
  • 网络trading nations;Trading State
  1. 日本从二战的废墟中迅速崛起,成为典型的出口增长型“贸易国”。

    Japan rose from the ashes of World War II as a " trading state ," the model for export-led growth .

  2. 全球的主要贸易国都根据WTO协议进行国际商务活动。

    The world 's major trading nations use WTO agreements to do international commerce .

  3. 对东方电气、上海电气(shanghaielectric)和哈尔滨动力(harbinpower)等中国电力供应商的限制,将进一步加剧印度与其最大贸易国之间的紧张局势。

    Restrictions on Chinese power suppliers such as Dongfang , Shanghai Electric and Harbin power , will add to tensions between India and its largest trading partner .

  4. 中国及其苹果主要贸易国农药最大残留限量(MRLs)的比较分析

    Analysis of Apple Pesticide Maximum Residue Limits ( MRLs ) in China and Its Major Trading Countries

  5. 非洲的出口成本高于其他贸易国

    Exporting From Africa Is High Cost Compared to Other Trading Countries

  6. 2004年,中国超过日本成为第三大贸易国。

    In 2004 , China become the third largest trade country beyond Japan .

  7. 天然气国际化的需求统合了所有的贸易国。

    Natural gas demand is confederating all countries with its trading power to internationalize .

  8. 自由贸易国应该笑,还是哭?

    SHOULD a free trader laugh or cry ?

  9. 中国是世界花生的主产国和主要贸易国之一。

    China is one of the main peanut producing and trading countries in the world .

  10. 上述问题的解决,离不开各主要武器贸易国的普遍参与。

    Full engagement of all major arms trade countries is indispensable in seeking solutions to the above issues .

  11. 出口的主要贸易国实际收人弹性为1.7350,进口的实际收人弹性为0.9180。

    Major trading countries income elasticity of exports is 1.7350 . Real income elasticity of imports is 0.9180 .

  12. 中国的经济成功在很大程度上得益于执行贸易国战略的非凡能力。

    China owes a big part of its economic success to an extraordinary ability to execute a trading-nation strategy .

  13. 中国现已成为韩国的第三大贸易国,韩国是中国的第四大贸易国。但韩国对中国的贸易也在承受着来自中国国内与其他国家竞争对手的严峻挑战。

    Now China is Korea 's 3rd leading trade partner while the latter is the former 's 4th major partner .

  14. 2007年全年中国进出口总额超过2.17万亿美元,继续保持世界第三大贸易国地位。

    At 2,170 billion USD , its import / export total in 2007 has kept China this number 3 position .

  15. 新西兰是一个活跃的贸易国,通过定期海上和空中运输服务与主要的贸易伙伴保持联系。

    New Zealand is an active trading nation , linked to its principal trade partners by regular sea and air services .

  16. 中国将在稳定对主要贸易国出口规模的同时寻求扩大贸易伙伴的范围,提高与欧盟农产品贸易的多元化程度。

    China will maintain the export scale of main EU countries and finding more trade partners to improve the agricultural trade complexity .

  17. 官方数据显示,过去5年,中国保持了世界最大货物贸易国的地位。

    Official figures show that China maintained its position as the world 's largest trader of goods over the past five years .

  18. 同时,我国也是世界上最大的茶叶生产国、贸易国和消费国。

    At the same time , our country is also the biggest tea produce , trade and consumption country in the world .

  19. 但是新加坡说,作为一个主要贸易国,保持这一地区的自由航行对新加坡的利益至关重要。

    But it said that as a major trading nation , it has a critical interest in maintaining Free navigation through the area .

  20. 英国是世界第四大贸易国,商品和劳务出口约占国内生产总值的25%。

    Britain is the fourth-largest trading nation in the world , with export of commodity and labor services accounting for25 % of GDP .

  21. 中国是世界最大的纺织品贸易国,是影响全球纺织品服装贸易的重要力量,出口额占全球纺织品服装出口总额的1/7以上。

    China is one of the biggest countries of textile trade in the world and has great influence force on the textile and clothing trades .

  22. 亚洲出口远超进口增长主要归因于本地区主要贸易国,中国和日本。

    Most of the excess of Asia 's export over import growth can be attributed to the region 's major traders , China and Japan .

  23. 中国目前是世界第三大贸易国。随着亚洲中产阶级数量的增加,这些储蓄者将成为发达国家公司实体的重要投资者,从而进一步强化全球联系。

    As the middle class grows in Asia , these savers will become important investors in corporate equities in developed countries , further strengthening global links .

  24. 中国是澳大利亚第二大贸易国,并且已经是矿产品的最大买家,比如铁矿石、煤和铜。

    China is australia 's second biggest trade partner , and already is a major buyer of commodities such as iron ore , coal and copper .

  25. 我国大蒜资源丰富,是世界上最大种蒜国,生产量居世界首位,又是主要的贸易国之一,目前中国的大蒜产量占全球总产量的70%以上。

    Chinese garlic is rich in resources , is the worlds largest garlic country , production in the world , is one of the major trading nations .

  26. 像韩国这样的大贸易国特别紧张,担心美国会屈服于经济保护主义,破坏全球贸易体系。

    The big trading nations , like South Korea , are particularly nervous that America will succumb to economic protectionism , which would undermine the global trading system .

  27. 最后,作为全球贸易国,中国有必要确保其加入的地区贸易安排与全球规则相符。

    Finally , as a global trader , China has a strong interest in ensuring that any regional trade arrangements it joins are compatible with the global rules .

  28. 短短数年间,中国已成为全球第四大经济体和第三大贸易国,拥有两位数的增长和巨额外汇储备。

    In a few short years , it has become the world 's fourth biggest economy and third largest trader , with double-digit growth and vast foreign exchange reserves .

  29. 来自于国际市场上价格波动的风险越来越大,世界各主要大豆贸易国之间大豆定价权争夺日益激烈。

    The high risk arising from the fluctuation of prices in the international market , has contributed to the competition of fixing the price among the main soybean trading countries .

  30. 而主要的障碍仍然是中国,中国虽是全球最大高科技产品贸易国,但很抵制扩大协议、把多种新产品囊括进来的做法。

    The main obstacle remains China , which , despite being the world 's biggest trader of high-tech goods , has resisted including many new products in an expanded agreement .