
  • 网络Market position;market standing;Market-state
  1. 然而,与百度mp3独特的市场地位相伴随的,是其自诞生以来就难以摆脱的版权纠纷。

    However , the unique market position of Baidu mp3 was accompanied with its difficulty in getting rid of copyright disputes .

  2. 经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)完成的这份调查发现,受调查企业中,仅有十分之一充分监控其总体碳排放影响,大多数企业未将环境战略视为改善其市场地位的一种途径。

    The survey , by the Economist Intelligence Unit , found that only one in 10 of the businesses surveyed was fully monitoring its overall carbon impact , and most of the companies did not see environmental strategy as a way to improve their market position .

  3. 公司有时会通过亏本出售来将对手挤垮,从而提高其市场地位。

    A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business , and thereby increase its market power .

  4. 不公平竞争已经对这家公司的市场地位造成损害。

    Unfair competition has hurt the company 's position in the market .

  5. LPG汽车的市场地位与前景

    Today and Future of LPG Vehicles in the Market

  6. 这也证实了必和必拓(BHPBillitonLtd。)、力拓股份有限公司(RioTintoPlc)和淡水河谷等少数几家大型矿业公司的市场地位在不断增强。

    It also confirms the growing market power of a few big mining companies , including BHP Billiton , Rio Tinto PLC and Vale .

  7. WTO国民待遇原则要求国内、外企业在国内市场地位平等、公平竞争,我国普遍存在的行政垄断破坏了平等竞争的市场秩序,与国民待遇原则发生冲突。

    The principle of National Treatment of WTO wants fair play and the equality of national and foreign enterprises . The administrative monopolist which is common in China nowadays destroys the equal order of competition and conflict of the principle of national treatment .

  8. 十年前,在线音乐服务Napster和席卷全球、毫无节制地非法音乐共享吓坏了音乐产业,Rhapsody趁势确立了其市场地位,成为首家重要的付费音乐服务。

    Rhapsody established itself as the first important paid music service a decade ago , after Napster and a worldwide binge of illegal file sharing spooked the music industry .

  9. 随着软件行业开始向云服务转型,小型初创公司能够更容易通过廉价的财务管理软件服务削弱Intuit这种大型公司的市场地位。

    As the software industry shifts to cloud-based services , it becomes easier for tiny startups to undercut established players like intuit with cheaper financial-management services .

  10. 锂离子电池由于其优异的性能在小型消费电子产品中已经占据了绝对的市场地位,电动汽车(EV)和混合动力汽车(HEV)是其应用的另一重大领域。

    Lithium ion batteries have rapidly taken over the markets of high performance rechargeable batteries for portable electronic devices , however , their applications in electric vehicles ( EV ) or hybrid electric vehicles ( HEV ) are limited by unsatisfied safety and high-rate capability .

  11. 由于目前可采等品牌已建立了稳固的市场地位,OLX眼贴膜虽然功效显著、品质卓越,但要想在市场上站住脚且稳步前进,则必须在竞争中击败对手。

    However , OLX Eye Contour Mask , incredibly effective and remarkable hi quality , must defeat all the opponents , to establish its root and march on steadily .

  12. ISO9000族标准对体育场馆的管理具有重要的作用和意义,体育场馆经营管理现状、市场地位等急需ISO9000族标准规范,ISO9000族标准适合于体育场馆。

    The ISO9000 Series Standards are significant and produce an important effect on the management of gymnasium . It is necessary for the operation , management and marketing of the gymnasium at present to be regulated by the ISO9000 Series Standards , which is suitable for them .

  13. 我国原油贸易及其市场地位

    Crude oil trade in China and its role in market

  14. 区域市场地位变得更加重要;

    The status of regional market becomes more important ;

  15. 欧盟第二高等法院裁定,微软滥用了其市场地位。

    The second-highest court in the European Union agreed that Microsoft abused its market position .

  16. 中国的烟草流通企业现今处于什么样的发展状况和市场地位?

    What is the development status and market position of China 's tobacco circulation enterprises ?

  17. 知识是知识型企业获取竞争优势的最重要的影响因素,企业的知识创造和知识应用水平决定了知识型企业的竞争优势和市场地位。

    Knowledge is the most important factor for knowledge-based firms to achieve their competitive advantages .

  18. 我们的品牌运作,许多领导和获奖的在各自的市场地位。

    Many of our brands operate with leading and award-winning positions in their respective markets .

  19. 如果你想维持稳定的市场地位,你就必须追随潮流。

    If you want to stay stable in the market you have to be trendy .

  20. 美国参议院司法委员会反垄断小组委员会目前正在调查谷歌是否利用其市场地位打压竞争对手。

    The Senate Judiciary subcommittee on anti-trust is looking at whether Google abuses its market position .

  21. 这些权力的获得,取决于中国钢铁企业逐渐高涨的市场地位。

    It lies on the upswing market status of China 's steel enterprises to obtain such authorities .

  22. 近年来,中国家电连锁企业不断发展扩张,取得了显著的销售增长以及市场地位的提升。

    In recent years , electric-appliance chain companies developed rapidly and achieved remarkable sales growth and market promotion .

  23. 逐步实行产权多元化,是保持已有的市场地位并逐步获得与国外竞争者相抗衡实力的重要途径。

    Gradually practicing multi-property right is a key way to maintain existed market position and gradually compete with foreign enterprises .

  24. 同时,实现产品间兼容对处于不同市场地位的竞争者具有不同的意义。

    At the same time , achieving compatibility between products has a different significance for competitors at different market status .

  25. 特别是,一些根深蒂固的投资者对目前的市场地位,将是过于激进清算。

    In particular , some deep-set of investors , in the current market position would be too radical a liquidation .

  26. 尽管面临可口可乐等海外公司的激烈竞争,统一和康师傅的市场地位还是很稳固的,因为它们的产品不仅限于果汁。

    Despite the heavy competitive pressures from foreign firms such as Coca-Cola , Uni-President and Tingyi remain well-positioned since they make more than just juice .

  27. 概述了快速原型技术的经济背景与目前的市场地位,详细介绍了该技术目前的种种应用,对此项技术目前的局限性和研究动向作了介绍。

    Economical background and present market position of rapid prototyping technology is outlined , its applications are detailed and its limitations and current research stated .

  28. 零售企业可以构建的核心竞争能力很多,企业不可能也不必要培养每一种核心竞争能力,零售企业需要根据企业的市场地位,能力、拥有的资源和战略规划确定需要发展的核心竞争能力。

    When Chinese retail enterprises are building core competence , the enterprisers must have decision such as market position , enterprise goal and competitive strategy at first .

  29. 沈阳市中体倍力健身俱乐部成立以来,通过完善其连锁经营管理体系,巩固了其品牌与市场地位。

    Shenyang City , Bally Total Fitness club in the body of its inception , through the improvement of its chain management system , strengthen its brand and market position .

  30. 通过完善信息披露机制,树立与国有商业银行资产规模和市场地位相称的上市公司形象。

    And a sound information disclosure system in place will help create the image of a listed company that matches the asset scale and market position of state-owned commercial banks .