
shēnɡ zhǎnɡ zhànɡ ài
  • Growth disorders;hypotrophy;disturbance of growth
  1. 血清甲状腺激素浓度与肾病大鼠GHIGF轴紊乱及生长障碍的关系

    Relationship between serum thyroid hormone and GH IGF axis , growth failure in nephrotic rats

  2. 结论:除继发性营养不良和糖皮质激素治疗外,肾病本身也是引发NS生长障碍的重要因素;

    Conclusions : 1.Growth failure is caused by secondary malnutrition and nephrosis itself in nephrotic rats , and deteriorated by glucocorticoid therapy .

  3. SHOX基因异常与人体生长障碍

    Human SHOX Gene Abnormalities Cause Growth Failure

  4. 该病毒接种雏鸡未出现临床病症及生长障碍,不致死鸡胚,对鸭胚的致死率明显比引起产蛋下降的HS株低。

    The young specific-pathogen-free chicken , oro-nasally inoculated with the QU strain , presented no clinical sign and growth withdrawing , no lethal to chicken embryo and lower motility rate to duck embryo than HS strain that causes egg drop of laying chickens .

  5. 本文就GHR基因异常与人体生长障碍以及颅面发育的关系作一分析,同时阐述GHR基因研究对人体生长以及颅面发育的生理病理过程的重要意义。

    This review is about the relationship between human growth retardation , craniofacial growth and GHR gene mutation . It also illuminates the significant role of the GHR gene in physiology and pathology of human growth and craniofacial growth .

  6. 肾病综合征鼠模型生长障碍的特点及机制

    Characteristic and pathogenesis of growth failure in rats with nephrotic syndrome

  7. 研究暴露组与对照组的免疫应答基因表达情况以及肺泡生长障碍。

    Objective To study immune response in mice against the HBV core DNA-based vaccine .

  8. 1型糖尿病患儿生长障碍与甲状腺功能及皮质醇变化的关系研究

    Relationship between growth retardation and changes of thyroid function and cortisol in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

  9. 首都机场高速公路中央隔离带桧柏生长障碍因子研究

    Studies on Growth Conditions of Sabina Chinensis on the Central Partition Belt of the Highway of Beijing International Airport

  10. 早期暴露于高脂环境引起新生仔鼠生长障碍的机制仍需进一度探索。

    The mechanism of growth disorders induced by early exposure to the high fat environment still need for futher research .

  11. 乔丹四岁的儿子哈维天生翳障(分失明)而且患有生长障碍,她还有一个两岁的小儿子朱尼尔。

    She is mother to four-year-old Harvey , who suffers from a growth disorder and partial blindness , and two-year-old Junior .

  12. 化肥、农药、种子、除草剂、农机等的应用消除了很多作物生长障碍因子,使农作物产量大幅度提高,但土壤地力、土壤结构的改善和提高进展缓慢。

    Application of Chemical fertilizers , pesticides , seeds , herbicide and farm machinery etc eliminated a lot of obstacles to make crop yields greatly raised . But progress of , improving soil fertility and enhancing of soil structure is slow .

  13. 连作对丹参生长的障碍效应

    Obstacle Effect of Continuous Cropping on Salvia miltiorrhiza Growth

  14. 背景:孤独症是一种发生在婴幼时期比较严重的生长发育障碍。

    BACKGROUND : Autism is a kind of severe growth and development disorder that occurs in the infant period .

  15. 营养不良可导致患儿住院频率增多、手术预后不良、生长发育障碍、死亡率增加。

    Malnutrition will result in more frequent hospitalization , worse operative prognosis , growth obstruct and higher mortality rate .

  16. 结论适量补充锰对镉中毒所致孕鼠生长发育障碍和肝、肾组织细胞损伤具有拮抗作用。

    Conclusion The adequate manganese supplement can antagonize the development disorder and cell damage in liver and kidney of rats induced by cadmium .

  17. 这提示腿的长度短和成人短腿身高比反应了儿童时期生长发育障碍。

    It has been suggested that short leg length and low leg-to-height ratio in adults reflect impaired growth during childhood ( 10 ) .

  18. [结论]无论是染色体数目异常还是染色体结构异常,都可导致先天畸形、智力低下、流产、不孕和生长发育障碍等。

    [ Conclusions ] The abnormal chromosome number or structure will result in congenital malformation , hypophrenia , abortion , infertility and growth obstruct .

  19. 结论:锌缺乏可使孕鼠体内抗氧化能力减弱,脂质过氧化反应增强,导致其生长发育障碍。

    Conclusion : Zn deficiency could result in decrease of antioxidation capacity and increase of lipid peroxidation and induce growth retardation of pregnant rats .

  20. 酸性土壤上有多种植物生长的障碍因子,铝毒害是酸性土壤中作物生长的主要限制因子之一。

    Barriers to factor on a variety of plant growth in acid soils . Al toxicity is one of the main limiting factor for crop growth in acid soils .

  21. 往往病程长,易反复,迁延难愈,导致患儿体质渐下,易引起营养不良、佝偻病、贫血、免疫力低下、生长发育障碍等,严重影响着儿童的健康成长和发育。

    It is likely to result in malnutrition , rickets , anaemia and hypoimmunity just because it often has the long course of disease , recurs and is difficult to recover , thus it greatly affects the health and growth of the children .

  22. 可能为胚胎期基因缺陷致骨骺生长层发育障碍。

    Gene defect during embryonic period may interfere the growth of osteoepiphysis .

  23. 南方葡萄生长的土壤障碍因子

    The Inhibiting Factors of Vineyard Soil Fertility in Southern China

  24. 温度是制约烟苗迅速生长的重要障碍因素之一。

    Temperature is one of the important obstacle of tobacco seedlings rapidly growth factors .

  25. 限制温室蔬菜生长的土壤障碍因子是:养分失衡、盐渍化、连作等。

    The obstacles of soil environmental to vegetables growth in greenhouse were the soil nutrient out of balance , the soil salinization and culture without rotation etc.

  26. 通过对河南省广大麦田小麦生育期间耗水(叶面蒸腾与棵间蒸发)与自然降水的比较分析得出:干旱尤其是春旱,是制约我省小麦正常生长的主要障碍因素之一。

    Comparing analysis of the amount of water meeded with the rainfall of wheat field showed drought was the main obstructive factor restraining the development of wheat production of Henan province .

  27. 土壤紧实是干旱半干旱地区土壤及设施土壤常见的一种现象,它已成为影响作物生长发育的障碍因子之一。

    Soil compaction stress , one of the common phenomenon in the soil of arid and semi-arid area and protected field , has become one problem effecting on the growth and development of crops .

  28. 低温胁迫是影响植物正常生长的主要障碍因子之一,植物尤其是经济作物的抗冷性强弱直接影响作物产量。

    Low temperature stress is one of the main obstacle factors influencing the normal growth of plants . The plant resistance to cold , especially cash crops , has direct impact on the crop production .

  29. 19个葡萄园9个肥力指标的主组元分析表明,南方葡萄生长的土壤障碍因子是粘、酸及磷钾和有机质不足。

    The results of the principal component analysis of 9 fertility indexes in 19 vineyards showed that the inhibiting factors of soil fertility in southern China were clay , acidity and the deficiency of phosphorus , potassium and organic matter .

  30. 本文探讨了轮作、连作大豆根系中酚、糖含量与产量的关系以及施肥克服连作对大豆生长发育的障碍效应。

    This study shows that continuous and rotation effects on the content of phenol of soybean root system and yield of soybean . Besides this , applying fertilizer overcomes obstruct of continous cropping for the growth and development of soybean .