
zhì xún
  • question;challenge;query;address inquiries to;pose;ask for an explanation
质询 [zhì xún]
  • [question;query] 质疑;询问

质询[zhì xún]
  1. 人民代表大会代表有权向国家机关提出质询。

    Deputies to the People 's Congresses have the right to address inquiries to state organs .

  2. 他对我的当面质询迫使我思索如何作答。

    His confronting me forced me to search for the answers .

  3. 本·莫里斯先生在议会就程序问题提出质询。

    A point of order was raised in parliament by Mr Ben Morris

  4. 下周二,州长将接受委员会的质询。

    The Governor will appear before the committee next Tuesday .

  5. 通常情况下,反对党议员质询大臣们时,只是在进行党派斗争。

    Usually when Opposition MPs question Ministers they are just playing party politics .

  6. 他受到了与会者一连串愤怒的质询。

    He was faced with a barrage of angry questions from the floor .

  7. 专家讨论小组的成员剩下的工作就是将他们的质询精简成一个精妙的问题。

    The panelists are left to compress their inquiries into one good zinger of a question

  8. 通常有很多疑问的他却缺乏向她质询的决心。

    He who was usually so full of questions lacked the will to confront her with them .

  9. 你是说我们并没有提出质询?

    You mean we didn 't query it ?

  10. 对所有证人的质询用了一周的时间。

    The examination of all the eyewitnesses took a week .

  11. 其它消息会产生一个特殊的质询(challenge)响应给发送者。

    Other messages generate a special challenge response to the sender .

  12. 彼得•兰扎和亚当的哥哥瑞安被美国联邦调查局质询但并不是嫌疑人,执法部门的消息人士告诉《people》。

    Peter Lanza and Adam 's older brother Ryan were questioned by the FBI but are not suspects , a law enforcement source tells PEOPLE .

  13. 只有足够快的CPU才能回答这个质询。

    Only a fast enough CPU can answer the challenge .

  14. 詹姆斯默多克表示,他乐于再次在伦敦接受下议院(houseofcommons)专责委员会的质询。

    James Murdoch said he would be happy to face a house of Commons select committee again in London .

  15. 这种机制由Web服务用来对请求者进行更多质询,以确保消息不过时,以及验证安全令牌的使用是否已经授权。

    This is used by a Web service for additional challenges to a requester to ensure message freshness and verification that the use of a security token is authorized .

  16. Wiki质询可以是交互式的,也可以是非交互式的。

    A Wiki challenge can be either interactive or non-interactive .

  17. 这一质询是SEC审查公司对证券持有人造成投资风险的措施的一部分。

    The inquiries are part of SEC reviews of companies ' investment risks to security holders .

  18. 7月28日,在警察质询沃斯福德为什么不享受赛事之前,就要求54岁的沃斯福德留下了自己的指纹,并采集了DNA信息和脸部照片。

    The 54-year-old had his fingerprints , DNA and mugshot taken before being questioned about why he did not appear to be enjoying the event on July 28 .

  19. 他说:Imax没有受到SEC的任何质询。

    Imax has not had any inquiries from the SEC , he says .

  20. 没有诚意的人将无法得到我的资源,只有那些能够证明自己有足够的兴趣、付出一些CPU周期来回答这个质询的人才能得到这个资源。

    Dilettantes cannot have my resource , only those who prove they have enough interest to use some CPU cycles in answering a challenge .

  21. 如果应答者能够回答因数分解质询(Challenge),则说明他已经做了相当多的工作(或者偷偷地从生成那个组合的人那里得到了因数)。

    Answering a factorization challenge is proof that the respondent has done a quantifiable degree of work ( or obtained the factors surreptitiously from the person who generated the composite ) .

  22. 周三,戴蒙德将接受英国议会一个负责LIBOR丑闻调查的委员会的质询。

    On Wednesday , diamond will appear before a committee of Parliament investigating the LIBOR scandal .

  23. 世界知识产权组织这份报告出台之际,中国正准备于本月在世界贸易组织(WTO)接受就其遵守知识产权保护条例情况进行的质询,包括网上出售假冒商品等事宜。

    The Wipo report comes as China prepares to face questioning in the World Trade Organisation this month on its compliance with intellectual property rules , including the internet sale of counterfeit goods .

  24. “RememberMe”是一种由许多网站提供的流行功能,它通过仅质询一次用户凭据简化了登录流程,并提供了更好的用户体验。

    " Remember Me " is a popular feature provided by many Web sites that simplifies the sign in process and provides a better user experience by challenging a user only once for credentials .

  25. 在管理部门质询蓝十字颂歌公司(AnthemBlueCross)对加利福利亚地区提高39%保险投保费的正当性后,该公司承认了错误并放弃了这项计划。

    After our administration demanded that Anthem Blue Cross justify a 39 % premium increase on Californians , the company admitted the error and backed off its plan .

  26. 为了实现非交互式的“支付(payment)”,hashcash让我向所有想给我发送电子邮件的人都分发一个标准质询。

    To achieve a non-interactive " payment ," hashcash lets me issue a standing challenge to anyone who wants to e-mail me .

  27. 如今,总部位于伦敦的汇丰(hsbc)又被指控在防范洗钱方面失职,将接受美国参议院一个调查委员会的质询。

    Now HSBC is due to appear before a US Senate investigative committee , charged with dereliction of its duty to prevent money laundering .

  28. 所采用的方法如无源γ射线法、X射线法、无源中子计数法及有源中子质询法等。介绍了这些方法的原理、特点和主要用途。

    Also described are the basic principles and features of the methods , which include active and passive gamma ray spectrometry , X-ray fluorescence , passive neutron counting and neutron interrogation and so on .

  29. 默多克父子正面临议会质询,人们开始质疑:新闻集团(NewsCorp)董事会此前对电话窃听丑闻了解多少?又是何时才意识到问题的严重性?

    As the Murdochs face questioning , concerns have arisen over what the News Corp board knew about the scandal and when it began to realize that these issues were serious .

  30. hashcash对非交互式质询最为实用。

    Hashcash is most useful for non-interactive challenges .