market value ratio factor , the market portfolio factor , the three-factor model was constructed .

  26. 基于极值理论和Copula函数的中国基金市场投资组合VaR研究

    The Research of Chinese Fund Market Based on Extreme Value Theory and Copula Function of Portfolio VaR

  27. Markowitz的均值-方差模型表明,投资者的最优风险资产为市场投资组合。

    Markowitz 's mean-variance model indicates that the optimum risk asset being the market portfolio .

  28. 其次,研究了一种利于计算机建模的市场需求组合预测方法,即采用Logit回归法训练数据的市场需求组合预测模型。

    Secondly , a computationally - convenient means of combined forecasts is studied , which using Logit regression to train set data .

  29. 现代经营性网球俱乐部市场营销组合既不是单纯的4P组合,也不是单纯的4C组合,而应该是4P+4C。

    Modern operating tennis club marketing mix are not purely 4P portfolio or purely 4C portfolio , and should be 4P + 4C .

  30. 三大电信运营商之间竞争的焦点正从网络资源的竞争向差异化的服务竞争转变。3G综合业务的服务已成为现在乃至未来电信市场营销组合中举足轻重的要素。

    Competition between the three major telecommunication operators is the focus of competition for resources from the network services to competitive differentiation changes.3G service has been integrated business telecommunications market , now even the future of the decisive elements of the marketing mix .