
  • 网络National High-tech Enterprise
  1. 湘潭市仪器仪表成套制造有限公司是一家集科、工、贸于一体的国家高新技术企业,自成立以来经过14年发展,已经初具规模,正努力打开市场获得新的利润增长点。

    Xiangtan Instrument Manufacturing Co. , Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise , which has integrated science with industry and trade . Since 14 years of development , it has begun to take shape and trying to open markets for new profit growth point .

  2. 江苏长青农化股份有限公司系国家定点农药生产企业,国家高新技术企业。

    Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co. , Ltd. , is a state designated pesticide manufacturer and national high-tech enterprise .

  3. 创业投资在西方国家高新技术企业成长过程中起着至关重要的作用,它有助于提高企业的成长速度,对企业IPO有积极作用,还有助于提高企业的创新绩效。

    Venture Capital plays a vital role in the growth of high-tech firms in the western countries . It helps to increase the speed of firm growth , has a positive impact on IPO , and improves the innovation performance .

  4. 发达国家高新技术企业科研开发组织体制阶段演变

    Research on Organic System of R & D Dept. for High-tech Enterprise in Developed Nations

  5. 企业所得税:税率25%,属国家高新技术企业,可以享受一定的税收优惠政策。

    Enterprise income tax : The tax rate is25 % . The national high-tech enterprises can , to some extend , enjoy preferential tax policies .

  6. 2009年,金信诺被评为国家级高新技术企业。

    In2009 , Kingsignal got the title of International High-Tech Enterprise .

  7. 2006年东佳集团由原先的省高新技术企业晋升为国家级高新技术企业。

    In the year of 2006 , Dong Jia group was promoted to provincial-level high-tech enterprises from the original high-tech enterprise .

  8. Y公司是一家集EMI/TIM产品原材料、提供解决方案、生产、销售为一体的国家级高新技术企业。

    Y Company is one of the national high-tech enterprises to provide raw materials of EMI / TIM products , to provide solutions and production .

  9. 多氟多化工股份有限公司是从事高性能无机氟化物、锂离子电池材料和光伏材料研发、生产和销售的国家级高新技术企业。

    DFD is titled as national high-tech enterprise specializes in development , production and sales of high performance of inorganic fluoride , Li-ion battery materials and photovoltaic materials .

  10. 公司为集研发、生产与销售中、高压输配电产品于一体的国家级高新技术企业。

    The company has become a national high-tech enterprise integrating the R & D , manufacturing and sales of mid and high voltage power transmission and distribution products .

  11. 据统计,经国家认定的高新技术企业上市数量只占我国上市公司总量的1%左右。

    According to statistics , the quantity of listed high-tech enterprises by the national recognition of the number listed companies in China only about 1 % of the total .

  12. 国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业;

    Key high and new-tech enterprise of National Torch Plan ;

  13. 先后被评为山东省高新技术企业、威海市自主创新型先进企业、国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业。

    It has been evaluated to be high new technology company in Shandong province , Weihai independent innovation advanced company and high new technology key enterprise of national torch plan .

  14. JHS公司是国家一级企业,国家重点高新技术企业,世界先进、亚洲最大的石油钻头制造商。

    The JHS Company is a National Grade-one Enterprise and National Key Hi-Tech. Enterprise , which is the largest manufacturer of petroleum drill bit in Asia with world advanced technology .

  15. 公司成功的获准“2000年西部开发国家高技术产业化示范工程高纯碲项目”取得国家高新技术企业认证;

    The company has successfully passed the approval for " The High Purity Te Project " as national demonstration works of Hi-techprodution in the Western Developing campaign in2000 .