
  • 网络Supply and demand
  1. 乳品消费市场供求关系预测研究

    Study of Dairy Products Supply and Demand Forecast in China

  2. 是的,价格是由市场供求关系决定的。

    Yes , the price is determined by market supply and demand .

  3. 基于限售股解禁下的我国股票市场供求关系研究

    Research of the Supply-demand Relationship in China 's Stock Market-Based on the Restricted Stock Circulation

  4. 劳动力转移是劳动力市场供求关系的反映。

    The migration of labor is the reflection of supply and demand in the labor market .

  5. 未来五年贵州电力市场供求关系分析与对策研究

    Guizhou Electricity Supply and Demand over the Next Five Years the Market Analysis and Research Countermeasures

  6. 本文主要研究股票市场供求关系与股价变化率的问题。

    This thesis mainly concerns with the relationship among supply , demand and stock price in stock market .

  7. 目前我国的绝大多数农作物都是按照市场供求关系,由市场定价。

    At present the prices of most crops in China are decided according to the supply and demand of market .

  8. 市场供求关系紧张导致矿产资源价格不断上涨,带来了巨大的经济利益空间。

    Market supply and demand led to tension between the rising prices of mineral resources , has brought enormous economic benefits of space .

  9. 市场供求关系的变化影响劳动的有效性,从而影响商品价值量;

    The change of the supply-demand relationship of the market influences the validity of working , thus influences the magnitude of value of the goods ;

  10. 同时,随着我国电力改革的深化和市场供求关系的变化,供电企业开始转变为客户服务型企业。

    With the deepening of electricity reform and the changes in market supply and demand , power supply enterprises begin to shift to customer service-oriented enterprise .

  11. 以企业追求利润最大化为目标,从市场供求关系和边际分析出发,用定量的方法对企业产品最优定价问题进行理论探讨。

    Based on the target of profit maximization , a quantitative method to optimal product pricing is presented theoretically by supply and demand and marginal analysis .

  12. 权证上市交易后,权证价格将受到市场供求关系等多种市场因素的影响。

    After the listing transactions of the warrant , the warrant price shall be affected by various marketing factors , such as the marketing supplies and demands .

  13. 调节市场供求关系的根本因素,表面上看是商品价格,而实质上是市场供求的相互作用。

    Therefore , the cardinal mechanism of adjusting supply-and-demand relation in market essentially is the interaction between supply and demand , taking commodity price as its form .

  14. 例如,房地产市场供求关系,但“空置率下降”的理由是,需求,房地产市场的健康。

    For instance , the property market supply-demand relationship , it " the vacancy rate down " on the grounds that demand , the property market healthy .

  15. 基于市场供求关系理论建立了制造网格资源市场模型和基于市场机制的资源配置框架。

    A resource market model for Manufacturing Grid according to market supply and demand relationship theory and a resource allocation framework based on market mechanism were established .

  16. 将工程产品也视为商品,让商家根据价值规律及市场供求关系来为工程产品定价。

    Project product should be considered as commodity which the business entity can price in accordance with the Law of Value and supply demand relation on the market .

  17. 银行贷款规模的变化通过影响贷款供求关系和房地产市场供求关系以及市场流动性对房地产价格产生作用。

    Changing the size of bank loans through the impact of loans and real estate market supply and demand and market liquidity to affect the real estate price .

  18. 我国目前已经建立了定购价由市场供求关系确定,保护价以生产成本为基础的价格形成机制。

    The price setting system has been established in China : the purchasing price is determined by the demand and supply while the protection price , by the production cost .

  19. 同时,劳动工资会向上调整,能源资源价格会进一步反映市场供求关系和环境成本。

    At that time , income of labour forces will be up , the price of energy and resources will mirror the relations of supply and demand in the market and environmental cost .

  20. 当前,中国国内市场供求关系发生了由卖方市场转向买方市场的重大变化,许多商品供过于求;

    At present , great changes have taken place in the domestic market , featuring the shift from a seller 's market to a buyer 's market and the oversupply of many commodities .

  21. 通过对住宅市场供求关系的实证研究,文章得出了当前住宅产业发展态势良好,但存在产业结构性失调的隐患的结论。

    Through the empirical research about supply and need in residence market , the article draws a conclusion that the current development of residence real estate industry is good , but it has structural disequilibrium .

  22. 然而伴随着宏观经济环境和市场供求关系的变化,四川省道路旅客运价管理在体制及机制方面面临一些新的问题。

    However , with the environment of macro economic system and the change of relation of market supply and demand , there arise some new problems in mechanism of roadway traffic price management in Sichuan province .

  23. 而人才这部分劳动者的工资是劳动力资本价格的转化形式,其量受劳动力市场供求关系的影响。

    On the other hand , the wage of knowledge workers is the transforming form of the price of labor force capital , whose amount is affected by the relationship of supply and demand in labor force market .

  24. 介绍了征收燃油税的背景及意义,分析了其对石化企业生产的负面影响及汽柴油市场供求关系的变化。

    The background and significance of levying fuel oil tax are introduced , and its negative influences on petrochemical enterprises and the resulted changes of relationship between supply and demand in gasoline and kerosene market are also analyzed .

  25. 但是目前国内研究产业结构的论著,大多数是从市场供求关系或者是产业变迁经验的判断的角度来分析的,缺乏必要的数据支持。

    However , the current domestic study of industrial structure , are most analyzing from the market supply-demand relationship or the judgments in terms of experience changes of the industry , having a lack of the necessary supporting data .

  26. 但是随着国家经济的快速发展,消费品市场供求关系的急剧变化,以及消费需求和消费行为的改变,市场竞争日益激烈,中服公司的免税商品销售收入急剧下降;

    But , with the rapid development of domestic economy , the demand-supply relation in consumer goods market has made a great change , consumer behavior and consumer demand also have been changed , competition becomes more and more fierce .

  27. 在讨论克鲁格曼多重均衡理论基础上,以长期市场供求关系演变解释了国际油价波动长周期现象。

    Based upon the discussion of Krugman 's Multiple Equilibria Theory , the paper tries to explain the long cycle phenomenon of international oil price fluctuations by taking a close look at the evolution of the long-term market supply and demand .

  28. 对于时间效应,除去其他住宅特征以及2004~2007年的住宅市场供求关系变化的影响,地铁通车对于影响半径内的住宅价值具有明显的提升作用。

    For the time effect , removing other residential features and the residential market supply and demand change during 2004 ~ 2007 , the opening of Tianjin Metro Line 1 improved the the residential value in the radius of influence obviously .

  29. 分散的农户生产经营越来越难以适应市场供求关系的变化,造成我国农产品出现卖难现象,也表明我国农业生产已遭遇到市场约束。

    It had become more and more difficult for scattered farmers to adapt to the changes in market , which resulted in the difficulty in selling agricultural products , it also showed that Chinese agricultural production had met with market discipline .

  30. 面对房地产市场供求关系的转变以及日益精明和理性的消费者,品牌的影响力日渐显现,品牌也已经成为房地产企业竞争的核心内容。

    In the face of the real estate market supply and demand change and increasingly smart and rational consumers , brand influence is shown with each passing day , the brand has become a real estate enterprise core content of competition .