
mào yì chā é
  • balance of trade
  1. 该国的电子产业今年取得了重大进步,平衡了贸易差额。

    The nation 's electronics industry made important strides this year to even up its balance of trade

  2. 美国范德比尔特大学(VanderbiltUniversity)体育经济学家约翰o弗鲁曼表示:转会花销类似于国际贸易差额。比起收入较低的国内足球联赛,富有的联赛通常会引入更多人才。

    Transfer spending is analogous to the international balance of trade , where wealthy leagues usually import more talent than lower revenue domestic leagues , says John Vrooman , a Vanderbilt University sports economist .

  3. 进出口贸易差额依然很大。

    The trade gap between imports and exports remained high .

  4. 6.balanceoftrade国际贸易差额(一国的有形出口与有形进口之差)该国自1982年以来一直存在贸易逆差。

    The country has had a balance of trade deficit since 1982 .

  5. 所有权原则、FDI利得与中美贸易差额

    Ownership-Based Principle , Real Payments of FDI and Balance of Sino-US Trade

  6. 这里所说的国家是泰国。过去两年里,泰国的贸易差额从占国内生产总值(GDP)6%的贸易顺差变为同样比例的贸易逆差。

    The country in question , Thailand , has seen its trade balance disintegrate to a deficit of 6 % of gross domestic product from a surplus of the same over the past two years .

  7. 面板VAR模型的脉冲响应结果表明,当给非劳动力人口一个单位正冲击时,尽管对贸易差额的影响短期内会有波动,但是长期内将对贸易差额产生持续的削弱作用。

    The results of the impulse response function of a panel VAR model show that there are sustained weakening effects for the balance of the trade in the long run except for a fluctuation in the short run when a positive shock is given to the non-working population .

  8. 通过ADF检验法、Johansen协整检验法及Granger因果关系检验等实证方法,对1985年到2010年的中美贸易差额与人民币汇率的历史数据分析得出,中美贸易失衡和人民币汇率之间没有必然联系。

    An empirical analysis based on the data from 1985 & 2010.using the ADF test , Johansen cointegration test and Granger causality test method and other empirical methods , we can draw the conclusion that the Sino-US trade imbalance and RMB exchange rate have not certainly relationship . 3 .

  9. 美国和日本在华直接投资与中美贸易差额的关系

    Relationship between US-China trade balance and US-Japanese direct investment in China

  10. 10月份的贸易差额增长了4.9%。

    And in October the trade gap increased about 4.9 % .

  11. 日元汇率变动与日本贸易差额关系的实证分析

    A Substantial Analysis between Japanese Yen Currency Appreciation and Japanese Trade Surplus

  12. 美国的贸易差额与外资企业出现分歧。

    Nation 's trade gap has differences with foreign firms .

  13. 当贸易差额恶化时,日元也会走软。

    When the balance deteriorates , so does the currency .

  14. 因此也限制了两国的贸易差额。

    So it also restricts the two countries'trade balance .

  15. 原产地规则与中美贸易差额

    Primary Origin of Production and Sino-U.S. Balance of Trade

  16. 美国的贸易差额日趋恶化。

    America 's balance of trade has been deteriorating .

  17. 换句话说,国际贸易差额不但不会改善,反而可能会恶化。

    In other words , the balance of trade may deteriorate rather than improve .

  18. 加入预期因素的汇率变动与贸易差额关系研究

    Research on the Relationship of Exchange Rate and Trade Balance by Introducing Expectation Factor

  19. 他说,这将平衡两国的贸易差额。

    It will offset the trade imbalance between the two countries , he said .

  20. 中国服务贸易差额状况分析

    Analysis of China 's service trade balance

  21. 人们无法看到汇率走势与贸易差额变动之间有着类似的广泛相关性。

    One cannot see a similar broad link between currency movements and trade balance changes .

  22. 汇率变化与贸易差额:基于日本市场的研究

    Exchange Rate Changes and Trade Balance : An Empirical Study in the Case of Japan

  23. 中日贸易差额分歧与中日贸易摩擦

    Sino-Japanese Trade Balance Dissention and Trade Clashes

  24. 凡开始会改善贸易差额的,都会使本国货币涨价。

    Whatever initially tends to improve the trade balance will tend to appreciate the home currency .

  25. 中美贸易差额问题研究

    Research on the Sino-America Trade Discrepancy

  26. 政府故意把这个月的贸易差额数字说低了。

    The government is playing down the significance of the balance of trade figures this month .

  27. 其二是通过引起汇率变化改变贸易差额。

    The second is caused by changes in exchange rates by changing the balance of trade .

  28. 今年的贸易差额可望达到前所未有的1300亿美元。

    The trade gap for the year is expected to reach an unprecedented $ 130 billion .

  29. 本文通过两条路径研究了资产价格波动对贸易差额的影响机制。

    In this paper , two paths of the asset price fluctuations on the trade balance mechanism .

  30. 人民币汇率变动对中美贸易差额的影响

    An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of RMB / Dollar Exchange Rate Variation on Sino-US Trade Balance