
shēnɡ huó zhǐ shù
  • living index;cost of living index
  1. 3个月后评估Barthel生活指数(BI)。

    Functional outcome was assessed by Barthel - Index ( BI ) three months later .

  2. 患者在每次DTI检查之间采用美国国立卫生研究院卒中评分(NIHSS)和Barthel生活指数(BI)评定卒中患者神经功能缺失和日常生活能力的情况。

    All the patients were evaluated with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale ( NIHSS ) and the Barthel Index ( BI ) to assess the loss of neuron function and ability of daily life between each DTI .

  3. 与生活指数挂钩的工资增长使他们免受通货膨胀带来的损失。

    Inked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases .

  4. 海南省生活指数预报系统简介

    A Brief introduction on Life index prediction system of Hainan Provincial meteorological observatory

  5. 文职人员退休金是与生活指数挂钩。

    Civil service pension is index - link .

  6. 香港乃全球生活指数最高、贫富悬殊最严重及穷人比率较高的地方之一。

    Hong Kong has one of the highest costs of living in the world , one of the largest income disparities , and a high poverty rate .

  7. 该报纸提供了一些诸如紫外线指数、晨练指数、防晒指数、洗车指数以及中暑指数等简单易懂的每日生活指数提示。

    The paper provides easy-to-understand daily life indexes such as the ultraviolet ray index , morning exercise index , sun protection factor index , carwash and heat stroke indexes .

  8. 根据瑞士宝盛银行发布的2015宝盛生活指数显示,上海的房价在2015年上升了15个百分点。

    According to the Julius Baer Lifestyle Index 2015 , released by Swiss bank Julius Baer and Co , the cost of housing in Shanghai rose 15 percent in 2015 .

  9. 随着通货膨胀的起伏,生活指数及家庭住址等因素的变化,这个标准可能上下浮动。一个浮点数字可以被存取的记忆体位置的位址。

    This amount may fluctuate , depending upon inflation , the cost of living and the location of the family . The address of a memory location at which a floating-point number can be accessed .

  10. Spitzer生活质量指数测量脑卒中患者的效度研究

    The validity of Spitzer quality of life index in stroke patients

  11. 方法:采用生活质量指数评分表和自制调查表对112例脑卒中偏瘫患者进行回顾性地调查并用成组Logistic回归统计方法对各相关因素进行分析。

    Methods : 112 cases of hemiplegic stroke were retrospectively studied by QOL index scales and a self designed register form . The logistic regression method was used to analyze the relative factors .

  12. 在福利开支方面,奥巴马最近提出了一个1万亿美元的减支计划,其中包括对medicare的削减、调整生活费用指数以及其他措施。

    On the entitlement side , Mr Obama recently proposed $ 1tn in Medicare cuts , adjustments to cost of living indices , and other reductions .

  13. 900例意大利银屑病患者皮肤病生活质量指数(DLQI)的心理测评

    Psychometric properties of the Dermatology Life Quality Index ( DLQI ) in 900 Italian patients with psoriasis

  14. 对照组静脉滴注低分子右旋糖苷及维脑路通。观察两组患者治疗前后临床神经功能缺损程度评分、Barthel日常生活能力指数及血小板数量的变化。

    The clinical defection degree of nerve function ( CDDNF ), Barthel daily life ability index ( BDLAI ) and the number of blood platelets were observed before and after treatment .

  15. 方法采用癌症病人生活功能指数量表(FLIC)对302例现患大肠癌患者进行生命质量的流行病学调查,所得资料采用逐步回归分析方法进行分析。

    Methods 302 cases were investigated through using Functional Living Index Cancer ( FLIC ) Scale , and stepwise regression was used in the analysis .

  16. 方法:采用皮肤病生活质量指数(DLQI)研究湿疹、痤疮和NGU患者的生活质量及其影响因素。

    Methods : Dermatology life quality index ( DLQI ) was used to measure the quality of life in patients with eczema , acne and NGU and its associated factors .

  17. 方法:对135例50岁以上的高龄医生进行生活满意度指数A(LSIA)有关的15项社会-心理-生物因素调查。

    Methods : Life satisfaction index A ( LSIA ) and 15 investigations about society-Psychology-Biological factors of LSIA were performed in 135 doctors aged above 50 years old .

  18. 亚标准包括儿童的皮肤病生活质量指数(CDLQI),金黄色葡萄球菌在皮肤的分布情况和皮肤的药物治疗情况。

    Secondary measures included the Children 's Dermatology Life Quality Index ( CDLQI ), S.aureus skin colonization , and pharmacological skin treatment .

  19. 方法对确诊的108例OSAS患者采用Calgary生活质量指数(SAQLI)评价HRQoL、Epworth嗜睡量表(ESS)评价EDS、Zung抑郁自评量表(SDS)评价情绪。

    Methods 108 patients with OSAS were assessed for HRQoL using the Calgary quality of life index ( SAQLI ), for EDS using the Epworth sleepiness scale ( ESS ), and for mood using the Zung self-rated depression scale ( SDS ) .

  20. 方法应用生活满意度指数A(LSIA)、焦虑自评量表、简易应对方式问卷、领悟社会支持量表及一般情况问卷对65名退休护理人员进行调查。

    Methods Life Satisfaction Index A ( LSIA ), Self-relating Anxiety Scale ( SAS ), Perceived Social Support Scale ( PSSS ), Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire ( SCSQ ), and general situation questionnaire were used in 65 retired nurses .

  21. 通过改良后生活质量指数(MQLI)评估糖尿病性视网膜病变患者的生活质量,包括5个维度:躯体健康、心理健康、社会功能、自我形象和物质基础。

    And modified quality of life index ( MQLI ) was used to assess the QOL in patients with diabetic retinopathy that covered 5 dimensions : somatic health , mental health , social function , self-image and material base .

  22. 不同城市或国家间的生活消费指数都是可以相互比较的。

    Cost of living indicators are comparative between cities or countries .

  23. 2003年中国生活质量指数在120个国家中排名72位;

    China 's QOLI in 2003 ranks 72 among 120 countries ;

  24. 老年心身疾病患者生活质量指数对照研究

    Study on quality of life in elderly with psychosomatic diseases

  25. 中国农民工生活质量指数评价研究

    The Evaluation and Analysis of Living Quality Index of Off-Farm Workers of China

  26. 南昌市几种生活气象指数简介

    Introduction On Several Weather Index For Daily Life

  27. 睡眠呼吸暂停生活质量指数问卷在悬雍垂腭咽成形术近期评估中的应用

    Evaluation the short-term effects of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty on the sleep apnea quality of life index

  28. 看起来很的是,问题在于生活质量指数。

    It seems clear that the problem is with the quality of life indexes .

  29. 这种简单的生活方式指数很容易在公众卫生实践中推广。

    The simple structure of the lifestyle index facilitates its use in public health practice .

  30. 老年慢性病患者生活质量指数与日常活动能力的相关性研究

    Correlation Study on Quality of Life Index and Activities of Daily Living in Elderly with Chronic Illness