
  • 网络trade retaliation
  1. 我国现行贸易报复机制及其适用性分析

    Analysis of China 's Present Trade Retaliation Mechanism and Its Applicability

  2. 各国更不可能展开针对彼此的贸易报复。

    Nor is there much risk of an imminent descent into trade retaliation .

  3. 贸易报复是DSU赋予发展中国家成员的最后手段,但实施贸易报复对发展中国家成员一定是得不偿失的。

    Trade reprisal is the last method of developing country which is authorized by DSU , but it must be the loss outweighs the gain .

  4. GATT/WTO贸易报复措施研究

    On Trade Retaliation Measures of GATT / WTO

  5. 贸易报复是一种可能采取的战术。

    Trade retaliation is a tactical possibility .

  6. 但近十年的实践表明该贸易报复规则尚存在一定的缺陷,因此有必要对其进行完善。

    But nearly 10 years ' practices show that it still has flaws , leaving spaces of improvement .

  7. 美国主要动用特别301条款和337条款对中国发起调查,并实施贸易报复。

    The US mainly uses Special 301 clause and Section 337 clause to investigate and implement the trade retaliation .

  8. 贸易报复与反报复的发生影响了各国之间正常的经贸合作与发展,已经成为制约国际间经贸健康发展的重要障碍。

    Trade retaliation and counter - retaliation has become one of the major obstacles to the healthy development of the international trade .

  9. 各国除了通过双边谈判或者采取贸易报复措施应对贸易纠纷之外,更多的依靠世界贸易组织及其下属机构的调解和裁决来处理贸易争端,世界贸易组织的地位越来越重要。

    Besides bilateral negotiation and taking retaliation , more conflicts are solved by WTO and its subsidiaries . WTO has an increasingly important status .

  10. 但布鲁塞尔发现,中方在用贸易报复的威胁手段分化欧盟国家(比如针对欧洲葡萄酒出口)方面十分拿手。

    But Brussels found the Chinese were highly effective at dividing EU countries with threats of trade retaliation , for example , against European wine exports .

  11. 美联称,由于全球的公司都在争夺中国庞大经济体的一杯羹,贸易报复成为中国“武库”中最强大的武器之一。

    Trade retaliation is one of the most potent weapons in China 's arsenal as businesses all over the world compete for a piece of China 's large economy , AP said .

  12. 最后,如同特别301条款实践所证明的,贸易报复措施可以将有关知识产权立法强加给发展中国家,却不能使这些法律在发展中国家得到有效实施。

    Finally , as the practice of the Special 301 proved , the commercial retaliation can help impose certain intellectual property laws on developing countries but can not ensure their implementation therein .

  13. 然而,鉴于世贸组织争端解决机制所确立的贸易报复规则也是不完善的,诉诸于世贸组织贸易报复机制并不意味着争端一定能公正地得以解决。

    However , due to the imperfection of the trade retaliation rules under WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism ( DSM ), resorting to WTO trade retaliation mechanism does not necessarily mean the fair solution of disputes .

  14. 在和平崛起战略下,我国现行贸易报复机制的适用是以符合世贸组织争端解决机制为前提的,其适用的措施及其适用的范围都有其独特性。

    With the " Peaceful Rising " strategy , China 's utilization of its present trade retaliation mechanism is reasonably based on the dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO and the specific retaliating measures and applicable scope have their particularity .

  15. 世界贸易组织报复制度研究

    The Study of WTO Retaliation System

  16. 通过贸易制裁来报复中国,则是一种不计后果的行为,会让现已经开打的汇率战争蔓延到贸易领域。

    Retaliating against China via trade sanctions would recklessly spread the existing currency war into the trade realm .

  17. 舒默一直是更严厉应对措施的主要倡导者之一,这些措施包括允许美国政府使用惩罚性关税和其他贸易制裁来报复任何被发现操纵本国货币的国家。

    Mr Schumer has been one of the leading advocates of tougher provisions that would allow the US to use punitive duties and other trade sanctions to retaliate against countries found guilty of manipulating their currencies .

  18. 倘若中国受困于高失业率,人民币贬值(假定不会加剧贸易紧张和招致报复)将刺激GDP增长,并降低失业率。

    If China were suffering from high unemployment , devaluing the currency , assuming that it does not increase trade tensions and invite retaliation , would boost GDP growth and lower unemployment .

  19. 与西方国家一样,多数亚洲国家政府相信,上世纪30年代大萧条带给人们的关键教训就是:提高贸易壁垒将招致报复性措施,并加剧衰退。

    Most Asian governments , like those in the west , believe the key lesson from the Great Depression of the 1930s is that raising trade barriers will prompt retaliatory measures and exacerbate the recession .

  20. 同时贬值还有可能激起贸易伙伴国的贸易报复政策,推动贸易保护主义抬头,反而抑制包括园艺产品在内的各类产品的出口,扰乱中国经济发展。

    At the same time , devaluation might also provoke trade retaliation policy in partners , which inhibited the export of horticultural products however .

  21. 不过,世界银行研究显示,上个世纪30年代那种保护主义不会重现。的确,我们看到有迹象表明全球贸易体系正在采取措施,在防止不合理的贸易报复发挥良好作用。

    Indeed , we are seeing signs that the global trading system is working well to prevent unreasonable trade retaliation .

  22. 我国作为世界贸易组织成员被赋予对采取歧视性贸易保护措施的国家(地区)实施贸易报复的权利。

    As one of the WTO Members , China is factually accorded the rights of using trade retaliation against those countries taking the discriminated trade protection measures against China 's exports .

  23. 贸易的增加一方面推动了中国经济的高速增长,另一方面也产生了与其他国家的摩擦,不得不面临贸易报复与反报复的新情况。

    On one hand , the increase of trade has promoted China 's rapid economic growth , on the other hand , it has also produced friction with other countries .