
  • 网络quality management system;QMs;QIS;GMPS
  1. 一个完善的质量管理系统是一个正式的,全员性的系统。

    A fully-fledged QMS is a formalized , company-wide system .

  2. 运用API函数解决开放式电能质量管理系统中的技术问题

    Resolving Technological Problems of Opening Power Quality Management System with API

  3. G公司SAP质量管理系统应用研究

    A Study on SAP Quality Management System for G Corporation

  4. MDA软件开发技术在集成质量管理系统中的应用研究

    Research and Application on MDA in Integrated Quality Management System

  5. 基于数据仓库和OLAP的卷烟质量管理系统

    The Cigarette Quality Management System Based on Data Warehouse & OLAP

  6. 通过以上研究,并综合利用CORBA组件技术和JAVA技术开发出了计算机辅助质量管理系统的原型系统。

    On the basis of the research results , A CAQ prototype system based on CORBA and JAVA technology is developed .

  7. 文章具体描述了公路质量管理系统的设计方案并用UML对系统的各个开发阶段进行了各类建模。

    The article describes the designing project of this system and builds every kind of models in each of exploder phases .

  8. 面向PLM的协同质量管理系统

    PLM - oriented collaborative quality management

  9. 本文根据最流行的SOA架构,对ERP中质量管理系统进行研究,主要做了以下工作:1、结合企业实际需求情况,进行了ERP质量管理系统的需求分析。

    The main works of this paper are as follows : 1 , Combined with the actual demand of enterprises , this paper analyzes the needs of the Quality Management system .

  10. 最后:总结了质量管理系统的实现方案,并对使用RationalROSE进行UML建模的方法提出了一些看法和见解。

    Finally , the author of this paper summarizes the scheme to realize the quality monitoring system , and some personal experiences and suggestions on Rational Rose usage and UML model creation are also put forward here .

  11. 介绍了ERW直缝钢管生产企业ERP质量管理系统的基本结构组成、主要功能及该系统的应用和使用效果。

    It presents the basic structure composition , main function and application of this system and usage effect of ERP quality control system on longitudinal ERW pipe manufacturer .

  12. 伴随着中国新版药品GMP的实施,中国制药企业面临了更为激烈的竞争,寻求一个适合制药企业的质量管理系统非常重要。

    With the implementation of China New GMP Guideline , China pharmaceutical companies are facing a more fierce competition , seeking a suitable quality management system is very important .

  13. 在SLA管理的执行阶段将SLA管理的相关技术引入业务管理,实现业务服务质量管理系统的管理功能。

    Secondly , the technologies related to SLA management is introduced to business management in the implementation phase , in order to achieve the management of the quality of service of railway businesses .

  14. 最后,结合飞机制造企业质量管理系统,给出了Shark工作流系统与J2EE框架的集成实例和实现过程。

    Finally , an integration example of workflow system-SHARK and a framework of J2EE was provided to illustrate the implementation , which has been put into practice in an quality management system of an aircraft manufacturer .

  15. 开放数据连接(ODBC)实时监测及管理系统是大型轮胎厂产品质量管理系统的一个重要部分。

    The real time monitor and management system based on open database connection ( ODBC ) is an important part of management system of the product quality in large scale tire factory .

  16. 第五章介绍了PMW模型的定义和结构,并运用该模型对生产质量管理系统进行建模。

    Chapter five describes the definition and structure of PMW and applies it to the modeling of the manufacturing system .

  17. 本文以水泥厂的质量管理系统的研发项目为应用背景,构建了基于MIDAS的多层分布为主与基于Web的B/S为辅的混合架构的体系结构;

    In this paper , a mixed distributed multilayer system architecture which base on dominating MIDAS ( C / S ) and subordinate Web ( B / S ) techniques is built by the application background of research and the development project of the quality control system of cement factory .

  18. 为此,将数据仓库和联机分析处理技术(OLAP)引入卷烟质量管理系统,提出了基于数据仓库和OLAP的卷烟质量管理系统的体系结构,并利用星型结构实现了卷烟质量管理系统多维数据模型。

    So , the Data Warehouse and OLAP technology can be applied to this system . It proposes the system structure of cigarette quality management system based on Data Warehouse and OLAP , establishes the multidimensional data model of the cigarette quality management system with star-scheme .

  19. 利用VFP6.0强大的数据计算和管理功能,设计了对地质调查样品分析数据的实验室质量管理系统。

    In this paper , the powerful calculation and management functions of Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 were used to design laboratory quality management system .

  20. 从软件工程角度,建立了面向产品生命周期的全面质量管理系统(PLCTQMS)的总体构架,着重介绍了可视化过程建模,强调了产品、指令、资源信息及知识的有效集成;

    Then from the viewpoint of software engineering , the general system architecture of Product Lifecycle Total Quality Management System ( PLCTQMS ) was constructed , process visualization modeling was introduced , and effective integration of product , order , resource and knowledge was emphasized .

  21. 建设药品监督质量管理系统就成了一个重要任务。

    Drug construction quality management system has become an important task .

  22. 计算机辅助产品质量管理系统的设计和开发

    The Design and Development of the System of Computer Aided Quality

  23. 军队药品仪器检验所药检业务质量管理系统的研究开发

    The development of a quality assurance system used by Drug-Control Institute

  24. 开放式电能质量管理系统动态报表的实现

    Implementation of dynamic spreadsheet for open access power quality management system

  25. 基于事例推理的质量管理系统模型的建立

    Design of the Quality Management System Model Based on Case Reasoning

  26. 基于双库结构的集成质量管理系统支撑平台研究

    Study of supporting platform in bi-base based integrated quality management system

  27. 应用质量管理系统提高医院护理质量

    Application of quality control system to improvement of nursing quality

  28. 基于扩展活动网络图的工作流质量管理系统的研究

    The Research of Workflow Quality Management System Based on Expanded Activity Diagram

  29. 汽车外协件质量管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Quality Management System for Vehicle Parts

  30. 面向加工过程的六西格玛质量管理系统开发与应用研究

    Study and Application of Six Sigma Quality Management System for Manufacturing Process