
  • 网络Agricultural development strategy;strategy of expand agriculture
  1. 新世纪河南农业发展战略刍议

    On Strategies of Henan Agriculture in the Period of New Century

  2. 入世后吉林省农业发展战略研究

    The Study on Jilin 's Agricultral Developing Strategy after Enter WTO

  3. 海峡西岸经济区现代农业发展战略思考与若干对策

    Strategies and countermeasures of modern agriculture development in cross-straits economic zone

  4. 广西石山地区大农业发展战略研究

    The strategic study on agricultural development in Guangxi Karst Region

  5. 论福建省农业发展战略的指导思想

    On Guide Principle of Agricultural Development Strategy of Fujian province

  6. 试论非洲农业发展战略

    A trial discussion on the strategies of African Agricultural Development

  7. 山西省旱作农业发展战略探讨

    Study on the Development Strategy of Dryland Agriculture in Shanxi Prov in ce

  8. 河西地区的生态建设与可持续农业发展战略及对策

    On the strategy of ecological construction and sustainable agricultural development of Hexi Area

  9. 中部五省地区农业发展战略研究

    Strategies for agricultural development in the middle five-province area

  10. 广西农业发展战略问题初步探讨

    Approach to the Strategic Problems of Agriculture in Guangxi

  11. 公共财政支持下的现代农业发展战略研究

    Public Financial Support and the Development of Modern Agriculture

  12. 基于多功能性的江苏现代农业发展战略探讨

    Discussion on Strategy of Developing Modern Agriculture Based on Multi-functionality in Jiangsu Province

  13. 水土流失地区持续农业发展战略与对策

    Developing Strategy for the Sustained Agriculture in Water loss and Soil Erosion District

  14. 中部农业发展战略思考

    Discussion on Strategic Development of Agriculture in Central China

  15. 天津沿海都市型农业发展战略构想

    Development Stratagem of Along-sea City Agriculture Type in Tianjin

  16. 广西岩溶石漠化地区农业发展战略研究

    Studies on agriculture development strategy for Karst Stony Desertification Region in Guangxi Autonomous Region

  17. 宁夏生态农业发展战略研究

    Study on Strategy of Eco-agriculture Development of Ningxia

  18. 黄土高原丘陵地区农业发展战略问题

    Strategies for the development of agriculture on the hilly region of the Loess Plateau

  19. 安徽省大别山贫困地区农业发展战略研究

    Strategic Studies on agriculture development of Dabie Mountain poverty stricken region in Anhui Province

  20. 区域农业发展战略研究

    Strategic research on the regional agricultural development

  21. 厦门现代农业发展战略研究

    Strategic Research about Xiamen Modern Agriculture Development

  22. 广东省北部丘陵山区农业发展战略问题的探讨

    An inquiry into the strategies for agricultural development in the northern Hilly District of Guangdong Province

  23. 对东北区域农业发展战略作了较为系统的总结。

    This chapter gave a relatively comprehensive summary of the agricultural development strategies in Northeast China .

  24. 山东石灰岩山区生态经济农业发展战略研究经石灰鞣制或浸酸的山羊皮

    Shandong Ecological Environment of Limestone Mountain Region and Sustainable Agriculture Development Strategy ; goatskin limed or pickled

  25. 珠江三角洲经济区高科技农业发展战略的选择

    Strategy and measure on the development of agriculture through high new technology in Pearl River Delta economy areas

  26. 天津滨海都市型现代农业发展战略研究&塘沽区现代农业发展总体规划构想

    Strategy Research on Metropolitan-type Modern Agricultural Development in Binhai Area of Tianjin & Planning Ideas of Modern Agricultural Development in Tanggu District

  27. 客观而准确地把握条件与优势、问题与挑战是科学制定都市农业发展战略的基础和前提。

    The foundation and prerequisite for scientific urban agriculture development strategy lie in grasping conditions and advantages , problems and challenges objectively and accurately .

  28. 河西地区农业发展战略重构&论河西阳光绿色高水效农业基地建设

    Reconstruction of the Agricultural Development Strategy in Hexi Region & on the Construction of the Sunshine , Green and High Water-efficient Agriculture Base in Hexi Region

  29. 实施大区域、大资源、大农业发展战略&甘肃在西部大开发中的战略选择

    Carrying out the development strategy of " big region , big resources and big agriculture " & Gansu 's strategic choice during the great development of the west

  30. 例如,埃及在制定农业发展战略的各个五年计划中,把乳制品业发展放在第一位;印度从1970年起就在全国开展洪流行动大力发展乳制品业。

    For example , Egypt sets dairy industry as primary policy in agricultural development stratagem ; India develops onrush action in the whole country for developing dairy industry since 1970 .