
guó wù huì yì
  • state conference
国务会议[guó wù huì yì]
  1. 最高国务会议组织结构及其功能探析

    An Investigation of the Organizational Structure and Functions of the Supreme State Conference

  2. 最高国务会议在会议的组织结构、议题内容方面,呈现出强烈的开放性特征,在实际政治过程中发挥了重要影响。

    The conference manifested great openness in its organizational structure and topics for discussion and exerted important influence in the actual political operation .

  3. 斯佩兰斯基讲到,今天早上举行的国务会议上,问一个聋子大臣有何意见,他回答,说他也有这样的意见。

    Speransky told them how at the council that morning a deaf statesman , on being asked his opinion , replied that he was of the same opinion .

  4. 国务院办公厅转发劳动、人事部关于进一步落实外商投资企业用人自主权的通知国务会议主席办公厅

    Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Approval and Transmission of the Proposals Submitted by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Personnel Concerning Further Implementation