
  1. 查德.N.哈斯任美国外交学会会长。

    Richard N. Haass is president of the Council on Foreign Relations .

  2. 1995年与外交学会建立合作关系,多次合办研讨会、组织互访。

    It started cooperation with the CPIFA in1995 and had co-organized several seminars and exchanges of visits .

  3. 感谢清华大学和中国人民外交学会为举办这次盛会所作的努力。

    I wish to thank Tsinghua University and the Chinese Peoples Institute of Foreign Affairs for putting together this grand gathering .

  4. 巴尔一行应外交学会邀请于三十日抵京,他们还将前往上海访问。

    Barre and his entourage arrived in Beijing on the 30th at the invitation of the Foreign Affairs Institute . They will also go to Shanghai for a visit .

  5. 很高兴出席由清华大学主办、中国人民外交学会协办的世界和平论坛,与各位新老朋友见面。

    It gives me great pleasure to attend the World Peace Forum organized by Tsinghua University and co-organized by the Chinese Peoples Institute of Foreign Affairs and meet with friends old and new .

  6. 外交和国际事务学会

    Academy of Diplomacy and International Affairs

  7. 民族危机下的国民外交&太平洋国际学会第四届会议开幕争论之研究

    People 's Diplomacy at the Time of National Crisis & A Discourse on the Inauguration of the Forth Biennial Conference of the IPR