
wù shí zhǔ yì
  • pragmaticism
  1. 务实主义者告诉我们,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)刚刚与共和党达成了一项延期互换协议,从而挽救了他的总统任期。

    Barack Obama , we are told by the pragmatists , has just taken his presidency back by doing an extension swap with the Republicans .

  2. OpenUP信奉务实主义和敏捷的思想体系,关注软件开发的协作性。

    OpenUP embraces a pragmatic , agile philosophy that focuses on the collaborative nature of software development .

  3. 李光耀公共政策学院(LeeKuanYewSchoolofPublicPolicy)的马凯硕教授(KishoreMahbubani)表示,务实主义加上精英政治和诚实是新加坡转变的基石。

    Professor Kishore Mahbubani , of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy , says that pragmatism - along with meritocracy and honesty - are the keystones of Singapore 's transformation .

  4. 但美国以及欧洲需要的是冷静的务实主义。

    But what the US – and Europe – needs is cool-headed pragmatism .

  5. 就其务实主义哲学来说,当然值得学习。

    In its philosophy of pragmatism it surely does .

  6. 她是一个务实主义者,寻求问题的解决方法,并回避意识形态问题。

    She is a pragmatist who looks for solutions to problems , and eschews ideology .

  7. 冷战时期联邦德国对第三世界务实主义的经济援助政策

    The Policy of Economy and Aid of Germany for Third World in Cold War Period

  8. 下周在中国,美国这种务实主义的新基调,将表现得更为明显。

    This new tone of American Realism will be even more starkly apparent in China next week .

  9. 他对个人责任、地方主义和务实主义的信奉,正是源自迪斯雷利。

    It is from Disraeli that he has borrowed an attachment to individual responsibility , localism and pragmatism .

  10. 务实主义赢得了9月公投,而且仍是苏格兰留在英国的主要原因。

    Pragmatism won in September and it remains the main reason among Scots for staying in the UK .

  11. 在对外政策中,关于意识形态与务实主义关系的历史争论不断上演。

    The historical debate over the relationship between ideology and realism in foreign policy enjoys a well-trodden path .

  12. 但由于他的务实主义做法,他未能平息选民对于“利维坦”政府会无限扩张的忧虑。

    But in his pragmatism , he has failed to assuage voters worried about the boundless expansion of a leviathan state .

  13. 柯林斯将斯托克代尔这种务实主义与信念的结合命名为斯托克代尔悖论,并主张这对伟大的企业至关重要。

    Mr Collins named Stockdale 's mix of pragmatism and belief the Stockdale Paradox , and argued it was essential to great companies .

  14. 在伊朗问题上赢得俄罗斯一定程度的合作,已经显示出奥巴马作为一个对外政策的“务实主义者”的技巧。

    As a foreign policy " realist " , Mr Obama has already displayed skill in winning a degree of co-operation from Russia over Iran .

  15. 我们中的一些人从未在这场拔河中找到平衡。有些人在一种削弱人们意志的务实主义中忘却了他们的激情,有些人狠心地抛弃了所有我们祖先的传统。

    Some of us never find that balance , relinquishing our passions for a life built around crippling pragmatism or bitterly abandoning our ancestry completely .

  16. 而经过拉夫桑贾尼和哈塔米两代务实主义总统治理后,伊朗也越来越意识到实力外交的重要性和国际政治的现实性。

    After the regime of Rafsanjani and Khatami , Iran recognizes the importance of power diplomacy and the reality of the international politics more and more .

  17. 不过,“务实主义者”的论点客观环境可能会推动所有美国总统走上类似的道路也不是十分有道理。

    However , the " realist " argument that objective circumstances are likely to push all American presidents in similar directions is also not quite right .

  18. 务实主义理论已被国际社会普遍接受,这一理论的运用丰富了海湾地区国际关系理论的研究。

    Practicality theory has been widely accepted by the international society , the application of such theory substantiates the study of international relationship theory for the Gulf nations .

  19. 不过,即将在赤字问题上出现的对抗将为双方都提供机会:奥巴马可以借机展现大胆的领导风格;共和党则可以在国家利益方面展现务实主义。

    Yet the looming confrontation over the deficit presents opportunities on both sides for Mr Obama the occasion to show bold leadership ; for Republicans a chance to demonstrate pragmatism in the national interest .

  20. 其结果是,在新政府的指导原则中,务实主义将占据与任一政党的政治理念同等重要的位置。执政联盟的两位党魁表示,他们都信奉自由、公平和责任。

    The result is a government that will be guided as much by pragmatism as by any organising political idea . The two leaders say they both believe in freedom , fairness and responsibility .

  21. 对奥巴马来说,不幸的是,左翼反对他的务实主义甚于赞同他的雄心,而中、右翼反对他的雄心甚于赞同他的务实主义。

    Sadly for the president , the left objects to his pragmatism more than it applauds his ambitions , and the centre and right object to his ambitions more than they welcome his pragmatism .

  22. 通过修补与邻国的关系,安倍可以向日本选民展示,他并不像外界有时候所认为的那样,是个危险的民粹主义者,而是一个占据安全的中间立场的务实主义者。

    By repairing relations with neighbours , he can demonstrate to the electorate that he is not the dangerous nationalist he is sometimes made out to be , but rather a pragmatist who occupies the safe centre ground .

  23. 土俄从政治经济安全等方面的共同利益出发,相对超脱于历史上畛域划然的厚重界标,推行务实主义的地缘外交(强化经济意义、淡化政治色彩)。

    Common interests in political and economic security considerations caused the two countries to transcend the once accentuated boundary mark in the historical realm and to push a pragmatic geopolitical foreign policy , emphasizing it economic aspect and lessening its political color .

  24. 奇怪的是,长远而言,务实的现实主义政治可能带来更好的关系。

    Oddly enough , hard-nosed realpolitik could over time promote a better relationship .

  25. 但现在是采取务实的现实主义的时候。

    But this is a time for pragmatic realism .

  26. 世界最需要的不是其他什么,是务实的理想主义者。

    What the world needs , more than anything else , is practical idealists .

  27. 如果有一个务实保守现实主义的时代,那么就是现在了。

    If ever there was a time for pragmatic conservative realism , it is now .

  28. 我们是务实的理想主义者!

    We are the practical idealists !

  29. 在我看来,尽管置身非常时期,他却是一位务实的保守主义者。

    To me , he is a pragmatic conservative , albeit one responding to extraordinary times .

  30. 我想说的是,欧盟不再值得务实的理想主义者热爱。

    What I am saying is that the EU no longer deserves the devotion of practical idealists .