
qīnɡ chánɡ nénɡ lì
  • liquidity
  1. 解决了现有研究和实务对清偿能力反映不足的问题,也符合《巴塞尔协议》中对银行内部评级体系中指标设置的要求。

    This arrangement has not only solved the problem that current research and practice fail to reflect the liquidity , but also observed the indicator-setting requirements set down in " The Basel Accords " for banks ' internal credit rating system .

  2. 虽然经历了一些恐慌时刻,但提供清偿能力的意愿已经阻止了金融市场的全面崩溃。

    Their willingness to provide liquidity has prevented financial markets from melting down completely , despite some hairy moments .

  3. 2012年,做空机构香椽公司(CitronResearch)公布报告称,该公司没有清偿能力,指责恒大集团向投资商提供虚假信息。

    In 2012 , the short-seller Citron Research published a report saying the company was insolvent , accusing Evergrande of presenting fraudulent information to investors .

  4. 但它确实会带来有助于实现清偿能力的工具。

    But it does bring a tool to help achieve it .

  5. 很明显它产生了债务清偿能力的问题。

    It was evident that it had created liquidity problems .

  6. 他们的储备金很少,需要这笔钱来保持清偿能力。

    They have low reserves and need the money to stay solvent .

  7. 基于粗糙集理论的商业银行无清偿能力风险综合评价研究

    Study on Comprehensive Evaluation of Insolvency Risk of Commercial Bank Based on Rough Set Theory

  8. 破产:合法的无清偿能力的状态。

    Bankruptcy : legal state of insolvency .

  9. 今天,中国四大国有银行已经基本不具备清偿能力。

    Today , the big four state banks in China are , essentially , insolvent .

  10. 丧失债务清偿能力的;

    Lost the capacity of debt redemption ;

  11. 公司被宣布无清偿能力。

    The company was declared insolvent .

  12. 如今,某些银行具有清偿能力,而另一些银行不具有这种能力,只是没有人具体知道哪些银行有问题。

    Today some banks are solvent and others are not , but nobody knows which is which .

  13. 资本结构可以体现一个企业的清偿能力、公司治理安排和财务成本。

    Capital structure can reflect the solvency , corporate governance arrangement and financial costs of an enterprise .

  14. 为了评价流动性和债务清偿能力,使用一系列的周转比率指标是非常重要的。

    To evaluate the liquidity and debt-paying ability , using a series of turnover ratios is very important .

  15. 欧元危机是因为投资者真真忧心某些欧盟国家的清偿能力。

    The euro crisis was brought on by investors with genuine worries about the solvency of several euro-zone countries .

  16. 得出我国国有商业银行和政策性银行的无清偿能力风险要普遍低于股份制银行的无清偿能力风险。

    The result shows that the insolvency risk of commercial bank and policy bank is smaller than joint stock bank .

  17. 只有通过不断借新债换旧债,意大利才能不被庞大的债务压倒,保持清偿能力,因此拍卖失败将造成灾难性的后果。

    Italy depends on rolling over its huge debt load to stay solvent , so a failed auction would be devastating .

  18. 估算了宜万段高速公路建设项目财务评价指标,表明该项目具有叫好的收益能力和债务清偿能力;

    It shows by the calculating of financial evaluating index that this project has good ability to make profits and paying debt .

  19. 他对理论经济学家对高效资产负债表的嗜好不感兴趣,这种资产负债表导致企业在经济衰退时丧失清偿能力。

    He has no time for the theoretical economists ' penchant for efficient balance sheets that lead companies to insolvency in recessions .

  20. 在判决执行的过程中,应注意赔偿数额不一致、各个债务人清偿能力不一致以及数债务人中存在终局责任人几种情形。

    In the process of executing , variance of compensate amount , differences of perform ability , and final-debtor should be adverted .

  21. 作为这些有毒债务的大债主们,银行业反对进一步减免希腊的债务,因为此举可能损害银行的清偿能力。

    As large holders of the toxic debt , the banks are opposed to further write downs as it could jeopardize their solvency .

  22. 有关人员说安然股东方的律师已接受了安达信清偿能力的下降这一事实。

    Lawyers for the shareholders have accepted that Andersen has a substantially reduced ability to pay , people close to the talks said .

  23. 轧差可采用不同的方式进行,这些方式在一方丧失清偿能力的情况下,其法律强制轧差的程度不尽相同。

    Netting may take several forms which have varying degrees of legal enforceability in the event of default of one of the parties .

  24. 因此第一项要求是清偿能力,即确保幸存的金融机构资本充足,足以承受未来的亏损。

    The first requirement then is solvency : it is to ensure that surviving financial institutions are adequately capitalised to survive the losses ahead .

  25. 通过建立民营企业融资效率评价指标体系,指出影响民营企业融资效率的因素主要有融资成本、融资结构、企业法人治理结构、资金利用率、融资机制规范度、清偿能力和宏观经济环境。

    An evaluation index on financing efficiency of private enterprises includes many factors such as financing cost , financing structure , management mechanism , etc.

  26. 当发现问题证券公司接近或已经丧失流动性清偿能力或资本清偿能力时,必须采取果断措施进行风险处置。

    When discovering the securities corporation is going to losing its circulating pay off , the supervisory institute must take measures to rescue them .

  27. 另一条信息是,欧洲主权债务危机的受害者不只是国家,也包括银行;这场危机不仅将影响某些国家的清偿能力,也会影响某些银行的清偿能力。

    Another is the toll of Europe 's sovereign debt crisis and its implications for the solvency not just of countries but of banks .

  28. 因为更强大的缓冲机制有利于银行消化进一步削减主权债务带来的压力,化解市场对其清偿能力的疑虑。

    The larger cushion would allow the banks to absorb greater haircuts on their sovereign debt holdings and deflect market skepticism as to their solvency .

  29. 此外,作为重要的机构投资者,寿险公司缺乏清偿能力还会对整个金融体系和社会经济稳定造成冲击。

    Moreover , as important institutional investors , the insolvency of life insurance companies would attack all the financial system and the stable of social economics .

  30. 流动性风险是指商业银行没有足够资金,无法满足支付需要,从而丧失清偿能力的情况。

    Liquidity risk means that commercial banks do not have sufficient funds to meet payment needs , which thus leads into the loss of repaying ability .