
  • 网络Society of Biology;asbmb;Biology and Conservancy Association
  1. 卡片背面写着这样一条信息:英国海洋生物学会将为这个瓶子支付一先令。

    On the back of the card there was this message : The Marine Biological Association would pay a shilling for the bottle .

  2. FASAB是美国实验生物学会联合会。

    FASEB is the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology .

  3. 发表于美国实验生物学会联合会(FASEB)杂志的这项发现可能有助于开发延缓人类衰老、预防癌症的药物与疗法。

    This discovery , published online in The FASEB Journal , could help lead to drugs and treatments that slow human aging and prevent cancer .

  4. 美国实验生物学会联合会(FASEB)在一项声明中说,这个决定树立了一个“干扰的先例”。

    In a statement ( pdf ), the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology ( FASEB ) says the decision sets a " disturbing precedent " .

  5. 中国古生物学会召开第三届第二次常务理事会扩大会议

    3rd Standing Council of PSC held 2nd and enlarged meeting

  6. 这是发育生物学会的网站。

    This is the website of Society for Developmental Biology .

  7. 中国古生物学会1986年度学术活动

    Academic Activities of PSC for 1986

  8. 国际鱼类学和流体生物学会

    International Society of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology

  9. 贵州省古生物学会成立大会暨第一届学术年会在贵阳召开

    An inaugural meeting of the Palaeontological Society of Guizhou Province and the 1st PSG symposium held in Guiyang

  10. 这项由杜克大学领导的研究结果发表在美国实验生物学会杂志3月刊上。

    The Duke University-led study has published the result in the March issue of the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology ( FASEB ) .

  11. 该研究结果发表于美国实验生物学会联合会杂志,由生物技术和生物科学研究委员会食品研究协会核心战略补助金提供资助。

    The research , published in The FASEB Journal , was funded through IFR 's Core Strategic Grant from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council ( BBSRC ) .

  12. 美国细胞生物学会昨天发表了这四十位诺贝尔奖得主的信函,我们觉得他们对科学有着更好的理解。

    Our own guess is that the40 Nobel laureates , whose letter was released yesterday by the American Society for Cell Biology , have a better grasp of the science .

  13. 这项研究刚刚被发表在《美国实验生物学会联合会会志》中,它使我们更好地理解海豹是如何在漆黑的深海中捕鱼的。

    The point of this study , just published in the Journal of Experimental Biology , is to understand better how seals hunt fish in the inky depths of the ocean .

  14. 而科学试图不落窠臼。今年,在拉斯维加斯召开的古脊椎生物学会会议上,一些发言人问到中生代顶级掠食者是否全是恐龙,结论是“否”。

    Science , though , tries to look beyond the obvious , and at this year 's meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology , held in Las Vegas , some of the speakers asked whether the top predators of the Mesozoic era really were all dinosaurs . Their conclusion was " no. "

  15. 无独有偶,总部在美国的国际野生生物保护学会(theWildlifeConservationSociety)最近也对玻利维亚新发现的一种猴子的命名权进行了网上拍卖。

    BIOPAT is not alone : the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society , for instance , recently auctioned the name of a new Bolivian monkey species online .

  16. 库克林和国际野生生物保护学会(WildlifeConservationSociety)中国分会的龟鳖专家吕顺清渴望再找到一只雌性斑鳖,于是让全国所有动物园都把各自的大型软壳龟鳖的照片寄给他们。

    Desperate to find another , Dr. Kuchling and Lu Shunqing , a turtle specialist from the Wildlife Conservation Society 's China branch , had asked every zoo in the country to send them photographs of any large softshell turtles in their possession .

  17. 湖北省生物工程学会成立

    The Founding Meeting of Hubei Society for Biotechnology

  18. 欧洲比较生理学和生物化学学会;

    European Society of comparative physiology and biochemistry ;

  19. 世界生物精神病学学会联合会

    World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry

  20. 欧洲生物化学学会联合会

    Federation of European Biochemical Societies

  21. 跨学科生物精神病学学会将研究精神病学生物学方面的实验学科和临床领域的科学家集合起来。

    The Interdisciplinary Society of Biological Psychiatry brings together scientists from clinical and experimental disciplines involved in the study of the biological aspects of psychiatry .

  22. 在由国际野生生物保护学会,一维多利亚冠鸽公布的照片出现在纽约,星期三,布朗克斯动物园。

    In this photo released by the Wildlife Conservation Society , a Victoria crowned pigeon is seen at the Bronx Zoo in New York , Wednesday , Sept.10,2008 .

  23. 摄取草药的目的是在生物层面上学会光之语。

    The purpose of ingesting the herb is to learn the language of light tones upon a biological level .