
  • 网络ecotourism;ecotour;eco tour;Eco-tourism
  1. 从生态学原理出发,利用高新技术和生态农业技术,协调好三高农业与生态游之间的关系;

    Base on the principle of ecology , using high and new technologies and ecological agriculture techniques , assorting ecotourism with highly productive , excellent , effective agriculture ;

  2. 请问你有没有参加湿地公园定向追踪生态游?

    Did you join the Eco Treasure Hunt at Hong Kong Wetland Park ?

  3. 生态游:林区经济的新路线图

    New map of forest economy

  4. 廊坊市根据本市的特点,谋划发展主题公园游、探访古迹游、商务会展游、休闲度假游、购物游和生态游。

    According to its own condition , Langfang is planning to develop theme tourism like gardens , exploration of historical relics , business and exposition , leisure and holiday , shopping and ecology .

  5. 近年来,本公司先后推出了生态游、自助游、奖励旅游、“旅游车站”、百年中国之旅、红色之旅和老年人之旅等30多条旅游新线路、新产品。

    Recent years , we have carried on the following new routes : wild tour , random tour , incentive tour ," Tour station "," China century ", Red Army tour , Old men tour .

  6. 针对存在的问题结合资源的评价结果,提出了4种宗教旅游资源开发模式:宗教文化游、宗教休闲购物游、宗教生态游和宗教观光度假游。

    According to the problems and the evaluation of the resources , 4 development modes have been put forward . They are religious culture tourism , religious leisure shopping tourism , ecological tourism and sightseeing vacation tourism .

  7. 品牌名称:雾灵山生态回归游。标准色:绿色,蓝色,白色。

    Brand name : Ecology and Return of Wuling Mountain .

  8. 以大亚湾、巽寥湾、海龟自然保护区等为主的滨海生态悠闲游;

    Coastal tourist attractions are Daya Bay , Xunliao , and the Turtle-Protection Zone .

  9. 本研究中采用「德尔菲法」及配合「层级分析法」來评估各因子相对之冲击权重,以利提供未來执行生态旅游规划所必须注意及避免事项之优先顺序考量。

    The relevant weight of the impact factors should be analyzed to offer suggestions for planning and executing future ecotourism projects and avoiding unnecessary interference with nature .

  10. 穆雷曾从业于汽车业、IT业以及帮助其它公司扭亏,最后他选择了自己心仪的生活——纵情于飞鸟照片拍摄、美酒品鉴、苏格兰民间音乐弹奏、歌剧节组织以及与我这样的人畅谈新西兰原生态旅游业的服务内容。

    After a career in the motor industry , IT and doing corporate turnrounds , Murray has settled for a life where he can indulge his passion for photographing birds , wine tasting , playing Scottish folk songs , organising opera festivals and chatting to people like me about what this particular aspect of New Zealand tourism has to offer .

  11. 南涌生态漫赏游:先去了解和欣赏这片土地,然后决定保育这片土地。

    Nam Chung Ecotour : Let 's understand and appreciate the land well before deciding to conserve it .

  12. 以龙门温泉、南昆山温泉大观园、中信惠州汤泉为主的生态养生健康游;

    Further a field , other tourists sites are the Longmen hot springs , the grand hot springs in Nankun Mountain and Tangquan .

  13. 必须全面建设生态城市,发展城市生态游。

    And to construct full-scale eco-cities and develop eco-tour in urban areas .