- Adventitia;theca externa

NKB-immunoreactive fibers were demonstrated by immunohistochemistry in the following locations of the lower respiratory tract : 1 . within and beneath the lining epithelium , smooth muscle layer and tunica adventitia of the trachea and bronchus ;
Results Protein expression of 15-LO gradually enhanced in tunica adventitia of blood vessel in the heart by immunohistochemistry . 15-LO were stained brown in tunica adventitia , and the expression of 15-LO increased as hypoxic time become longer in vivo .
Tunica externa layer were thin , mainly fibrous tissue , no external elastic layer .
At POD 14 , the expression of ICAM-1 weakened , locating in the adventitia .
The indirect invasion of metastatic lymph nodes in adenocarcinoma was more likely at the adventitial layer of proximal bronchial wall .
If the ulcer penetrates through the muscularis and through adventitia , then the ulcer is said to " perforate " and leads to an acute abdomen .
The result of the second section suggested that : ? The pulmonary vein walls of dogs were composed of 3 layers : the tunica intima , tunica media and tunica adventitia .
The ultrastructure of intima , meddle layer and external membrane of IMA and RA are clear and similar .
The tubal wall of spermatic duct is composed of mucosa , muscular layer and adventitia .
Results : The collagen fibers of the central artery penetrated to the node may be divided into 3 layers : intima , media and adventitia .
Contain few colchicine . The colchicine gradually reduce from outside to inner in the bulb of Iphigenia indica Kunth et Benth . , the outer-epidermis contain 0.134 % , the outer of bulb contain 0.171 % .
As a whole , strong positive cells were mostly observed in the tunica mucosa and adventitia , and positive material was observed on the dissociative side of tunica mucosa . Tunica submucosa showed weak positive reaction .
The results revealed that IVUS could show the typical three layers of structure ( intima , media and adventitia ) in the internal and external carotid arteries and the three layers of the commom carotid artery were hardly differentiated .
Expression of vimentin and fibronectin in the adventitia was detected using confocal immunoflurescence .
Analysis of major outer membrane protein and S-layer protein of Aeromonas hydrophila