
ɡuó qiú
  • national ball game
  1. 乒乓球是中国的国球。

    Table tennis is a national ball game of china .

  2. 我国球墨铸铁给水管道水压严密性试验验收标准分析

    Analysis on Hydrostatic Test Standard of Ductile Iron Water Pipeline in China

  3. 对我国球团矿生产发展的认识和思考

    Knowledge and view on development of pellet production in China

  4. 我国球团矿生产概况及现状分析

    Overview of present status of pellet production in China

  5. 乒乓球是中国的国球,一直处于绝对优势地位。

    China has always been dominant in its national sport of table tennis .

  6. 回顾了我国球式热风炉的起源及所经历的几个发展阶段。

    The origin of pebble stove in China and several development phases are reviewed .

  7. 乒乓球作为中国购乐学的国球,具有十分浓厚购乐学的民间基础。

    As a Chinese national ball game , Table tennis has a strong civil foundation .

  8. 棒球是美国的国球。

    Baseball is an American sport .

  9. 关于我国球团矿质量问题的探讨

    About our country 's pellet quality

  10. 国球精神文化取向对乒乓球消费市场的引导

    The Guidance of National Ball Spirit of the Cultural Orientation on Table Tennis 's Consumer Market

  11. 美式足球是美国的国球,不能与足球混为一谈。

    American football , not to be confused with the football called soccer , is the American national sport .

  12. 棒球运动中球反跳出去。棒球是美国的国球。

    Bounce a ball so that it becomes an out , in baseball . Baseball is an American sport .

  13. 设计一款乒乓球游戏能让大家更方便快捷的感受到国球的魅力。

    To design a game of the table tennis would be more convenient for people'enjoying the charm of the table tennis .

  14. 乒乓球被誉为中国的国球,是我国典型的优势竞技项目之一。

    The country known as the Chinese table tennis ball , are typical of our country is one of competitive advantage .

  15. 乒乓球是我们的国球,在全国备受瞩目,相当流行。

    Table tennis is our national sport which gets most of the attention of the nation . it 's very popular .

  16. 曾经在中美关系史上发挥过特殊作用的乒乓球,被称为中国的“国球”。

    Once in the history of Sino-US relations have a special role to play table tennis , known as China 's'national sport .

  17. 后来从电视里他们知道了乒乓球是国球,于是孩子们决定出走将乒乓球去“还给国家”。

    Realizing from the newly-bought TV set that ping-pong ball is " national ball ", the kids decided to return the ball to the state .

  18. 对我国球团矿生产技术的发展历史和现状进行了回顾和总结分析,并指明了未来的发展方向。

    The history and present situation of pellet production of China were reviewed , and the defects and development direction of pellet production were pointed out .

  19. 随着国球文化在校园的传播,乒乓球课已成为高校学生所喜爱的选项课之一。

    With the increasing popularity of the sport on the campus , the course of table tennis has been one of college students ' favorite optional courses .

  20. 棒球是美国的“国球”,在日本,古巴,波多黎各,墨西哥和其他拉美国家也很流行。

    Baseball is the " national game " of the u.s. , and popular also in Japan and in cuba , Puerto rico , mexico , and other Latin American countries .

  21. 冰球是加拿大的国球,加拿大男子冰球队以加时赛3比2险胜美国队,为加拿大夺得又一枚金牌。

    In their national sport of ice hockey , the Canadian men won a thrilling 3-2 overtime victory for the gold medal over their rivals and neighbors to the south , the United States .

  22. 乒乓球作为中国的国球,其发展轨迹植根于广泛的社会文化背景之中,随着社会的变迁受各种因素的影响呈现出了不同的发展特点。

    The national sport of table tennis as China , its trajectory is rooted in a wide range of social and cultural background . Along with the social change , influenced by various factors presented the different development characteristics .

  23. 33岁的帖雅娜说:“对运动员来说,香港显然有更多机会。乒乓球是中国的国球,因此大陆的竞争更加激烈。”帖雅娜十年前在上海被球探发现,随后移居到香港。

    There 's definitely more opportunities as a player in Hong Kong , ' says Ms. Tie , 33 , who moved to the city a decade ago after being spotted by a talent scout in Shanghai . ' Ping pong is China 's national game , so competition is more fierce . '

  24. 方法依据美国病理学家协会(CAP)室间质量评价方案,建立我国免疫球蛋白类检验的室间质量评价方案。

    Methods The external quality assessment scheme of immunoglobines was established in China according to the Proficiency Testing scheme of the College of American Pathologists .

  25. 对我国乒乓球俱乐部制改革的思考

    Consideration on the Reform of Table Tennis Club System in China

  26. 北京奥运会团体新赛制下我国乒乓球基础训练对策

    Basic table tennis training countermeasures under new format of Beijing Olympic Games

  27. 我国生产球团矿,大都配加膨润土。

    Most of domestic pellets were produced with addition of bentonite as binder .

  28. 我国磨球的生产及使用状况

    Manufacturing and application status of grinding balls in China

  29. 对我国乒乓球俱乐部现状与发展对策的研究中国乒乓球俱乐部现状浅析

    Status Quo of Table Tennis Clubs and Countermeasures for Their Development in China

  30. 我国乒乓球女子运动员技术男性化两大影响因素研究

    Research on Two Major Factors of Man-style for Woman Technique in Table Tennis