- 名foreign exchange assets;assets in foreign exchanges

The report also argued for stricter borrowing criteria , highlighting the risks for the China Investment Corporation of holding foreign exchange assets and domestic currency liabilities , which " might prove costly if the yuan appreciates " .
Like the other time financial assets , Foreign exchange assets volatility have heteroscedastic phenomenon .
China is , as expected , on track to become the first purchaser of notes issued by the International Monetary Fund , a move that would diversify its foreign asset holdings and could give the IMF 's quasicurrency more clout .
Second , basic money issue must base on corresponding foreign currency reserves .
Iran is demanding the release of its foreign exchange assets frozen in South Korea .
In 2006 , China became the biggest country holding foreign exchange asset instead of Japan .
Official holdings of exchange assets
The experience of the late 1990s caused a fundamental change in the role of foreign exchange holdings .
The increasing trend of foreign currency assets determines the continuance of Central Bank Bill as debt replacement instrument .
Therefore , it is particularly necessary to increase the value of the foreign exchange asset at the present stage .
However , none of the countries into whose currencies the diversification would take place want to receive these inflows .
It generates a waste of resources in accumulation of low-yielding foreign currency assets exposed to the likelihood of huge capital losses .
Before the 70 's , the rate of exchange system is comparatively stable , and the risk of exchange rate is smaller .
So we consider using dynamic method to study the correlation between foreign exchange assets , as a further measure of market risk .
In the fifties of last century , Kuwait first used their own foreign exchange assets set up specifically to invest instate-owned investment entities .
Nor does the UK pile up foreign assets by persistently selling its own currency to manipulate the exchange rate , as does China .
Therefore in the foreign exchange assets investment , emphasize low risk or high yield is not desirable , for portfolio selection should be carefully .
South Korean banks have frozen Iran 's foreign exchange assets over the past two and a half years , citing fear of U.S. sanctions .
Standard Chartered Bank study estimates that China this year to reduce the massive investment in dollar assets , asset allocation for foreign exchange spread .
China , in common with many other Asian emerging market economies , built up towering mounds of foreign assets to give itself a backstop against future emergencies .
Along with the rapid development of China 's insurance market and widening of its scope of open-up , the size of foreign-currency funds of insurers is increasing rapidly too .
As central bank forex assets quadrupled in the 10 years following the emerging markets crisis of 1998 , reserve liquidity was deemed excessive and more diversified investment strategies compelling .
Because of RMB 'S excess issue through " foreign currency assets-RMB " model in China , Central Bank Bill as a debt tool has been replacing the excess currency .
Hence , further large shifts out of the dollar could indeed push the floating currencies far above their equilibrium levels , generating new imbalances and a possibly severe slowdown in global growth .
They kept it down by selling vast quantities of the currency , acquiring in return an enormous hoard of foreign assets , mostly in dollars , currently worth about $ 2.1 trillion .
Foreign currency assets strategic configuration is that the underlying assets of foreign assets should be configured to determine the scale in the long-term period , aiming at achieving long-term benefits maximization from the whole exchange assets allocation .
Yet there are some clues that this may understate the build up of foreign assets , in turn suggesting " hot money " flows into China have accelerated and that holding down the exchange rate is getting harder .
Furthermore , the Swiss could have curbed inflationary dangers without abandoning the peg , for instance by increasing reserve requirements on banks . A sovereign wealth fund could have been set up to manage huge holdings of foreign assets .
From an anecdotal point of view , diversification of holdings by the Chinese and other Asian central banks into other currencies , including Iran asking Japan to pay for oil in yen rather than dollars , helps fuel these reports .
The uncertainty of the exchange rate are further considered by using the real options approach . In this paper draw the option pricing model included in foreign exchange assets of investment projects , and calculate the explicit solution of the model .