
  • 网络Lateral lymph node
  1. 咽后外侧淋巴结或咽后内侧淋巴结的输出淋巴管形成气管淋巴干,汇入颈深后淋巴结。

    The efferent lymphatic vessels in the lymph nodes of the lateral retropharynx or in in those of the medial retropharynx form tracheal lymphatic trunks which converge into the posterior deep cervical lymphatic nodes .

  2. 旋髂浅动脉岛状皮瓣修复手部软组织缺损腹股沟上外侧浅淋巴结

    Application of superficial iliac circumflex artery island flaps in repairing tissue defects in hand

  3. 犁沟犁在地面划出的窄而浅的长沟腹股沟上外侧浅淋巴结

    A long , narrow , shallow trench made in the ground by a plow . superolateral superficial inguinal lymph nodes

  4. 甲状腺上极的肿瘤可以先出现颈外侧区淋巴结转移。

    Metastatic lymph nodes may found in the lateral compartment of cervical lymph node and free in the central compartment in the upper pole PTC .

  5. 其中下颌下腺的淋巴直接回流至颈外侧浅淋巴结和颌下淋巴结尚未见报道。

    Other things that the lymph of the submandibular gland directly flowed into the superficial lateral cervical lymph nodes and the submental lymph nodes hav : been not reported .

  6. [结论]气管旁是甲状腺乳头状癌颈淋巴结最常见转移部位,气管旁淋巴结转移与颈外侧区淋巴结转移有相关性。

    [ Conclusion ] Level VI is the most common re-gion of metastasis in thyroid papillary carcinoma . There is significant relationship between metastasis of Level VI and posterolateral nodes .